Season 2 Episode 1-4

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We start off with seeing the sons in a junk yard shooting guns towards targets on a tire pile while the I.R.A. watches the sons shoot the guns.

Ashton: Sack, new targets. Put 'em up. Put 'em up.

Cameron: What do you think, gentlemen?

Clay: All right. Let's talk.

While all the others walk away Ashton and Tig shoot at the targets while half is their. Ashton walks into the garage as he hears Jax make a deal with the IRA due to the guns as he walks up to Clay and asks what is happening.

Clay: We now run guns for the Irish.

Ashton: Great

We then see Ashton and Letty out in the dessert waiting on someone. We then start to see a car approaching the two. We see a white 4x4 with two men in the car both get out of the car one man covered in tattoos and a women who comes up to Ashton and kisses his cheek while the man waits for the women who stops kissing Ashton's cheek and then hugs Letty as Ashton walks towards the man and hugs him.

Ashton: Roberto it's been to long mi amigo but we are still waiting on someone else.

Roberto: Yes jefe it has been a long time. The men are ready for your order.

We then hear a hummer driving towards the people as two men exit the hummer one with a ponytail and another with a military style haircut.

Ashton: Romeo, it has truly been a long time since me and you have talked. Sandwich old friend Subway the way you like it.

Ashton tosses the man now named Romeo a subway sandwich. Romeo catches the sandwich.

Ashton: where the hell is Jose he was told to be here for fucks sake.

Romeo: You know how paranoid he is with people thinking he is the boss.

Ashton: Ok now since all of us are here follow me there is a building we can go into that I bought for us to make our meetings easier then us in the middle of nowhere.

All of them get back in their cars and follow the couple on bikes. All of the people pull up to a abandoned gas station.

We then see Ashton walk in the gas station and towards the back while everyone follows him and they see he has a laptop set up with a person at them a black man.

Ashton: Meet Tej my computer expert.

We then see Ashton sit in a chair at the head of the table with Romeo on his left and Roberto to his right.

Ashton: We both know the club is not in the right spot. Clay is getting older and losing his grip on the club while Jax is wanting the club himself.

Romeo: What is the point of the deal jefe.

Roberto: The drugs and following for both cartels that have been growing. Some of my men say that a man in New Orleans is taking out the local mafia down and is taking it over with some help.

Ashton: When he sorts all his shit out I'll make my presence known and offer him a home with us. But first I have been hearing a lot of stuff about the league. Knowing those fucking Nords they don't know when to not stick their fucking nose in Charming business. I need contact with the IRA but with the ATF watching the club still I can't go to meet the real kings for a deal but we all three know that the day Jax relives the club is slipping out of control he will start taking control of it.

Both of the men nod their heads as Ashton signals for tan to walk over with the computer which he does. Both look at the computer screen as Ashton tells them the real plan for taking over the whole scene like his sister wanted.

Ashton: Romeo you make sure that the Mayans get under the stick. Meet with a man called Alvarez and tell him Ashton says it is time for the Mayans start the plan. Roberto make sure that Santa Blanca is fully under your control. Nidia I want you to stay here with me and Letty you run the smuggling for both of the cartels from home. I bought a house in Charming where all three of us will live as like nothing is going on.  The niners fall in line the top of the fucking black gangsta answers to me so he knows if he needs to target a son he goes through me their is nothing that goes on that I don't know about with the sons. I personally have contact with Pope Partners Inc. due to the fact that we also know if the CIA along with any other member of the government due to you Romeo and also the fact that if all of this stays off the radar we are safe my brothers.

We then see Ashton stand up and look at the two members of separate cartels as all three look at the plan as Ashton looks at Roberto before looking out a window that shows the desert.

Ashton: Roberto how is my son doing in training.

Roberto: He is only eleven but he is ready to start killing without a second thought. Your boy is under my wing without a second thought but he is planning to take Santa Blanca bigger. He also asks me a few times about his dad Ashton you need to see him for once.

Ashton: I will choose when my son is ready to meet me!

Roberto: He wants to know his family if he has brothers and sisters. What do I tell him.

Ashton: One day he will find out and soon his twelfth birthday is in a week bring him to me in a week to finally meet me if anything changes I'll text you.

Roberto: Ok, but you need to know Santa Blanca is that your son is going to want to know soon.

