Chapter 2~New Friends?

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"Should we be worried?" I asked my weapon uneasily, watching the boy race toward us.

"We'll be fine!" He happily replied, opening his arms. But as the boy ran into him, he made my poor partner crash to the ground.

"YAHOO! The great Black Star has arrived!" The boy yelled, inches away from my face.

"Um.. Hello there..." I stuttered, my face reddening as Black Star smirked.

"You're pretty cute! What's your name?" He grinned, grabbing my hand and shaking it violently.

"My.. Name... Is.. (Y/n)!" I gasped as he made me fall.

"Oops! Sorry (y/n)!" Black Star apologized sheepishly, offering his hand. I shyly took it and blushed as he pulled me up.

"Is that guy gonna be alright?" Black Star asked, pointing at (w/n), who was still lying on the ground.

"I'm sure He'll be fine," I replied, walking over to him. I gently nudged him with my foot, making him jump up.

"Why hello there! Nice to bump into you!" He yelled, grinning at his pun. I felt a drop of sweat on the back of my head. What's wrong with this weirdo?

"HAHAHAHHA! Good one!" Black Star laughed, slapping (w/n)'s back.

"How about I show you to class?" Black Star asked me, smirking. "O-ok!" I mumbled, blushing.

-Time skip brought to you by my laziness!- :3

As I walked into the EAT class, the students stared at (w/n) and me in confusion.

"HEY STEIN! WE HAVE TWO NEW STUDENTS, (Y/N) AND (W/N)!" Black Star yelled at the teacher, who seemed to be dissecting some animal, which made me uneasy.

"Oh? Alright then. (W/n), (y/n), how about you tell the class a little bit about yourself?" Stein asked, a creepy grin on his face.

"Ok. I'm (y/n), and this is my partner, (w/n). We were raised in Death City, and our families are close friends," I informed my new classmates, their full attention on us.

"Yes! I can turn into a katana, a chainsaw, and twin daggers!" My weapon happily chirped, smiling brightly.

"Wow!" The class said in awe. What's so special about us? I wondered, looking at (w/n), who was grinning widely.

"Alright, very interesting. You may pick your seats," Stein murmured pointing up at the seating area.

I spotted a girl with sandy blonde hair waving at me from the seats. She seemed friendly enough, so I decided that I would sit there.

(W/n)'s eyes sparkled when he saw the girl. For some reason, a prickle of anger stuck me. I shrugged it off, walking up to the seats.

"Hi! You're the new kids, right?" The girl asked, a grin across her face.

"Yes. What's your name, ma'm?" My weapon asked, grinning.

"I'm Maka Albarn! Nice to meet you both!" She replied, shaking both of our hands.

I noticed a boy with white hair sitting beside Maka.

"Who's that?" I asked curiously, tilting my head.

"Oh! That's Soul, my partner!" Maka explained, poking him. "Say hello!"

"Oh hey," he greeted us, looking at me. "Your (y/n), right?" He asked, his smirk making me blush.

"Y-yeah!" I answered, twiddling my thumbs.

After we were introduced, we sat down and reluctantly watched Stein dissect the creature.

Despite the weirdness of this school, I think I'm going to like it here~

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