Chapter 3-Symmetry?

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~Your POV~
After class, it was lunch time. I sighed in relief, getting out of my seat and walking down the hallway with (w/n), who was whistling a happy tune.

"Why are you overly optimistic today?" I asked, poking him.

"Well, It's just that Maka and I have a lot in common!" He replied. "We both like to read!"

"Oh," I muttered, annoyed. I like to read too. That doesn't mean that (w/n) and I don't have something in common..T^T

"HEY, (Y/N)! WAIT UP!" Black Star bellowed as he sped down the hallway. He skidded to a stop in front of me.

"What's up?" I asked, noticing a girl with long black hair standing beside him.

"I want you to meet my weapon, Tsubaki! (Y/n), this is Tsubaki! Tsubaki, this is (y/n)!" He yelled, grinning widely.

"Oh, hi there!" I greeted her, smiling. "Hi!" She replied, smiling brightly.

"We should be getting to lunch," I stated, my rumbling stomach agreeing with me.

"Wait!" An unfamiliar voice yelled. I turned around to see a boy with black hair with three white stripes on the right side of his head.

"Yes?" I asked shyly, his golden eyes making me blush.

"You are the most symmetrical person I've ever seen!" He smiled, hugging me and blushing.

"H-Huh?" I stuttered, confused. Symmetrical?

"Sorry about him. He's crazy for symmetrical stuff," a tall blonde girl apologized as she walked up to us. A shorter girl traipsed beside her, grinning widely.

"O-oh," I mumbled, still blushing.

"Could you please get off (y/n)? She's very shy, you know?" (W/n) muttered, looking unusually angry.

"Oh, yes, I apologize for my behavior!" The boy stammered, letting go of me.

"I forgot to introduce myself. I am Death the Kid, Lord Death's son. Those two are my weapons, Liz and Patti!" He he added, smiling.

"Cool! I'm (y/n), and that's my weapon, (w/n)!" I replied, pointing at the now pouting (w/n).

"We should be getting to lunch now!" (W/n) yelled, grabbing my hand. "Cmon, (y/n)."

"W-wait!" I stammered. "Let's sit with them."

"Fine," he muttered disappointedly, sitting beside them.

"So, (y/n). Do you have a boyfriend or a crush?" Kid asked, a hopeful expression on his face.

"YEAH! SHE LOVES ME!" Black Star declared, jumping up on the table.

"Actually, she doesn't," my weapon blurted angrily, pulling me closer to him.

"Well, I don't have a boyfriend, and since I just got here, I haven't has enough time to really develop a crush on someone," I mumbled shyly, picking up my peanut butter sandwich.

"Oh," Black Star and Kid muttered sadly.

Soul and Maka then showed up, sitting beside us.

"So you've met Kid?" Soul asked me with a smirk, laying a hand on my shoulder.

"Um, yeah," I stammered, reddening.

"Get your hands off her!" My weapon yelled furiously, grabbing me and embracing me.

"It's alright, (w/n)!" I stuttered, blushing.

He let me go, and sat down. "Sorry, I'm just protective of (y/n)," he apologized, embarrassed.

"It's cool," Soul mumbled, staring at me.

"W-what?" I asked, blushing.

"You just look adorable when you eat," he replied, smirking.

Black Star and Kid immediately started yelling at Soul, angry.

I smiled as I felt a sweat drop go down the back of my head.

What am I going to do with them?

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