Sonic x Amy tickle

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It was a just a relaxing day in Green hill zone. The sun was shining, the animals were playing, and everyone was having a fun day.

Sonic the hedgehog was zooming through green hill just enjoying the free wind. "I'm free!" he yelled to the world as he ran faster and faster through his home.

Suddenly, he felt something hit his head and everything turned black.


When Sonic woke up, he found himself strapped to a table. He tried to break free, but it was no use. "Wh-What's going on?"

"Hello Sonic." Sonic looked up to see none other then Amy Rose. "Amy? What're you doing?"

"Nothing much." she said with a smirk on her face and she slowly walked towards a shelf. It had toothbrushes, regular brushes, feathers-Wait, these were all stuff to use when you're....uh oh.

Sonic tried his best to wiggle around freely, but even he couldn't get out of the straps. "Amy, no. Please don't do this."

"You keep running away from me. But not this time." Amy said as she picked up a feather and slowly stroke Sonic's feet. Sonic held his laughter as he felt the ticklish feather on his feet. "Hehehehehehehe A-Amy hehehehehehehehehe stop hehehehehehehehe."

"Hmmm, not laughing as much. I got an idea." Amy replied as she quickly switched to her toothbrush. She rubbed it against Sonic's toes and got a loud burst of laughter from the blue hedgehog. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AMY! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Sonic yelled as he felt the ticklish vibration from the toothbrush.

Then, Amy moved up to his legs and started to tickle him there. Sonic thrashed around to try and get away but still the straps were super strong. Sonic felt Amy's hands move up to his belly as she tickled faster. Sonic was about to lose it. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Sonic had tears in his eyes now and was starting to lose his breath. To deliver the final act, Amy put her mouth on top of Sonic's and blew really hard. Sonic threw his head back and burst out laughing to no end. The blue blur was now a giggle blue mush.

After 10 minutes of the torture, Amy stopped tickling him. "So Sonic, how was your tickle torture?" she asked in a sweet yet very devious voice. Sonic smiled nervously. "It was....something." he said as Amy laughed. "Well don't worry. I'll tickle you another day so you wouldn't have to be so tired." Amy said as she untied the blue blur. "The door is downstairs. Cya." Amy said as sh walked out of the room. "I'm gonna get her back." Sonic said to himself as he zoomed out of Amy's house.

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