chapter one

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*Its early in the morning as peddlers are opening up their shops for the coming carnival, and to scam stupid tourists out of their money, but on the otherside of town in an inn we see a man with short unkept blonde hair and a recently trimmed mustache and goate*

*having just woken up he would slightly trip over his discarded armor on the floor which woke him up real quick*

Owen: *holding his toe* note to self, put armor out of kicking range. *sighs* some days it feels like I'll never find these swords

*he decides to get dressed and places his sword on his back and goes down stairs to get a warm meal*

Waitress: what can I get you sir?

Owen: eggs please *places three gold coins down* keep the change

Waitress: *very happy* thank you so much sir your breakfast will be done shortly

Owen: *as he waits a man comes stumbling in clearly drunk and starts harrasing patrons and staff which eventually leads to his table being flipped by the dumbass* that's it! *stands up towering over the drunk and grabs him by the collar and the back of his pants and throws him out the door*

Owner: *terrified cause of how strong he is*

Owen: *walks up to the owner and places down 15 gold coins* for the damages *goes back and flips his table up right*

Waitress: *comes back to his table with steak, eggs and beer*

Owen: I only ordered eggs?

Waitress: consider it thanks for dealing with Robert, he never shuts up, drunk or sober, and constantly harrasess my boyfriend Tyler with his "ideas" *uses air quotes when she said ideas*

Owen: well thank you for the meal *while he eats he is being watched by some bandits who saw that he has gold on him*

*once finished he heads outside and sees a father, his wife and three children being very happy and remembers why he's doing this and gains a blank stare*

*Three hours later*

Owen: *walking around the carnival and spots a man working with mechanical puppets that are doing a sword fight* interesting technology

*what he doesn't know is that one of the bandits sabotaged the puppets and made them start attacking anything*

Owen: *blocks a strick that would have killed a young mother and kicks the puppet into the other* are you ok?

Young mother: yes

Owen: good now go, I'll handle the puppets *about to charge in and destroy the puppets*

Puppet owner: wait please don't break them, I need to find out why they attacked!

Owen: fine *slashes the puppets sword arms off rendering them harmless* is this good enough old man

Puppet owner: yes this is fine, I've got spare arms in my cart now lets find out what went wrong *finds that they were tampered with* someone did this to cause panic

Bandit 1: that's right *points his sword at owen* hand over all your gold and we don't cut you to pieces

Owen: *brings out his sword and stabs it into the ground* if you value your life you would walk away

Bandit 2: nah we'll just kill ya, after all there is a hundred of us

Owen: 'dammit there's to many to fight here in town, unless' *gets an idea* 'that's it I'll lead them out of town' *begins running towards the gates

Bandit 56: hey he's getting away!

Bandit 12: after him!

*the bandits follow him like the idiots they are out into an open field*

Owen: you where fools to follow me, I lead you out here so you couldn't take hostages *throws a knife and hits the rope holding up the gate to make sure the bandits don't try to get back in* now its all of you vs one of me, sounds like a fair fight

Owen: *passes out from exhaustion and from blood lose*

*4 days later*

Owen: *begins waking up and tries moving but immediately regrets it when pain courses through his whole body* Argh!!!

????: easy you'll reopen your wounds

Owen: *sees a young girl, no older then fifteen treating his wounds* thank you, may I ask your name?

Talim: my name is talim, I saw what you did for those people

Owen: I did what's the right thing, don't expect no reward

Talim: still your very brave facing 100 men with suck a large sword

Owen: well with something that size it usually deters bandits with a functioning brain from attacking me, though I guess those bandits thought that sense they had the numbers they could overwhelm me

Talim: *finishes changing his bandages* now you better stay here and rest up mister

Owen: *chuckles* yes ma'am

*several weeks later*

Owen: *putting his armor back on* thank you talim for your help

Talim: your welcome, I never did ask why your on a journey

Owen: I'm seeking soul edge

Talim: *gasps* that sword is evil, you should abandon this journey

Owen: I know it's evil, that's why I'm going to destroy it along with soul calibur

Talim: *confused* I understand wanting to destroy soul edge, but why soul calibur is good

Owen: that maybe, but it is one half of the same coin, soul edge and soul calibur one cannot exist without the other so they both must go

Talim: I understand, good luck on your journey to destroy the swords

*after Owen left the small hut he would travel all across Asia and Europe in search of the swords, until he found his first lead a Greek woman named sophitia who had encountered soul edge five years ago*

Owen: *arrives at her house but notices that the door is broken in, and takes out a short sword he kept for close quarters, he discovers two women and a man knocked unconscious and checks their pulses* ok so their alive *notices broken kids toys and quickly searches the property and finds a set of footprints running away from the house* damn bastards

*Owen runs off after the intruders and catches up with them at a nearby alter which has the children tied down ready to be sacrificed*

Crazy priest: with these two souls we offer them to you our lord soul edge *moves out of the way revealing a piece of metal that has a human eye on it*

Owen: *grabs his sword and charges it cleaving the two guards in half with one swing* let them go you bastards!