We then cut to Ashton and Letty on their bikes with Nadia behind them in a car pulling into Charming as Ashton passes a Jeep with someone from his past. Ashton then sees her face and pulls off to the side of the road and starts to have a panic attack as Letty and Nadia pull up next to him. Ashton starts to get flashbacks of him seeing a baby on his house steps and he picks him up. And then another flash of him seeing a women naked with pleas of him yelling stop.

Ashton then comes to as he gets on his bike and speeds off to the club house as soon as he arrives to the clubhouse everyone is cheering for him. Ashton tries to find Gemma but he couldn't find her. Ashton then sees Bobby head deep in two girls pussies as Ashton kicks his ass. Bobby stands up and falls into Ashton's arm hugging him.

Bobby: We got to catch up.

Ashton: Yeah, we do but I'm going to let you keep enjoying your dinner brother.

Ashton walks out of the clubhouse and gets on his bike and heads towards where he saw the SUV was heading. Ashton passes Gemma's car he stops and looks to see it abandoned. Ashton starts to drive around and sees a warehouse and pulls up to it. Ashton sees a door and start pounding on the door trying to get a response and he got one.

Ashton: Anyone in there!

Ashton heres banging and noise in side as he steps back and shoots the door handle and kick the door open. Ashton turns the corner with his gun drawn and sees Gemma being held by a zip tie at her hands with her clothes ripped as Ashton sees three masks men he shoots one in the head and as two are running away he shoots another one in the back three times as the third got away. Ashton quickly runs towards Gemma and cuts the zip tie and quickly pulls out his phone and calls Nidia and tells her to grab the truck at the house and tell Letty to call Tara.

Ashton goes towards his bike and grabs a blanket and wraps it around Gemma as he hears Nidia honk the trucks horn and she sees Ashton walking out with Gemma in a blanket she opens the passenger door as Ashton sets her in he tells her to got to his house. As Nidia pulls away Ashton calls Unser.

Ashton: Hey we have a problem.

Unser: What happened.

Ashton: Just go to my house I'll tell you when I'm there make sure your not followed.

Unser: Ok.

Ashton then hangs up the phone and drives towards Gemma's car and crashes it to make it look like and accident as he drives towards his house. Ashton walks in his house and he sees Tara helping Gemma as Unser walks in.

Unser: Jesus what happened.

Ashton: She was getting ganged raped when I crashed it. The warehouse in the middle of nowhere two dead Nords unmoved for you brother. Ashton also tells Unser about her car and how it "crashed" for him to put in the report. Ashton then tells everyone in the room not to say a word as the blow back on them is triple.

Tara: We have to tell Jax.

Ashton: We can't he'll start a war with the Nords and the club can't go to war right now.

Tara: She needs to go to the hospital.

Gemma: No hospital.

Ashton: Go with Tara but you *points to Tara* sneak her in and test her.

Tara: Ok.

Ashton then goes to the club and sees the whole club leave to go as he asks what is going on.

Chibs: Gemma was in a car crash.

Ashton quickly turns his bike around and drives off towards the hospital with the rest following behind him.

Ashton goes running into the hospital and sees Jax and asks him what happened. With Chibs, Juice, and Half pushing Bobby on a stretcher with Opie following Ashton.

Jax: Car crash we were with Laroy and then Unser came to us and told us that she was in a car crash.

Ashton: She ok?

Tara then walks up as she tells everyone that she is fine but they need to run more test on her.

Ashton then hears his phone go off as he looks at it and sees it's from Alvarez he walks outside and answers the phone.

Ashton: What do you need brother.

Alvarez: I just got pictures of Clay and Laroy both talking.

Ashton: I'll get what you need and what is that you need exactly brother.

Alvarez: I need guns brother by tonight ok?

Ashton: I can get the guns to you but it will take a least a day ok brother.

Alvarez: Ok my brother stay safe.

Ashton: Alvarez I want you to not do anything stupid until your guns are here ok brother.

Alvarez: On it none of my men will do anything.

Ashton then hangs up but he know Alvarez better then anyone so Ashton leaves and goes inside as Unser tells Ashton that Luann had gotten raided as he leaves and gets on his bike and rides towards Otto as he calls Clay and tells him that he is going to see Otto. Ashton then checks himself in as Ashton is standing next to a guard as two white prisoners are fight and when they get taken away Ashton walks and sits down with Otto.

