Chapter 2: Encounter with Tira

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(Ryuga is seen brutalizing several thugs who were about to rape an innocent woman. As he kills each one of them, he turns to the two leaders as they gets shocked and frightened.)

Leader 1: W-W-Who the hell are you?!

Leader 2: Y-Y-You're not a hero...w-w-what kind of hero doing this such a fucking horror thing?!?

(Ryuga then grabs the two leaders' necks.)

Ryuga: Hero? Please, I'm no hero. I just save who needs to be saved, and I kill those who don't deserve to live!

(He throws them down as he pulls out a card and insert it on his visor.)


(Dragblacker shows up and Ryuga executes his finisher, ending the thug leaders' lives. As he is about to leave, he hears a female giggle.)

Tira: (comes in) My, my... aren't you dreamy?

(Ryuga says nothing, and then she smirks.)

Tira: This promises to be really fun!

(She charges at Ryuga, who grabs her and throws her to crash into a wall. She slowly gets up and gets in her fighting stance.)

Tira: Not bad.

(Ryuga gets in his fighting stance as he dodges Talim's attack, and then beats her with kicks and punches, sending her to a wall. As he prepares to punch her again, she ducks, and then dodges his attacks before placing her weapon around herself and him.)

Tira: (seductively) Wow, you're really fast. (rubs his crotch with her thigh) What are you made of anyway, stud?

(Ryuga jumps off and tries to attack her again, but she blocks his attacks, only to be backflipped, and then he hits her legs with a roundhouse kick, making her fall down. As she tries to get up, he kicks her stomach and sends her to crash into the wall again. As she tries to get up again, he kicks her chest, and then he grabs her neck and lifts her up.)

Tira: (weakly) Okay... I yield...

(Suddenly, Ryuga blocks an attack from Mitsurugi.)

Mitsurugi: Onore... RYUGA!

(Ryuga then kicks Mitsurugi away before going to the mirror as he waves at the beaten Tira.)

Ryuga: Ciao!

(He goes through a mirror, and disappears.)


(Ryuga is seen in another part of the village as he sees five thugs about to beat up a child. He then decides to use one of his cards.)


(He summons his Dragsaber and beheads one of the thugs, making the other four turn to him.)

Thug 1: W-W-What the fuck?!?

Thug 2: W-Who the fuck are you?!?

(He dodges the thugs' attacks, and then he stabs each one of them with his Dragsaber, and then he turns to the kid.)

Ryuga: Run.

(The kid nods and runs as fast as he can, leaving Ryuga to stomp each of the four thugs' heads, killing them before reverting back to Kairi.)

Kairi: (sighs) What a day...

(To be continued.)

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