The Revenge of Valentines Day

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Aura: (wakes up and gets up) What..happened?

All around him are all of his friends, except the girls.

Aura: Guys? Where are we? And where's the girls?

Fury: That's what we're trying to figure out.

Bopper: This whole place is just a giant sandbox with titanium walls.

Hip: All I remember is going to sleep and waking up here.

Vector: Did we all just sleep walk here?

Class: Highly doubtful of that, there's no way all of us could have sleep walked here.

Silver: Then how am I even here if I'm from the future?

Class: What else? We've been kidnapped.

Knuckles: (punches walls) Let us out of here!

Zavok: (bashes walls) I refuse to be kept in here with these nuisances!

Chaos: (telepathy) Aura, do you remember anything?

Aura: I remember getting hit with an arrow out of nowher, but the rest is me being unconscious.

Class: Yes. And it appears your captor forgot to clean up his mess. (pulls arrow out of Aura's rear)

Aura: Ow!

Shadow: So who would be stupid enough to kidnap all of us?

Mephiles: Once I learn their name, I will vaporize them from existence!

Class: You won't be able to do anything to him, because our captor is a god.

Mephiles: I'm a god too.

Class: Even the great Mephiles the Dark can't do anything to this person.

Sonic: Don't keep building suspense, tell us already!

Class: Our Cupid!

Everyone except Aura: WHAT?!?!

???: (slow clapping) Well done only took you one hour to figure that out!

A man wearing a diaper and holding a bow flew down on wings.

Cupid: Now that I have you all have you here as prisoners, you will all satisfy me with your finest entertai-

Everyone except Aura and Class: (bursts out laughing)

Cupid: Stop laughing at me!

Shadow: What kind of person wears a diaper for the rest of their life?!

Hip: Look at his cute little wings!

Aura: Uh guy-

Knuckles: Look at the top of his head!

Class: Gentleman, we sh-

Sonic: Look at his lips!

Cupid: ENOUGH!!!!

The guys were all knocked off their feet by a powerful wave.

Cupid: Are you done with your pitiful insults?

Everyone: (eyes widen and nods quickly)

Cupid: Perfect!

Aura: Why are we here?

Cupid: One of your friends was stupid enough to tick me off on Valentines Day.

Bopper: Wait...isn't Valentines Day several months away from now?

Hip: That depends on when this is being read.

???: Hip! How many times do I have to tell you?! Don't break the fourth wall!

Everyone looks and sees a man with brown hair and glasses wear a green t shirt and tan shorts.

Scourge: Who's that?

Aura: It's the Author of this book. You can just call him Jedi for now.

Jedi: Thanks for the introduction, but why am I also here?

Cupid: I'll get to point: Bean stole my chocolate and I want payback!

Fury: You're saying Bean's responsible?!

Jedi: Why don't you just punish him instead of us?

Cupid: Don't worry, he's currently going through the worst punishment possible: being forced to watch horrible teen star music videos 24/7!

Shadow: Perfect choice!

Tails: That still doesn't answer why we're here.

Cupid: Because Bean ticking me off finally gave me an excuse to get back at all of you for constantly ruining my holiday!

Bopper: What did we ever do?

Cupid: How about that match you had around my day, where you rejected a girl's offer and beat her up in front of everyone?

Bopper: She was trying to cheat her way to the top!

Cupid: Or how about the bajillion times Sonic ran from Amy?


Cupid: No body cares Sonic!

Sonic: (groans)

Cupid: Fury and Shadow, you two are complete jerks to girls. Always rejecting their advances.

Shadow: No body's my type.

Fury: You do know what happens to the heroes loved one in the comics, right?

Cupid: Knuckles, all you do with Rouge is just argue and bicker with her over that stupid Master Emerald.

Knuckles: Don't you dare call it stupid!

Cupid: And Aura...jeez...where do I even start with you? You completely gave up on romance all together and avoided anyone that could've been yours.

Aura: I did that because I wanted it to be their choice on who they live with forever.

Cupid: And for're the one who keeps making my holiday suffer.

Aura: (looks down)

Jedi: But why am I here?

Cupid: You're hear because you thought celebrating love was ridiculous for my holiday!!!

Jedi: But Valentines Day isn't supposed to be about romantic's about all love.

Love between brothers and sisters.

Love between parents and kids.

Love between best friends.

You can't make this a holiday about just romance!

Cupid: Again, NOBODY CARES!!!!

Jedi: If this is how our generation thinks, then we're doomed for sure.

Espio: I'm afraid to ask what our punishment is.

Cupid: Simple. If you won't accept girls feelings....I'll force them on you for my own entertainment!

Everyone: WHAT?!?!?!

Cupid: One at a time, you will be chosen to be brought out into the open world.

The only difference is that you will be the only male out there.

Before you're brought out, I'll drop my Hormone Bomb on the female population, making them completely in love with the male I send.

Once out there, I will watch in satisfaction as you try to run from their affections.

Each of you will go through 3-4 waves of women.

If you survive all rounds, you're free to leave once this is over.

Tails: (gulps) And if we lose?

Cupid: What else? You will be that girls boy toy for the rest of the day in bed.

Sonic: NO!!!

Shadow: NO!!!

Knuckles: NO!!!

Tails: NO!!!

Fury: NO!!!

Everyone else: NNNNOOOOO!!!!!

Jedi: (the following video below)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Cupid: Yes!!!

Jedi: Somebody! Call the FBI!!!

Cupid: Now that you reading this knows what will happen, why don't you answer the following question?

Which guy will go out first?















Aura (OC)

Fury (OC)

Bopper (OC)

Hip (OC)

Class (OC)


Author: Seriously?! Why am I on the list?!?!

Cupid: Deal with it!

Go ahead and pick who will try to survive.

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