Sonic: Finale

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Cupid: Son of a rat!

Author: What happened?

Cupid: Sonic survived the whole thing!

Author: What did you think was going to happen when you have the fastest character in video games running from crazy girls?

Cupid: I figured Amy or female Shadow would be possible winners. This isn't how the game is supposed to go!

Bopper: Well somebody is being a sore loser.

Fury: Sounds like he needs a diaper change. *hits a fist into his palm*

Hip: Or a god level wedgie.

Cupid: *sighs* I keep my word anyways. *snaps his fingers*

Sonic reappears in the area with the other males.

Sonic: ......I'm alive? I'm alive!

Cupid: Congrats Sonic, you somehow managed to survive my full wrath of the "Horny Games".

Author: Looks like somebody's going to be thrown a lawsuit in the future.

Cupid: What? No! This isn't a rip-off of the Hunger Games!

Class: You just put Sonic through a game of survival in a huge arena filled with women competing to be his first. That's basically a Valentine's Day version of the Hunger Games.

Cupid: You don't understand, this isn't the Hunger Games! I literally threw in magical and immortal opponents.

Aura: Sonic literally went through the trauma of seeing some of his closest friends either go crazy or mutate into something else. That's basically like the Hunger Games' protagonist.

Cupid: ...........Oh my gosh, you're right!

Zavok: You had your fun. Now we wish to get out and forget this experience.

Cupid: You misunderstand, Zeti. I wasn't just going to do this on Sonic. I'm going to have my fun with ALL of you. Sonic was just Round 1.

Everyone (except Aura): *gulps* 0_0

Cupid: But first...*snaps fingers*

Sonic feels something pull out of him as another Sonic ripped into existence from his body.

Both Sonic's: What the-

Cupid: I created a clone of you with your exact memories and DNA, completely flawless.

Class: Why? Sonic is done on his turn.

Cupid: I decided to challenge him further while keeping my promise to the real one.

Sonic: What?

Cupid: I'm going to pull more females or other crushes from the multiverse to try to get with your clone. Regardless who wins, I'll wipe the clone out.

Class: But that would mean if the clone fails, the real Sonic could be stuck having to raise a kid anyways as if he lost anyways.

Fury: You bloody cheater!

All of the males that were changed into females appeared and changed back to their old selves.

Tails: head hurts...

Cupid: After the clone is done, we move to Round 2.



If you the reader have a female OC that has a crush on Sonic, you can rp here or pm if you want.

Regardless, the canon story will continue on as if Sonic won anyways.


Who should try to survive next?





-Aura (OC)

-Bopper (OC)

-Hip (OC)

Please call help! My avatar has been held here for over a year at least, and it smells like dog dung in here!

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