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Grays POV

A few days later, Max (or as I like to call him, Orangie) came home with and unconscious girl in his arms. He threw her, none to gently, into the hostage room (dumb name I know) with duct tape 'cuffs' and a gag.

He turned and stalked off, probably to find Val. I was curious so I followed him as quietly as possible. I wanted to know who the girl was and if I could kill her. I was in one of my killing moods.

After 10 minutes of eavesdropping I had some new info that me happy. The unconscious blonde is Lydia Parker and her father, Dallas Parker, was fucking rich as hell! They planned on killing the father and getting all of Lydias will money. I wanted in.

As I was things of ways to kill Dallas Parker, Max snapped me back into reality by asking for my help. Apparently they all knew I'd follow to hear about Lydia and they needed my help! I was going to help Max kill Dallas Parker...TONIGHT.

As we walked up to the house we went over the plan once more. Max, being a 'friend' of Lydias from past jobs, was to knock on the door and ask to talk to Lydia outside quickly. Once Dallas went to get us daughter, I was to be already in the room and kill him, then and there. Easy peasy.

Almost as soon as I got into the room, the doorknob turned and Dallas walked in. I had just enough time to get the knife ready, along with the rope on my belt loop.

One step in, and I pounced, hitting him in the chest with my knees. He grunted and fell to the floor where I tied him up and whistled the signal to Max downstairs. He ran up and fist bumped me before looking down (hahah puns) on Dallas. He smiled evilly.

"Sorry we had to meet like this again Mr. Parker. Too bad this can't happen again, but I'll see you in hell." Max said to him.

Dallas' eyes went wide and I stabbed him a few times. I watched the clock. It took him about 5 minutes and about 45 seconds to bleed out and go limp. Max and I left through the front door and walked back to the safe house.

All that was left of the plan was to wait, 5 excruciatingly long days for the will papers to come and Dallas to be declared dead. Those 5 days were hell.

***** 4 days later
Val walked into the room, obviously pissed.

"Mate, what's wrong?" Ethan asked.

"Vaffanculo!!" Val called back.

I laughed, knowing how to speak Italian well enough to understand.

"What does that mean?" Ethan asked.

"It means fuck you in Italian stronzo." I said.

Val could be heard laughing from the bedrooms. I couldn't help but laugh either.

Laughing was good. After almost 4 days of waiting for the will and death declaration, we all were too tense. It needed to be let out in a good way.


Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter, the next few will be getting a lot better and more interesting with more DRAMAAAA!! Also for anyone wondering stronzo is Italian for asshole. My updates might get frequent and I know I promised to try everyday but I have a lot of tests coming up which means more panic attacks and stress BUT ILL TRY! thanks for the support


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