Chapter 94

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Izuku (POV)
Timeskip next day
I'm on patrol with Mirio on my first actual assignment from Sir Nighteye's agency. We are find and tail the target Kai Chisaki who recently made contact with the League of Villains and one other person but we don't know who exactly.
Izuku- This is sorta nerve wracking
Mirio- What gives? You went out on patrol during your internship didn't you? Though I guess I don't blame you for being shaken after what went down.
Izuku- Oh no. It's not that. I just kinda missed out on learning some of the basics so...
Mirio- Yeah? Huh, that must be strange. Ah don't you worry. Sir and Bubble Girl are the ones who are actually watching the target today, so I can teach you all about patrol duty. We'll get you up to snuff. Just watch and learn my friend!
Izuku *mind*- I still don't get it. Why didn't All Might say anything anything to me about Nighteye? Something big must have gone down  if they're not even on speaking terms anymore.
Mirio- Hey we forgot something. Our hero names. We should know each other's right?
Izuku- Oh yeah totally. I'm Deku.
Mirio- Deku? Like deck? That's weird.
Izuku- I like it.
Mirio- Kay, well, I'm Lemillion. For the number of people I'm going to save. You know, can't save em all. But I can at least shoot for saving one million instead, so that's what I'm doing. When we put on our costumes and start hittin the streets, that's when we become heroes. So don't let your guard down Deku.
Izuku- Got it Lemillion.
We continue to walk until someone runs into me coming from a dark alleyway.

Izuku- Whoa, I'm sorry. You took a tumble.
I reach out to her and she gets even more frightened so I stop.
Izuku- Are you okay? Can I Uh help you up?
I pick her and she whimpers and trembles uncontrollably.
???- You should be more careful. We don't want to cause trouble for the heroes.
Out of the shadows of the alley comes out target of all people.

I immediately tense up.
Izuku *mind*- No way.
Chisaki- I hope you'll forgive my daughter, hero. I don't know what to do with her. Always playing rough, bumping into things.
Izuku *mind*- Chisaki from Shie Hassaikai. The man Nighteye is after.
Mirio puts my mask on.
Mirio- Whoopise-dasy. Looks like that darn mask came off again. You might wanna think about getting that resized my friend. (Looks to Chisaki) I'm so sorry about that. It was our fault too.
Izuku *mind*- Right. I'm an idiot. If I let him see how freaked out I am, he'll get suspicious, and that could screw up Nighteye's entire case.
Mirio- I know that mask. You must be from the Hassaikai right? You guys are famous around here.
Chisaki- Yeah, please don't mind the mask. It keeps out the filth. I don't believe I've seen you two in the area before,
Mirio- Right well we're still pretty new, but you probably already guessed that much. Now, (looks to Deku) on your feet partner. Can't do much hero-ing from down there.
Chisaki- So what agency do you belong to?
Mirio- We're only students. Far too lowly to be claiming association with an agency. We're just using our internships to get some experience. Speaking of which, we need to finish patrolling this division by lunch. (Looks to Deku) Come on, let's go.
Izuku- Right.
I go to let go of the girl and she holds onto me desperately with tears in her eyes.

Girl- Please. Please don't go.
Mirio heard it too because his face turns to a look of concern. I look to Chisaki.
Izuku- Um excuse me. I'm sorry but, your daughter seems scared.
Chisaki's eyes narrow and grow cold.
Chisaki- A reaction to being scolded.
Mirio- Sure.
Izuku- Wait, but.....
Izuku *mind*- This girl. She's grabbed me and won't let go.
Izuku- She's got bandages all over. Those are just from "playing rough"?
Chisaki- Eri's an exceptionally clumsy girl.
Izuku *mind*- Her whole body is shaking but she's not making a sound.
I narrow my eyes at Chisaki and place my hand on Eri's head.
Izuku- Does that seem like it's normal to you?
Chisaki- It's dangerous to make assumptions about what's normal for other people.
Mirio- Yeah, everybody's different am I right?
Izuku *mind*- Togata wants us to leave. But that would only make him more suspicious. What hero would abandon a frightened child? Tell me, what are you doing to this girl?
Chisaki- (sigh) You heroes really pick up on the subtlest things, don't you? Very well. This situation is embarrassing. So I'd prefer to discuss it where we won't be overheard.
We follow him into the alley while carry the girl in my arms.
Chisaki- Hard to admit that she can't control your own child, but lately Eri defies me no matter what I try.
Izuku- What do you try?
Mirio- Parenting man. Sounds rough. That can't be easy.
Chisaki- (sighs) Yes, children are tricky. So determined to do whatever they want. That sometimes they just don't listen.
He looks at Eri and reaches to take off one of his gloves. Eri freezes and then breaks out of my arms and runs to Chisaki.
Chisaki- Oh good. Done with your little temper tantrum?
Eri nods.
Izuku- Uh Eri, are you sure?
Chisaki- She's always like this. Sorry to involve you in our family drama. I'm sure you have better things to be doing. Good luck with your internships.
Izuku- Wai-
Mirio stops me.
Mirio- We're not going after them. Didn't you notice? He was ready to get violent. That's why she went back. If we keep pushing him, he's gonna be even harder to catch. For now, let's report to Sir.
The rain begins to fall and as we exit the alley I have this feeling to look over my shoulder. I do so and I could've sworn that I say faint glow of purple radiating in the darkness. Almost looking like an eye staring at me. I disregard and Mirio and I leave to go find a safe place to report to Nighteye.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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