Otto: I arranged a little entertainment.

Ashton: Appreciate that. White on white? What's that about?

Otto: Our Aryan friends are getting a little choosy... about who they burn crosses with. Something's trickling down from the top of Mount Whitey. Not sure what. Not why I asked to see you.

Ashton: I know. I heard about Luann. How can we help?

Otto: This punk producer's making a play for her talent. The feds shutting her down, this asshole will hijack all of 'em.

Ashton: We'll talk to him.

Otto: *Sighs* She needs time and money to get up and running in a new space.

Ashton: We can get her the time.

Otto: And the money?

Ashton: We're only half healed, Otto. We don't have it.

Otto: *Sighs* This seizure by the feds, it's Stahl pissing in my mouth for what I did to her.And I did that for Sam Crow and for you and your sister more importantly.

Ashton: I know that.

Otto: I don't want her back in front of the camera, Ash. Told her she'd never have to do that again.

Ashton: I won't let that happen on my life. That's a promise.

Otto:Yeah, I know my brother.

Ashton then leaves the prison and calls Roberto.

Roberto: What do you need El Jefe?

Ashton: I need you to send someone to watch Alvarez and his Mayans.

Roberto: I'll send a squad to watch Alvarez.Your son is ready to meet you.

Ashton: I need also some guns ready I feel war coming to the sons soon. I also need another group to track a man by the name of Ethan Zobelle.

Roberto: I'll have men and guns ready for this war. I can also have another squad watch this guy for you ok.

Ashton: Thank you brother. I'll pick up my son at the gas station ok.

After that Ashton hangs up his phone and gets on his bike and calls Chibs to take Bobby,Juice, and Letty along with himself to Luann to see what is going on.

As Ashton walks into Kara Kara with his group as they see two women leave as the boys and Letty walk in.

Chibs: Marvelous.

Bobby: Oh, my God. They did clean you out, Luann.

Ashton: Otto wasn't kidding.

Chibs: That's some lovely merchandise walking out that door.

Letty: I'd love to have that in the bed with Ash.

Ashton: You want to make that happen?

Letty: I'll kick your ass.

Luann: They'll keep walking if I don't come up with the rest of their money.

Ashton: Otto says some guy's giving you trouble.

Luann: Georgie Caruso.

Luann: Shitbag's threatening my girls they don't join his company.

Letty: His name is Georgie?

Luann: Can't you just talk to him?

Ashton: Make some kind of temporary arrangement?

Luann: Isn't how it works with this. Georgie's game is fear. Goddamn 'roid crew runs his girls like pimps running pussy. If I could just get the
money I loaned Sam Crow...

Ashton: That's not gonna happen today. Look, I said to Otto I'd back this guy off of you, and that's what I'm gonna do. Where's this guy's office?

Chibs: Number six. Number six.

Juice: Oh! I love that movie.

Chibs: Oh, I laughed, I cried, I came.

Ashton: No shit. Must have been good. Won an Anal Oscar.

Bobby: Oh, hey, hey, hey. Here we go.

Goon: You need something?

Ashton: We're here to see Georgie.

Goon: You got an appointment?

Georgie: Jesus Christ! No.

Goon: Then you don't see him.

Georgie: I'm trying to cut in here! Hey, auditions are out back.

Ashton: Let me guess. Georgie Caruso.

Goon: They were just leaving, Mr. Caruso.

Georgie: That's too bad,'cause this one *Points to Jax* here's got kind of a Brad Pitt thing going, only not quite as gay.

Jax: Yeah. I'm a friend of Luann Delaney.

Georgie: Is that so? I'm real sorry about what happened.

Ashton: You're terrorizing her actors. It stops now.

Georgie: I'm helping those girls. Luann is out of business.

Ashton: Luann's not out of business.

Georgie: That's not what I heard.

Ashton: Don't make me come back here, Georgie.

Juice: Bye, Georgie.

Goon: You got a problem?

Bobby throws up on the goon.

Bobby: Not now, man. I feel pretty good. Thanks.

Chibs:Oh, cheerio!

Bobby: I told you I was sick.

We then cut to Ashton and Chibs walking into the hospital to see Gemma.

