A renewed encounter

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The blue haired boy never seen someone that handsome. As the blue haired boy made his way towards the mysterious but he wasn't there anymore. Cinderella asked himself and walked off slowly, Where did he gone? Was thy imagining this mysterious person or was it a ghost of someone I didn't recognize? Father Mother what I shall do next? How long has the day been since thy prince and husband die from this woeful and deathful heart that was attacked by evil? Even thy ain't very surprised yet I felt shocked but I never knew thy love one was about to leave me for another soul before his death time why this happen? Unaware that a certain red haired boy was hiding from one of the tombstones and whispered, this saintly boy is something from what I never seek. He lost his love like I had those days ago but my heart gave up my Juliet and gave its love to this gracious young soul. A little while later he went to the Capulet ball again along with Benvolio (Silver) and Balthasar as company. As he was dressed in the same outfit that he met Juliet in but this time he met the blue haired boy once again in a very elegant way he wore a black mask with white glitter, dark midnight blue pants that is below his ankles and a dark purple shirt that it's length are down to his legs, his fair skin shined up a bit, his beautiful blue hair shimmered in the moon, and his green eyes sparkled like the stars in the sky. The red haired boy was amused but blushed as he saw the mysterious young blue haired boy. Benvolio said, Romeo are thou in love with another? Romeo nodded and pointed to Cinderella who was helping out the nurse. Benvolio said, why thy lords name thou found a fair young soul have thee not? Romeo answered, yes cousin by thy lords name unlike my Juliet he be a beautiful young soul I shall ask who is the young soul. Romeo went over to Lord Capulet and said, good eves Lord Capulet. Lord Capulet (Cyrus) said with a smile, good eves to yee too young Romeo. Romeo asked, Is this young boy a Capulet my lord? Lord Capulet looked at Cinderella and said, Why nay young Romeo he be a servant of new that the prince has brought fourth our our servant of old had died tragically unfortunate fact if thy don't know what he be called. Romeo nodded and thanked Lord Capulet and then apologized to him for the old servants lost and walked off towards the blue haired boy but was stopped by Benvolio as he said, hold Romeo we must be getting back towards the side of the Montague. As he walked in agreement he still looked at the young boy in the black mask with glitter. The very next day Romeo decided to take a stroll. He was oblivious. What normally had his thoughts with Juliet but now they we're officially replaced by the thoughts of the angelic boy he saw three times he was so lost at thought that he bumped into another individual. He fell and said, oh I be much sorry good sir or mam. A familiar voice said, Nai sir it is I should be much sorry. Romeo took a minute to see who it was and completely knew right that it was the blue haired servant boy back at the Capulets. Cinderella took his time to notice and then blushed as he whispered, I bug you do I not? Romeo shook his head smiling and whispered, Nai you were no bug to anysoul. Thats when Romeo noticed Cinderella and Cinderella noticed Romeo as they looked into each other's eyes they smiled.

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