Last Words

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  He stared at the people around him, his eyes flicking back and forth between every face he sees. The hall was crowded. Students of all kinds pushed against him as they walked along.

  He stared at his wrist, sweat dripping down his forehead. 'You're pretty cool!!' Is what was written there. He hated thinking of what would happen..
  He hates this... this horrible world. These words, his soul mate's last words, were stuck to his wrist no matter what he did to hide it.


  Only a few days later, he had met a girl at a coffee shop. She was cute, and really nice. He liked her, quite a lot.. And so.. he asked her out. She accepted and he couldn't be happier.

  They were sitting at a small table on the sidewalk that was set in front of this cute ice cream parlour..

  She had laughed, a smile lighting up her face. "You're pretty cool!!" He felt his blood run cold.. He stood up in a panic, staring at her in horror.
  She looked at him, confused. She gave him a look that said 'are you okay?' He backed away, not noticing he was in the street.

  She stood up, horrified, and sprinted towards him. She tackled him, pushing him away... large semi hit her with full force.

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