Luann: It's gonna be okay. Just tip your head back a little bit. I don't think it's broken, so... Wait a minute. Hang on to that. I told you not to stir things up. Look what that asshole did to her.

Ashton: This was Caruso?

Luann: Who do you think?

Ashton: Little fucking prick.

Luann: You guys must've really put the fear of God into him. Tell 'em what Georgie said.

Lyla: He told me to tell Luann that if the little biker boys show up again, he's gonna roll the cameras while he jams his dick up all your asses.

Ashton: We'll see Gemma later.

Luann: Ashton, don't you do anything!

Ashton: Who the hell do you think you're fucking talking to?Get her patched up!

Luann: Okay, okay.

Ashton: Call the rest of your talent! Tell them to lock their goddamn doors!

Luann: Sorry.

Chibs: Should we call Clay?

Ashton: *Sighs* He's on the guns. Call the others. It's baseball time.

Chibs: Great.

Pornstar: God, you're so stiff.You know, you... you won't score in the second half.

Ashton: Georgie.

Chibs: Georgie!

GeorgieHey! Get the hell out! This is a
closed set.

Chibs: Love your work.

MP: All right, all right.

Chibs: Come here, you. Come on! Come on!

Opie: Get back. Don't even think about moving.

Ashton: You okay?

FP: Yeah. After what I saw what they did to Lyla, I just...

Ashton: It's okay. Sack! Sack! Yeah. Get her out of here.

Sack: Okay. Come on.

Georgie: Hey! Shit!

Chibs: Nice to see you too, sugar tights. Anybody else?

Ashton: You so much as send a friendly text to any of Luann's girls, your next movie... Canseco Does Georgie. You understand?

Georgie: I get it.

We then see the club at the table as Ashton is looking at Clay speaking about Luann's problems and how they could fix it.

Ashton: There's a ton of guys like Georgie out there. If Luann can't pay her talent, they'll keep coming, so to speak.

Clay: That's why she wants the 50K.

Ashton: But that's not gonna happen. Obviously. But we can offer her something else... a partner.

Clay: What are you talking about?

Ashton: The empty gun warehouse we just built. Same size as Caruso Films.

Bobby: All of a sudden you're Larry Flynt?

Ashton: Georgie's just a scumbag with muscle and a lease, right? His staff and talent do all the work. We already have staff and talent... Luann.

Bobby: So we're the scumbags with the lease and the muscle.

Ashton: Why not? We offer her protection, a space, front her a little cash for the shit the feds took, split the profits.

Juice: Yeah, and I could upgrade her Internet shit. There's plenty of room for servers in that space. And that's where the real cash is.

Chibs: And I was blessed with an excellent eye for casting.

Clay: Clubs get into trouble when they take on too much.

Ashton: Guns have been downsized. We could use the extra income. It's a legitimate business, Clay. We run it clean. Feds think we turned over a new leaf, they go away.

Chibs: And at the very least, we'll get Bobby laid.

Bobby: Hey.

Clay: Thoughts?

Chibs: Everybody loves pussy.

Juice: I second that.

Opie: Third it.

Tig: I'm a very big fan of pussy.

Ashton: I mean I could fuck pussy all day.

Clay:All in favor? Like I got to ask.

All: Pussy!

Clay: All right. Looks like we're making movies. We got a delivery to make.

Ashton: I'll tell Luann she's got a new partner.

We then see Luann walking into the empty warehouse looking for Ashton.

Luann: Ashton? Anyone here?Hello! Ah, shit.
Ashton? Shit.

Ashton: You okay?

Luann: Oh, God. I'm sorry. It's okay. I didn't... I didn't mean to be such a pain in the ass, Ashton.
Wait a minute. No, don't.

Ashton: Luann, relax. You think I brought you here to Adriana you? I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm gonna help you.

Ashton then walks towards the lights switch and flicks it on.

Ashton: Your new studio.

Luann: New studio? What do you mean?

Ashton: You're not gonna be able to compete without protection and investors. We're gonna help you get back on your feet.

Luann: Sam Crow as a partner?

Ashton: Yep.

Luann: What's the split?

Ashton: 50-50. And our debt goes away.

Luann: And if I say no?

Ashton: It's your only play, darlin'. We both know that.

Luann: Life was so much easier when I was just sucking dick.

