Sonic: Wave 3

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Cupid: So what if he survived Wave 2? Wave 3 is the hardest of all! *mutters* Unless I have to make a Wave 4.

Wave 3

Female Tails

Adult Cream




Sally Acorn

Female Shadow

Amy Rose

Sonic stopped by Green Hill to catch his breath.

Sonic: I can't believe this is happening. All of my friends are after me.

Cream: *comes out of a bush* Mr Sonic? Is it safe?

Sonic: *nods* Yeah

Sonic had found Cream an hour earlier, completely unaffected by the effects of the Hormone Bomb.

The day was almost over for the most part, but Sonic knew Wave 3 was going to be coming for him soon.

The two left Green Hill and walked off to find a place to hide.

Just when they spotted a house not far away, they were both hit with darts and knocked out.

Two hours later...

Sonic wakes up to find himself strapped to a metal table.

He saw Cream in a container and her mother, Vanilla, in another.

Sonic soon realized where he was..............Tails lab!

Female Tails walked inside and in front of Sonic.

Female Tails: Hey Sonic~

Sonic: Tails! Snap out of it bro! We're brothers!

Female Tails: I'm always tired of us being just brothers, and never getting to be even closer to you. But that's going to change soon~

Sonic: You wouldn't dare hurt Cream and Vanilla!

Female Tails: I'm not going to hurt them. Cupid wants to make sure Cream is part of the hunt too.

Sonic: But she can't, she's a kid!

Female Tails: (smirks) But she could join if she was an adult.

She then flipped a switch which activates the containers.

Sonic watched in horror as Vanilla was liquified and went up a tube.

Vanilla's remains then covered Cream from head to toe, incasing her in a gooey cocoon.

Sonic: What are you doing to her?!

Female Tails: Since Cream was born from Vanilla, I'm fusing Vanilla with her, which should speed Cream's body to be an adult.

After she said that, the container opened to reveal the new Cream.

She was way taller than her younger self, and had some of her mother's features.

Adult Cream: (smirks seductively at Sonic) Mr Sonic~ Do you want to see my bedroom~?

Sonic: No no no no no no no!!!

Sonic spin dashed off the table and dodged Cream's arms and Tails robot arms.

Female Tails: Get back over here Sonic!

Sonic: NO!!!

He ran away from Tails lab, losing them until they were specks.

Adult Cream: *giggles* Soon, I'll be known as Mrs Hedgehog soon.

Jedi: (in the distance) That's a horrible last name for a rabbit!!!

Sonic meanwhile was running until he spots Blaze nearby.

Sonic: *whispers* Please be normal...

When he approached her, she was still staring out at the ocean.

Blaze: Sonic...what did you think of me when we first met?

Sonic: I thought you were a cool and awesome friend, as well as someone I could have great adventures with.

Blaze: And not once...did you get frustrated with me and my stubbornness?

Sonic: No... you were trying to save your world like I was.

Blaze: *looks at him* Did you ever ask yourself why I did what I did before we parted ways?

Sonic: *raises an eyebrow* What do you mean?

Blaze: Like when we held hands before I left for my world. Or when we had that conversation before you left for yours.

Sonic: Yeah, why?

Blaze: *blushes* Because............*tackles Sonic* I LOVE YOU SONIC!!!

Sonic: Ah!!!

Sonic rolled himself free and dashed off.

It didn't take long for Blaze to be on his tail

Blaze: Please Sonic~! Lets be together for the rest of our lives~!

Sonic: Please go back to your dimension!

Blaze: Never~!!!

Sonic ran around until someone pulled him into a sewer down below.

He looked and saw Fiona, before getting into a defensive stance.

Fiona: Easy Sonic! I managed to avoid the Hormone Bomb like Breezie.

Sonic: *breathes out* That's a relief.

Fiona: Yeah. Everyone's crazier than Rosie.

Sonic: Not as crazy as you helping me. I thought you were loyal to Scourge?

Fiona: Yeah..things didn't go well with us after our prison break long ago.

Sonic: Really?

Fiona: We kind of starting getting more distant until we pretty much just decided to be partners in crime rather than the other kind of partner.

Sonic: Ouch! So sorry...

Fiona: *sigh* Don't be, I already made a huge mistake betraying you and Tails.

Sonic: It's not your fault, you didn't know who Scourge was like the rest of us did.

Fiona: But I backstabbed you, as your former girlfriend no less.

Sonic: Fiona...a lot of us make just got get back up from them and keep going.

Fiona: From all I did, I don't think I can recover from it.

Sonic: You'll be fine, I know you will.

Fiona: I hope so.

Suddenly, a pipe next to Fiona bursts out a pink gas that fills her lungs.

Sonic: Fiona!

After a few minutes of her coughing later, she looked at Sonic with a seductive smirk.

Fiona: Sonic~ I've been a very naughty girl~ I want you to punish me~

Sonic: NO!!! WHY?!?!

Sonic dashed out of the sewers and onto the streets.

He continued his run until he hid inside a house in City Escape.

Sonic: I'm safe here...

As soon as he said that though, he was tackled down from the shadows.

Rouge: Got ya~!

