A runaway Cinderella

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(At the same moment as the 6 months earlier)
Somewhere far from Verona lives another neighboring kingdom in London, England lived another person who had blue hair and green eyes and was once treated badly by his step-mother (Blaze) and step-sister (Sonia) but now lives with his Prince Charming ( Flairs) and teaching his step family the way of kindness named Cinderella (Sonic) who was stuck on duty while his prince was away from the kingdom Cinderellas thoughts were cut off as a voice said, Cinderella? Cinderella? He turned to his  step sister Anastasia and said, yes Anastasia do you need anything? Anastasia shook her head no and whispered, no its just that you haven't been yourself lately is something wrong? Cinderella shook his head no and whispered, well you see I haven't been able to set foot outside of the castle for a very long time and I always wanted to travel to the most beautiful places I ever seen. Anastasia asked, which one like Verona? Cinderella said as he looked at the balcony again, yes somewhere like that have you been there? Anastasia answered, no my real father went there on one of his trips once. Cinderella said, oh. One day after what seemed like forever the princes carriage arrived but not the prince himself but a messenger with with so much concern. Cinderella made his way to the front door and as the messenger let himself in with a gloomy look on his face, the blue haired boy asked, what's the matter? The messenger said in a gloomy but very sad voice, your highness I'm afraid the prince has died of a sudden heart attack. I'm so sorry to tell you that your highness. Cinderellas heart broke in 2 as he stumbled backwards and whispered as he cried, no this can't be. 3 months later the princes funeral was long but the burial was cut short Cinderella was able to see that he was alone as he stood in the rain. His step mother said as she walked with him, don't blame yourself Cinderella. But one day as Cinderella was about to start the day his step sister Anastasia burst in and said with tears on her face, I can't hide it anymore there's something I need to tell you Cinderella. Cinderella was awfully confused until 6 minutes later Anastasia decided to tell him the hole story. Shocked yet understood what she said to him Cinderella said, I see no wonder he never sees me that much and I had no idea that's what happened. Anastasia said, please Cinderella you must be free trust me I got a niece back him we'll do whatever we can okay? Cinderella got dressed, took a black cloak, and packed whatever he can and said as he smiled, I can never thank you enough for telling me this Anastasia thank you for everything and goodbye. With that Cinderella ran off into the world to see for himself 3 months later he went to Verona to see if it is really the most beautiful place he ever seen. He went to the Montague side to see for himself but for some reason the sides don't look like they were enemies at all.  prince Escalus  along side Lord and Lady Capulet announced that a servant to the Capulets was dead and needs someone to replace him. Then out of the crowd who never wanted to be a servant Cinderella said, pardon I good prince if the Capulets need a servant of new I shall be the servant of new they need if thou shall be please. The prince looked at the blue haired boy and said, by thy Gods hand another soul walks here in Verona and gladly needed to help the Capulets this shall be a working of kindness of a young maiden boy. Lady Capulet was surprised at someone who wanted to be a servant and said in curiousity, why nice young maid what be thee name. Cinderella said as he walked out of the crowd, thy name be Cinderella ma Lady. Lady Capulet was impressed with the younger boys manners and decided to assign the blue haired boy to the Capulets as their new servant. The next day Cinderella and the nurse were ordered to retrieve the ingredients for today's meal. Cinderella was vaguely unaware of the fact that someone had been catching a glimpse of his sweet face. Another day had passed in Verona Cinderella was working hard as a servant which to him he really missed being one and runs around the grounds of the Capulets side and the grounds of the Montague side sometimes by himself or most of the time with the nurse. One day while walking to the forest where it leads to a cemetery where Juliet was in he sees another individual in the cemetery. Huh? He said as he came closer to his unfamiliar person.

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