We then see Ashton and Letty both working out as Nidia is on a computer with El Sueño on a prepay as Ashton stops when he hears his prepay go off and he picks it up and hears a female voice on the other line.

Ashton: Well hello to you to Bowman.

Bowman: The ghost are ready for deployment whenever they are needed.

Ashton: Thank you, old friend.

Ashton then hangs up his pre paid and then Letty tosses him his other phone and he hears Chibs on the other end telling him Bobby is at Kara Kara for book keeping as Ashton gets his cut and puts it on.

Ashton tells Nissan and Letty to throw on their stuff and get ready to leave as all three hop into their truck as Ashton is driving their he calls Jax and tells him what happened and he hears Tara in the background. Ashton arrives at Kara Kara as he then see Jax walk in after him and Luann is pissed at Ashton about Bobby being their. Ashton  then walks into the office as Letty and Nadia follow him.

Ashton: Who signed off on this brother?

Bobby: Clay did.

Ashton: You do want you need to do and make sure that everything is logged and back to me.

Bobby: Got it brother.

Ashton then walks out of Kara Kara as he hears one of the girls trying to flirt with you and then you hear Nidia punch the porn star in the stomach and walk away.

Ashton and the two girls walk out to see Clay and Gemma fighting as he sees Clay grab Gemma when he runs and pushes Clay away from her as Letty and Nadia take Gemma inside and set her in a office just the three of them.

We then cut to Ashton in the hideout where Romeo and Roberto are sitting with Tej on the computer along with a women and four men. They have a projector on and aimed at the wall.

Roberto: Ethan Zobelle a saint on paper. But from what the men tells me is that the League is Zobelle's meal ticket. He uses the league for his men. His right hand AJ Weston a die hard nord. Boy from what we can tell two boys one die hard Nord on the rise and the other we have got nothing for him. But from what we understand Zobelle has his own agenda that Weston has no idea about. Then his left hand of Zobelle his daughter Polley Zobelle. She is seen with the boy Ashton. All three have been spotted with the Irish gun dealers from the IRA but they have no connection to the higher ups only one person name has been mentioned Jimmy O. Or Jimmy O'Phelan. True IRA traitor he doesn't agree with what the IRA want but more the way that the IRA goes about it. My men say that Jimmy is in the US but the bigger picture is that they have been a thorn in the side for clubs but they also us the law instead of traditional ways.

Ashton stands and starts walking around as on of the four men starts talking. The man is known as Nomad.

Nomad: So we kill all three simple. The league fall due to a shot caller is dead.

Romeo: It's not that simple knowing what we know now.

Ashton who is standing up know turns his head and looks at Romeo.

Holt: What the flying fuck don't you mean we can't just fucking kill him?

Weaver: I mean we kill him not let anyone know the sons keep running Charming.

Midas: Some of us want to kill those white trash mother fuckers.

Romeo: When me and Bowman both were digging into Zobelle we found something a lot darker. Zobelle is a rat beyond anything. The reason his record is clean is because everything he does is scrubbed as if it never happened by the FBI.

Ashton: So the Mayans and Nords are working with a rat. So I tell the crew I can target that. But at the same time I can kill two birds with one stone. Ghost I need you four to listen. You will go under as prospects in Samcro due to the fact that I have all of you if a vote doesn't swing the way we need it to. The next thing is that Tig is slowly losing his mind.

Bowman: We also found out that this Stahl lady a crazy bitch herself is going after O'Phelan and his contacts in the IRA which put us in a difficult spot. ATF is going to use anything they can to split the club in half. Nomad you and your team will follow Ashton in the club only.

Ashton: So let me get this right, Zobelle and his daughter FBI rats, the white of his daughter is sleeping with the Irish boy, he is betraying the league and his muscle. His daughter is secretly shagging the gun dealer without her daddy knowing. So what I got from this is that either Zobelle is dumb or he is blind.

Bowman: Correct.

Ashton: Ok, I'll need guns definitely. Men in the ghosts only. The last thing I need is our best guys looking into any weakness in the league for the sons to exploit.

We then cut to the later that day as Ashton along with the ghost team pull up to the club. Ashton calls Clay and asks him if they could have meeting with everyone. As Ashton sits in his chair with the ghost team behind him. The sons walk into the chapel.

Chibs: Ashton what's this about.

Ashton: I feel like we need more men before we jump to far into a war.

