Chapter 103

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Sora (POV)
Overhaul- Cleanliness is an obsession of mine. When someone contaminates me with their filth, I lose control. It's never gone quite this far before, though. What an unfortunate turn for you Lemillion. You chose to get involved with Eri, with me. And now your Quirk is lost forever. If only you'd back down sooner, you could have held on to your pathetic dreams. But instead you fought, refusing to give up even after your Quirk was gone. And now, thanks to your heroics, your friends will die along with you! Sora!
Sora- With the upmost pleasure!
Overhaul goes for Eri, Lemillion, and the other guy first. Izuku takes action and bashed overhaul with a big rock before overhaul got to the others. I electroport right in front of Izuku's face.
Izuku- Sora don't-
I cut him off by hitting him in his stomach with a lightning charged punch.
Liz- Sora stop!
I see her coming out of the corner of my eye looking to freeze me. Luckily Pandora gets in the way and deflects the ice blast with her blade.
Pandora- Not on my watch.
They engage and I turn my attention back to Izuku who's back on his feet.
Overhaul- Power and speed. That's all you've got going for you.
Nighteye- Stand down Deku! I'll deal with Chisaki! You stick with Sora!
Deku- Understood sir! Sora, you focus on me! I'm knocking some sense into you and bringing you back with us if it's the last thing I do!
Sora- Is that so? Hmph. Lightning Release: Crackle of Death.
Supercharged lightning concentrates in the center of my palm and I aim it directly at Izuku.

Sora- Witness oblivion.

Like this

The dust clears and the room is now more open. Everyone has been laid out besides Overhaul, Pandora, Deku, Liz, and myself. I don't see Lemillion or Eri and Nighteye is burnt to crisp hanging onto the brink of death. Everyone else is pretty fucked up.
Overhaul- Well well well. Some attack that was Sora.
Sora- You kidding me? I barely put any effort into that.
Izuku struggles to his feet with the help of Liz.
Pandora looks to engage but I put my arm in front of her so that they can at least stand up on their own free will.
Liz- Sora.......why what you do this? We're supposed to be your friends. For fucks sake I love you damn it! So why?! Tell me why?! Is getting revenge and seeking vengeance that impossible to you that you'd go as far as killing to get your way?!
I scoff and let out a soft chuckle.
Sora- Oh Liz. You don't even know the half of it. You're so naive. I'm not going to stop just because you're begging me to Or because of your silly love confession. You don't understand that I now have a higher purpose. I have been exposed to things the likes of any of you can comprehend. You see what I'm doing as evil. But it's a necessary evil. I've come to realize that not only is this world in need for cleansing but others as well. I am a prophet and I will be apart in bringing about a new order. Unfortunately for you Izuku, Shigaraki, and All Might, you won't be alive to see it. And as for your love confession.....Pandora.
I take out a piece of a Kit Kat bar I've been saving and place one end in my mouth. Pandora doesn't hesitate in wrapping her arms and me and grabbing the other end with her mouth.

Slowly we bite until we both reach the center and make out right in front of Liz. Her face says it all as her face contorts in sadness and she lets out an audible sob as tears stream out her eyes. Izuku on the other hand powers up as green lighting courses through him.
Overhaul- Give up. You already know how this ends. You're all going to die.
Izuku- That's not going to happen. You're delusional Sora. You claim to be some prophet for some stupid cause thar nobody's ever heard of. Your revenge and vengeance isn't happened. Even if it's already been decided. Even if it's set in stone, I'll smash that future to pieces!
Sora- Tch.
Izuku rushes Overhaul and myself. Overhaul releases a wave of ground spikes towards Izuku but he dodges and hops through open gaps. I notice the white sleeve on his right arm comes undone.
Sora *mind*- So he's finally going to get serious and use his arms eh?
Overhaul rushes Deku this time but Izuku leaps high into the air. Right as I was about to go after him, Overhaul pushes me out of the way.
Overhaul- Move it! The brat is mine!
I give him a dirty look as Izuku comes down looking to strike with his heel.
Izuku- Manchester Smash!!!
Overhaul barely got out of the way by mere inches as Izuku's attack cratered the ground big time.
Overhaul- You may be fast but compared to the last two, the lines of your movement are painfully easy to predict!
With Deku being exposed, he takes spikes to the arm and leg. They pierce his skin and get stuck.
Overhaul- You're done kid.
Izuku- No way. It's not over.
Overhaul- Just like your friend, he didn't know when do give up either.
We hear a war cry out of nowhere only to see Liz coming for me from above.
Sora- Pandora.
Pandora- Right.
She disappears out of then air and re-emerges behind Liz via portal. With her fire blade of hers, she slices down the back of Liz. One cough of blood and she lands face first next to Izuku and doesn't move.
Overhaul- Someone else is about to die because of you!! Is that really what you want?! Eri?!
Right on cue, Eri steps out from the shadows.
Eri- No. Wait. It's not.... I don't want this.
Izuku- No! Go back Eri! You need to stay with Lemillion!
Overhaul- Eri......look at him. All injured and alone. You don't really think he can defeat Sora and I, do you?
Eri-......No I don't.
Overhaul- Smart girl. Then what do you suppose you should do?
Eri- I'll come back. But if I do, I want you to make them all better again!
Overhaul- Ah yes. It's so much easier to be hurt yourself than to watch others be hurt for you isn't it? The faint flicker of hope Lemillion gave her has been extinguished. Don't you see? You think you're helping her, but you're really just being cruel. She doesn't want you and Sora doesn't want to come back either. You've failed kid.
Izuku-.......Maybe what you said is true. (Rips spikes out) Maybe you don't think you want my help, but I won't let you down Eri. I'm not letting anyone die! I'm going to save everyone!
Suddenly more heroes bust into the area.

Sora- Oh great. More lambs to the slaughter.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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