Chapter 104

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Sora (POV)
It seems the squadron of heroes weren't the only ones who came in to join the party as Compress from the League of Villains has joined the fray while Twice and naked Toga watch on from a distance.
Tsu- Uravity look.
Ochako- (sees me) Sora! (Looks to downed Nighteye) Nighteye!
Izuku- Take care of him. Go on! Chisaki and Sora are mine!
Izuku comes charging at Overhaul and myself.
Sora- Pandora, the heroes.
Pandora- On it.
Overhaul makes the ground shoot up from underneath us and Eri.
Izuku- Chisaki!! Sora!!
Overhaul- You filthy heroes screwed everything up!
Izuku- She's coming with us!
Izuku begins to scale the rising pillar of ground that we're on.
Overhaul- You just going to stand there or are you actually going to do something Nakamura? Get rid of him god damn it!
Sora- Fine then.
I look down at Izuku as he climbs.
Sora- Lightning Release: Black Bolt Cutter.
A blade of black lightning forms in my right hand.
Sora- And so begins the end of this fight.
In less than a second blood spewed from the chest gash that my literal lightning blade made on........Overhaul. Izuku's eyes go big and Overhaul has a blank stare as I smile with his blood smeared on my face. Overhaul drops the kid and he falls to his knees.
Sora- Hahahaha! You really can't be surprised can you? You honestly thought I was helping you? I was using you. You made the mistake of thinking I was here to help you so you let your guard down. I only used you to gather information. I've done that so now you're no longer of use to me. There's was never a place for in the new world so out of the kindness of my heart, I'll just take you out here and now.
The kid's horn sparks and she reaches for Mirio's cape. In the process her quirk made Overhaul unfuse with his subordinate and go back to his original state. She grabs the cloak and makes a leap for Izuku.
Overhaul- Nakamura..........You backstabbing son of a bitch!
I look over the edge and see the kid in the safe arms of Izuku. I give Overhaul a quick kick to the side of his head and leap off this pillar.
I begin freefalling to the ground below.
Rock spikes erupt the pillar and come for me and Izuku.
Sora- Water Release: Water Twister!

With the twister takes out oncoming spikes as I maneuver and dodge them while the in air. Izuku follows my lead and maneuvers with Eri in his hands. With the ground approaching fast, I blast lightning down to it and the air pressure ricochets me high into the sky. Surprisingly Izuku is side by side with me.
Izuku- Wait?! Sora does that mean...
Sora- You can go ahead and drop that god awful thought from your head. However, Overhaul is the immediate threat at the moment. That being said, for one last time, it's going to be you and me side by side. After that, no more.
Izuku-........Alright fine.
Gravity takes over and we fall. Eri grabs ahold of my arm and we land on the top surface of the city. Somehow we're safe.
Sora- No injuries whatsoever. Strange. Is this your power at work kid? You're a healer.
Izuku suddenly collapses to his knees.
Izuku- What's happening? It's like my body is being pulled apart from the inside.
Overhaul- She has no control over it.
The ground begins to split open and more spikes come our way.
I grab Izuku and the kid and get us to move.
Overhaul- She may have activated her Quirk in time, but she doesn't know how to turn it off. Isn't that right Eri?
My gaze gaze over Overhaul who's used another one of his pawns to power himself up.

Overhaul- She has the power to rewind people. That's her secret. Use her right and you might even be able to someone back into a monkey. If you keep carrying her like that, you'll be annihilated. Everyone who touches her is rewound into nothingness. Didn't I tell you the girl is cursed? Hand her over and meet your death Sora Nakamura.
Izuku powers up One for All and ties Eri to his back with the cape.
Izuku- Kay Eri. Hold on tight. You ready for this Sora?
Sora- Pssh. This fool is nothing. Let us be rid of him once and for all.
Izuku- Seems to me your quirk is blessing Eri. One for All: Full Cowling 100 Percent.

Sora- Things can never be simple can they?
An eerily creepy smile crosses my face as Lightning and a red aura surround me as I power up.

Izuku- Eri, will you please lend us your power?
Overhaul- None of you realize the true value of her ability. Quirks get exponentially stronger as you develop them. By conducting countless experiments, I extracted Eri's power and distilled it into its ultimate form. As a result, it doesn't stop at simply rewinding the flesh. It works on a grander scale. It rewinds the course of the species to a time before Quirks ever existed. Can't you see? Eri represents change! The ability to annihilate Quirks once and for all and change humanity back to normal! With her powers I can end this infected society! Cute this hero sickness!!! She is mine!! A naive little boy like you doesn't know how to use her! And a blind backstabbing bitch like you Sora have no right to stop based of the evil you've already caused!! It's up to me to cure humanity!!
Rock lances protrude from Overhaul and come to us. With no effort in in the slightest, we simply vanish from his vision due to our remarkable speed and are at his face within the blink of an eye.
Izuku- Smash!!!!
Sora- Lightning Release: Homicide Fist!!
My fist and Izuku's kick makes a direct hit and sends this oversized piece of shit high up into the air.
We follow him up into the sky. We get in close and he recovers.
Overhaul- Why can't anybody see the bigger picture?!! I'm going to tear down this entire world!! Destroy its very foundation!! You're all blind by some outdated sense of what's "right." Or you have your own selfish agendas!! You're just pretending to be heroes or the hand of some "higher cause!" I won't let you stand in my way!!!!!
Within the snap of a finger, Overhaul doesn't have one of his arms or additional limbs.
We fly back around and Overhaul tries one last attempt as he reassembles himself with even bigger limbs.
Sora- Not this time.
Two lightning orb forms behind me on my back and grows rapidly in size

Izuku cocks his right fist and I can literally see the strength behind his impending strike

Izuku- Smash!!!!!!!!
Emperor's Thunder Cannon!!!!!!!
I blast those two spheres of destruction while Izuku destroys Overhaul with One for All. The resulting explosion ensues after the impact of my blast.
Like this

Overhaul has finally been defeated.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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