Cult member 1: never

*all the cultists takes out dagger and all charge him*

Owen: *slashing and cleaving his attackers until only the leader remains* surrender

Crazy priest: *backs up in fear, tripping and knocking himself out*

Owen: *rushes to the kids and sets them free*

Pyhrra: *sobbing and hugs him* thank you, that was so scary

Owen: *brings the two kids close to him and gives them both a comforting hug* your safe now, now to deal with you *grabs rope and ties the priest up* your parents should decide his fate

*he takes the two kids and finds a horse, placing the two kids on the saddle and tying the priest to the back of it so he'd be dragged back then hops on the horse*

Owen: YA *whips the reins making the horse go forward*

*20 minutes, and three kicks to the priest head, later they arrive back at the house finding the occupants searching like crazy to find the kids*

Pyhrra/patrokalos: MOMMY/FATHER!

Sophitia: *turns around seeing her children on a horse with a man with a large sword* children! *rushes over and picks up her kids embracing them and crying tears of joy*

Owen: *gets off the horse and grabs the priest and throws him to the ground* this is the leader who tried to kill your children

Cassandra: and you didn't kill him?

Owen: his fate is yours to decide

Sophitias husband: *grabs a sword and starts dragging him away* I'll take him to the guards for execution

Sophitia: kids go to your aunt while I talk to the nice man

Patrokalos: OK mom *pokes pyhrras forehead* tag your it *runs off*

Pyhrra: Patrokalos you know I hate that *runs off after him*

Owen: hehehe kids, their lucky that these memories will be suppressed as they get older

Sophitia: how did you find them, and why where you here *slightly on guard sense she can feel the shards of soul edge still in her reacting to something*

Owen: I was actually looking for you,I need your expertise on soul edge so I can find and destroy it

Sophitia: yes I do believe I can help you with that, but it'll be difficult without a shard of it to help track it down

Owen: *reaches into his pouch and pulls out the shard the cult was using* would this work?

Sophitia: it's perfect, it even has the eye meaning it'll track the largest source of its self

Owen: meaning I can track down nightmare and put an end to that bastard *puts it back in his pouch* thank you Sophitia *begins walking away*

Sophitia: wait, please at least stay for dinner as my way of saying thank you

Owen: *sighs seeing she won't take no for an answer* very well, I'll join your family for dinner

Cassandra: *walking towards them carrying a sleeping pyhrra and a half asleep patrokalos* so big guys staying the night, cool also its time for the kids nap

Owen: yes I'm staying, I'll take them to bed so you two can rest cause any minute now the adrenaline will run its course *picks up the twins and takes them to their room and tucks them in*

*later that night, the family plus their guest are eating dinner*

Sophitia husband: so tell me about yourself

Owen: I grew up in Germany and I'm the last member of my family

Cassandra: what happened to them, if you don't mind me asking

Owen: much like today a follower of soul edge killed my mother and two siblings

Sophitia: and your father? What happened to him

Owen: my father was executed, he was that follower of soul edge

Sophita husband: bastard, killing your own family

Owen: had the city guards not dragged me off him when I found out I would have beat him to death, and the scary part is that I don't feel bad for trying to kill him

Sophita: the man who was once your father is dead, replaced by that monster

Cassandra: im sorry to hear what happened to your family

Owen: thank you for your kind words, I think I'll turn in for the night *slides his chair back and goes to the sink to put his plate in and goes to the living room and lays down on the couch*

*while he slept another man of similar stature is trying to break free of a cage*

????: let me out! This is my body, you can't keep me here forever!!! *continues screaming in rage and agony as the camera pans out revealing nightmare standing over the corpse of multiple soilders*

(*sorry if it sucks this was a screen shot from my phone, and this concludes this chapter I took some inspiration from scenario the weapon master mode in soul calibur 2*)

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