Clay: So you called us for more prospects?

Ashton: These men are more then prospects these guys just got done from two tours in Iraq. I'll pay for their fees if needed.

Clay: All in favor?

Everyone raises their hands as Ashton walks towards Bobby and hands him a envelope full of money enough the four members of ghost team and the rest of Half sacks payments. Ashton walks into the back as he pulls out four cuts and five sets of patches. Jax sees Ashton grab five patches and he looks at him before he puts a fingers to his mouth. Ashton throws the four cuts with all of their patches but he looks at sack pissed off.

Ashton: Take off that cut boy.

Half sack takes off his cut and sets it on the table and starts to walk away as everyone is looking at Ashton for his choice.

Ashton: Where do you think your going boy? Get back over here.

Half walks back towards Ashton as he takes out his knife and slams it into the table.

Ashton's knife:

Ashton: I want you to take this knife and cut that patch off and put these on my brother.

Half starts to stumble on his words but Ashton cuts him off.

Ashton: I paid all of your dues and you also have been in this club for a long time and have been helpful to us as a brother.

Everyone cheers at the news of Ashton paying for halves dues and also gave him the full patch. Ashton hugs everyone and then introduce the four new members. Ashton then says goodbye to everyone and went home remembering the drive tomorrow.

We then cut to the next day as Ashton he throws on his cut as Letty and Nidia walk into the room and start to kiss Ashton as all three go to the club as the ghost team follow Ashton into the clubhouse.

Ashton's outfit:

Ashton parks his current bike and goes into the back and grabs his new bike as he is saving his current bike for his son when he comes to live with him as a birthday gift.

Ashton pulls the bike new bike over towards everyone else as they all cheer for him. Ashton then hears a loud bang. Ashton then turns around to see Bobby on a fucked up fat boy.

Chibs: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Half-Sack:Hey, all right. *Whistles*

Ashton: Hey, it's an old fucking fat boy on an old fat boy.I thought you put that beast to sleep.

Bobby: This fat boy ain't even reached his prime.

Opie: Barely looks like it can reach the end of the lot.

Bobby: Best bike for a long ride.And I'd put it up against any of your pretty Dynas.

Tig: You hittin' the gay rodeo on the way?

Half-Sack: Yee-haw!

Opie: It's Captain Chaps.

All: Laughter

Ashton: Cowhide can take the man-hide.

Tig: Get in line, Brokeback.

Half-Sack: Oh, man, really?

Jax: Shit!

Half: Aw, goddamn, man. Come on. I gotta ride behind that thing?

Chibs: Shut up. You should be used to getting sprayed in the face, Prospect.

Jax: Usually by Bobby.

Half: Eat me, Chibs.

Chibs: The thing is, I like a full scrote when I snack on someone. Tasty.

Half: Oh, is that right? Yeah. Okay, well, pretty soon you can have that.

Tig: Are you gonna spontaneously sprout a nut?

Jax: Boing.

Half: No.

Jax: What, what, what, what?

Half: Gettin' a neuticle.

Opie: Gettin' a what?

Bobby: You're gettin' a musical? Musical?

Half: A fake ball. A neuticle. It's an implant. Give me a sense of symmetry. Balance.

All: *Laughter*
Ashton: Are you for real?

Half: Oh, yeah. I'm just waitin' for the V.A. insurance to clear.

Tig: You're getting a glass ball? No, no.

Half: It's not glass. It's like a...

Ashton: What is it?

Half: It feels real. Like, uh, soft, you know? Squishy. Like, it's not... Like a real ball.

Ashton: I don't even know... Come on. I don't even know what that means.

Nomad: It's modern technology.

Half: Try to be open here, okay?

Midas: I'll be gentle.

Half: Okay, real mature, guys. Yeah, you're a class act, Chibs.

Clay then pulls up to the guys confused on what was going on.

Clay: What?

Ashton: You don't wanna know.

Ashton and his guys get on their bikes and get ready as Ashton hears Happy ask Clay.

Happy: What do you say, Prez?

Clay: Let's go save the children. Come on, boys!

We see Samcro pull away from the others with Happy following along with Samcro.

Ashton: Military surplus as cover... Wish we thought of that.

Cameron: It's Edmond. Boy's a genius.

Chibs: Oh, yeah? Must take after his mother.

Edmond: Obviously.

