Romeo and his Cinderella

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Curious Romeo said as he stood up, thee be that sweet boy-like maiden I first laid my gaze on are thou not? Cinderella said smiling as Romeo helped him up, why yes good sir I be the newest servant of the Capulet side. What be thou fine name my good sir. Romeo said smiling, thy name be Romeo of the Montagues would thou like me to show thee around? Cinderella said smiling, thank thee Romeo I be filled joyfully. Together the two head off and started to get to know each other about how they lost their loved ones and how it all started and pretty much everything, the red haired boy was shocked yet surprised that he finally met someone who had the same situation as he did. The young blue haired boy felt very happy for the very first time in his life that someone really understands him. Later as things were working well Romeo started walking his new sweetheart back to the Capulets side. The red haired boy asked, will I see thou later? The blue haired boy replied, only faith decides for us. Romeo walked back but not before asking, oh sorry but to ask but what be the name of thee my moonlight? Cinderella answered, thy name be Cinderella this day was a wonderful one with thee Romeo. Romeo nodded and said with a smile, we shall see us soon Cinderella. With that Romeo left as he said farewell to the young blue haired boy. The nurse (Vanilla) came out as usual to go to the one she used to nursed since infancy. Cinderella looked to see the nurse and asked with concern, why out and now Nurse? The nurse looked at Cinderella with sad and tiring eyes and said as she looked away, I knew this be sudden but I visiting the place of rest of my Lady Juliet. Cinderella nodded and was about to head inside when Lady Capulet came out and said as Cinderella saw her and bowed, Young maid I need thee to company nurse to where she goes. Cinderella said as he nodded, thy shall company Nurse as my Lady wishes. As Cinderella stood up he walks towards the nurse as he put his hood on and then the two head off. During the way of Juliets resting place the nurse told Cinderella that she was involved in that incident but then asked Cinderella as they continued walking, young maid I know thou are a ruler but why thee come to Verona? Cinderella took it all in as the nurse said, thy apologies young maid I was making uncomfortable are not I? Cinderella said as he shook his head, nai nurse thou wasn't making me uncomfortable I was just thinking. Cinderella continued to tell the nurse until he told the nurse how it all began, a time ago death hath taken thy mother away as I made thy mother thy promise to be kind and have the strongest courage. Thy father and I were filled with woe on the day that death appeared. The nurse felt sorry for him as Cinderella told her about how he lost his father, days passed since death of thy mother thy father grew not just grief but loneliness too I was surprised as thy father told me he marry a lady who also lost her love to death. She may never be nice sand she came with two daughters who be named Anastasia and Drisella. Days passed since three moved to thy house of old then one woeful night a man came to all and told us all that thy father was by death. Cinderella continued to tell the nurse until he told her why he came to Verona. They stopped as Cinderella began to cry in sorrow. The nurse whispered as she placed a hand on his back, by thy words of our honesty I be happy but sad to hear thou had been through but now understands why thee come to Verona. The nurse smiled as he looked up. The nurse knew all along that Romeo had fallen in love with Cinderella but was happy to know that Cinderella was the nurses only friend despite the kindness the Capulets have given them. A little while later they made it to the cemetery to see Juliets resting place but they weren't alone because they saw a certain red haired boy standing at her grave. Romeo turned to see the nurse and Cinderella. Romeo smiled at Cinderella and said, good day to thee Cinderella. The blue haired boy smiled and answered as his heart beaten, good day to thee too Romeo.

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