Sonic: Wave 1

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Cupid: We've got someone choosing Blue Blur to survive!

Sonic: NNNNOOOO!!!! WHY ME?!?!

Cupid: Drop the Hormone Bomb!

Class: Just curious, but is there only hormones inside?

Cupid: Nope! It's also filled with things and memories from Sonic. The bomb basically makes females obsessed with everything about the male.

Sonic: Hey! That's personal!

Cupid: Just for yelling at me, I'll raise the stakes some! (snaps his fingers)

Suddenly, Tails, Shadow, Silver, Mephiles, Scourge and Knuckles all froze.

Everyone watched in horror as the six males were turned into girls slowly as clothes appeared on them.

All six of them were teleported outside with the other girls.

Cupid: Have a nice time out there!

Sonic disappeared outside the place and into the city.

Wave 1





Female Scourge


Sonic looked around, seeing no girl in sight.

Sonic: (sighs in relief) Maybe he was just pulling a prank.

Suddenly, there was a MASSIVE stampede of women running towards him.

Sonic: (eyes widened and jaw drops)

It was at this moment that Sonic knew....he goofed up!

Sonic ran the fastest he's ever done around the city.

He eventually left and tried hiding in Knothole.

Sonic: I'll be safe here. No one thinks to be at Knothole.

???: Except for a few ol' friends~

Sonic felt two arms wrap around him, one furry and one metal.

Sonic's head turns to see one of his friends from the Freedom Fighters.

Bunnie Rabbot

Sonic: Nope! I'm fleeing the coop!

Sonic spin dashed Bunnie off and ran.

Bunnie: Come back sugarhog~! We haven't caught up yet~!

Sonic was about to get out of Knothole, when he saw Mina standing in his way.

He made a new path out of the woods, but heard a sonic boom afterwards.

He looked behind and saw a yellow and purple streak following him.

Sonic: Oh Chaos! I forgot she had super speed!

Sonic kicked it up a notch and dashed past the meadow.

Mina: Come on Sonic~! We can still make a better tune than last time we were together~!

Sonic: If you want a tune, go do it with my brother, Manic!

He went into a small forest and hid inside.

After hiding for a few minutes, Sonic felt his stomach growl.

Sonic: Man, I haven't gotten to eat since yesterday.

He then spots a chili dog on a plate out in the open.

Sonic: (mouth drooling) Jackpot!

He went to grab it, but then he found himself immediately trapped inside a hanging net.

Sticks dropped down from the trees and onto the net to look into Sonic's eyes.

Sticks: I finally caught my prey~

Sonic: You should try fishing with Big instead.

Sonic spin dashed out of the net and ran, dodging boomerangs from Sticks.

He then spotted someone signaling him inside a house.

He ran inside and caught his breath.

He then saw that the person was Breezie.

Sonic: Oh n-

Breezie: Be quiet! The girls are still looking for you.

Sonic: Wait...shouldn't you be trying to grab me?

Breezie: No. I managed to get inside an underground shelter before the Hormone Bomb hit.

Sonic: So you're not affected like the others?

Breezie: No.

Sonic: (sighs) That's a relief. We can just stay in here for now until this is all over.

Cupid: (in the distance) Oh heck naw!

Sonic went to sit down and relax some.

Suddenly, Female Scourge jumped through the window and pinned Breezie to the wall.

Sonic: Scourge! What the heck!

Female Scourge looked at Sonic lustfully with grin.

Female Scourge: Don't worry babe, I'll be with you soon~

Female Scourge quickly kissed Breezie on the lips.

Cupid appeared near Sonic.

Cupid: This is what you get for having a friend who cheated.

Sonic: Cupid! What is Scourge doing to Breezie?!

Cupid: She's sharing some of the effects of the Hormone Bomb with her.

Sonic: (blush) Yeah....but why like that?

Cupid: (shrugs) Maybe because biting people to change them is getting too cliche?

Jedi: (in the distance) Wow! Someone actually agrees with me that zombies are overrated!

Female Scourge finally stopped kissing Breezie and stepped back from her.

Breezie looked at Sonic seductively.

Breezie: Oh Sonic~ Aren't you going to rescue your damsel in distress~?

Sonic ran up the stairs to avoid them.

Breezie: Come back Sonic! I haven't made up to you for helping Robotnik!

Sonic: No thank you!

Sonic jumps through another window and keeps running.

He soon heard another sonic boom and saw a green streak gaining on him.

Female Scourge was catching up!

Female Scourge managed to grab him by the arm and throw him onto a rock, resulting in Sonic almost breaking his back.

Female Scourge: I'm sorry, but I had to do it babe~

Sonic: Why are you even doing this? You're pretty much me from another dimension!

Female Scourge: (smirks) Then I hope you don't mind kissing yourself~

Sonic immediately got up and sped away fast enough to make the Flash jealous.

Cupid: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! This is delicious!

Jedi: Don't get too comfortable, you're fun will end eventually.

Cupid: Wave 1 was unleashed!

Now you decide!

Will Sonic survive Wave 1?


Will one of the girls win and get Sonic?

Go and vote now!

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