Clay: How do we carry?

Edmond: Ten guns in each. Roll it up. Strap it on.

Jax: Just a biker with a bedroll.

11 riders, a little over 9 dozen. That's a good haul.

Cameron: Runs are set up for the next three months. One every two weeks.

Clay: We try to cover as many runs as we can with charity rides.

Opie: Cops never mess with us when we're... serving humanity.

Clay: Rest of the time, travel in twos, stay off the main roads... Should be no problem.

Cameron: The 32... Real pleased the way this worked out with Sam Crow.

Clay: Well, you tell the scabby fence boys... I'm all about the cause.

Edmond: You can tell 'em yourself.

Cameron: Edmond.

Edmond: Jimmy O, some of the Falcarragh crew... might be comin' stateside, time allows.

Chibs: Their day will come.

On the way back Bobby's bike started getting out of control and hit Tig off the road. We then see Tig on a stretcher entering a hospital with Bobby walking along side him.

Paramedic: He's stable. Get him to Admitting.

Bobby: Sorry, man.

Clay:  You just get patched up. We'll come by after the drop.

Tig: I'm gonna shove that bike so far up your ass...

Bobby: Gonna be just... fine.

Clay: You tend to his every beck and call. Wipe his goddamn ass, if that's what he wants you to do. Call Piney. Tell him we got two bikes down. Gonna need the flatbed.

Bobby: That's you. Call Piney.

We then see Bobby and Ashton talking to a nurse.

Ashton: What the hell are you talkin' about, you can't take him?

Nurse: Mr. Trager has basic coverage. He can only be admitted to a hospital in his plan.

Bobby; He's bleedin' in your hallway.

Nurse: I'm sorry. We'll have to transfer him to Red Bluff. He's stable enough to travel.

Bobby: How about you give him some pain meds?

Nurse: I can give him some Advil.

Bobby: He's got a gash the size of your attitude on his leg. Got enough Advil for that?

Tig: How much longer?

Bobby: There's good news and bad news. You're stable enough to travel.

Tig: What do you mean? Travel where?

Bobby: Well, that's the bad news. We gotta move you to another hospital. H.M.O. bullshit!

Tig: Christ. Come on. Stitch me up! Sons of bitches!

We then see Ashton walk out of the hospital with the ghost team as Midas shows Ashton a tablet with local phone calls out in their area and one stands out. Ashton pulls it up and listens and hears a lady in the hospital talking to bounty hunters about Tig. Ashton was busy listening when he hears Bobby and Tig out talking Ashton give the laptop to Midas as all five are ready to leave they look back and see Tig get kidnapped as all five of them pull away with half sack following behind as Ashton has ghost pull off and lead them to him as Ashton and Half tail them as Ashton and half then see them pull into a motel after they beat Tig. A few minutes after half and Ashton stop and wait Ghost team along with everyone else pull up next to them along with Piney in the flat bed. Ashton walks to Piney as the ghost team follow him.

Piney: What happened?

Ashton: Remaining bounty on his head in Washington for indecent exposure.

Piney: You need the flatbed?

Ashton: How do you on you know we need that?

Piney: Four retired navy seals and also all four of your guys just pulled out foldable guns out of their saddles and one is carrying two one for you I guess.

Ashton: That's fair.

Piney: Hop on and get ready.

Ashton and the ghost team hop on along with Chibs and Happy hop on as they pull up as Ashton looks at everyone and tells them to buckle up as they drive through the wall of the apartment and start pointing their guns at the bounty hunters. Ashton has Tig ride with Piney as him and the ghost team follow behind them and head back to the club house. Ashton then enters his house after leaving the clubhouse and pulls up. He then turns off his bike and starts to walk towards the front door and before he gets to it he notices it open. Ashton pulls his gun from his waist band and slowly with the barrel of his gun opens the door. Ashton slowly walks into the house he walks into the living room with the lights out. Ashton then sets his gun done as a light turns on as Ashton grabs his gun and aims it at the person.

Ashton: Who are you?

???: Wow the great Ashton "El autor intelectual" Haller.

Ashton: I'll tell you again who in the flying fuck are you?

The person leans forwards a little and his dark brown hair starts showing as Ashton sets his gun down as he sees his face for the first time in along time.

Ashton: Mason?

Mason: Hello ... dad.

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