Sonic: Rouge! Why?!

Rouge: You're asking why I'd fall for you with even without the Hormone Bomb?

Sonic: *nods*

Rouge: Didn't you ask yourself why I called you "Big Blue"?

Sonic: Yeah...

Rouge: Because I want you hun~

Sonic immediately spin dashed through the ground beneath him until he wounded up under the house

When he got out from beneath the house, he dashed for the only place left that no ones been to: His house

Once he got inside and into his room, he saw something that shocked him.

It was Sally...and she didn't look so well.

Sonic: Sally! What happened to you?

Sally: *cough* I've been hiding in here....*cough*.....trying to fight off the hormones....

Sonic: With what? It's effects are too strong.

Sally: I've been using a drug on myself that nulls the effects.

After Sally shows it, Sonic's face pales.

Sonic: Sally! That drug isn't good for you! If you take too much of it, you'll either get cancer or lung damage.

Sally: I don't...*coughs*...have a choice....I got to if I want to....*coughs*......keep you safe...

Sonic grabbed her and took her to Tails other lab he had beneath his house.

He put her inside a machine of some kind

Sally: What are you doing?!

Sonic: Saving your life!

The invention drained the drug out from Sally's body and fixed any damages done inside her.

After it was done, Sally was backing away from Sonic.

Sally: No! Stay away! I don't want to force you like the other girls!

Sonic held her still and looked into her eyes.

Sonic: You won't do that Sal. We've been together since we were kids. I know you wouldn't hurt me.

Sally calmed down for the most part.

Suddenly, a dart was going for Sonic

At the last second...Sally quickly shifted their positions so she would take it instead.

Sonic: Sally! No!!

Sally closed her eyes for a few minutes, before opening them halfway

Sally: Sonic my love~

Sonic dashed out of his house, this time enraged.

Sonic: When I get my hands on Cupid, I'll shove all his arrows up his-

Sonic didn't get to finish because he was tripped by someone.

???: Long time no see...Faker~

Sonic looked and saw someone he had hoped he wouldn't run into at the moment.

Female Shadow smirked at him from above, looking at him as if he were a piece of meat. (Or in this case, looking at him the same way Sonic looks at a chili dog.)

Sonic: Shadow, even you shouldn't be affected by the Hormone Bomb!

Female Shadow: Oh I've been exposed to more than just that....and it's made me crazy for you~

Sonic: You're not letting me go until you get that "Ultimate Action", aren't you?

Female Shadow: *smirks and nods*

Sonic immediately jumped and Homing Attacked Shadow before boosting away

Female Shadow was immediately right next to him in the chase

Female Shadow: You can't escape me Sonic~! We were destined to be together the moment our rivalry started~!

The chase went on for 30 minutes, neither side wanting to give up easily.

Just before Shadow could kick him, something knocked him out and into a building.

Sonic looked and saw the one girl who could make his whole body pale.

Amy Rose

Sonic knew it was only a matter of time before he had his encounter with Amy.

She didn't even need the Hormone Bomb to make her chase him, she was already doing that before.

Amy had been crazy in love with him since day one!

For the most part, Amy looked like her usual self, except he couldn't see her face since she was looking down.

Amy: Sonikku~

Sonic: Amy?

Amy: Sonic, this time there's no way out of marrying me~

Amy looked up with a look of full hunger....for Sonic.

Before Sonic could react, Amy threw her hammer, which knocked him back several yards.

Amy caught her hammer and walked towards Sonic.

Amy: You'll never escape me Sonic~ I've chased you for years, so I know every place you would go to.

Sonic got up and spin dashed Amy before she could tackle him.

Sonic starts running, but Amy was close behind him.

Amy: Sonic~! You're only delaying the future~!

Sonic: My future is getting out of this hunt!

Sonic narrowly dodged a hammer thrown at him and slid under a moving car.

Amy was still gaining on him, but Sonic managed to make a large dust cloud to block Amy's sight.

Amy: Sonic~! We are meant to be together~!!!

Sonic: See ya!

Sonic decides to try the one place NO ONE would follow him to.

One hour later, he arrived at Eggman's base to recover himself.

Sonic: No one would think to check the bad guys base.

There was an eerie silence ever since Sonic got here.

He knew Eggman wasn't likely here since the place was emptied of all guys.

But why did this quietness not feel right?

Sonic then checked around to see what was going on.

What happened next was.....

Cupid: And that's where we'll leave our cliffhanger!

Jedi: Really? You're going to leave people in suspense like that?

Cupid: It won't be like that for long.

Jedi: Hopefully...

Cupid: Now it's the reader's call to see what happens!

What will happen to Sonic?

Will he survive the final round?


Will one of the girls from the different waves win?

Wave 1

Bunnie Rabbot

Mina Mongoose

Female Scourge


Wave 2




Ghost Girl

Sir Percival

Female Knuckles

Female Silver

Female Mephiles
Wave 3

Female Tails

Adult Cream




Sally Acorn

Female Shadow

Amy Rose

Cupid: But seriously though, pick something to happen to Sonic.........or else I will come to your house with my bow and shoot arrows all over you!

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