440 volts shock

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Chapter 120:

It was a fine evening and plants was moving because of wind and the road was floating with the vehicles and people were going to their respective work. The Khanna mansion is shown where no one was on the lawn and inside it, the hall was also empty.

Avneil room shown where Avneil were sitting on the bed. Neil was keenly looking at the Avni who was looking at the laptop shockingly. Avni talked by looking at the laptop.

Avni: Neil, this?

Neil smiles.

Neil: yes this.

Avni: when you did this?

Neil: I was working on it since the day when those ladies came from NGO to offer you to join them. I wanted you to join them, but you were not ready for that so, I did not force you but I decided to do something which can help girls to raise their voice against torture, abuse or domestic violence then I got this idea. First, I wanted to share it with you but then I thought, I will show you it when it will complete.

Avni looks at Neil emotionally.

Avni: why you did this?

Neil cups her face.

Neil: because I know you wanted to help others but not ready to do that so, I make it easy for you.

Avni's eyes filled with tears but tears of happiness.

Neil: did you like it?

Avni nods and looks at the laptop.

Avni: but how you did this? I mean...

Neil: obviously, I don't have the skills of creating a website so, I placed a project on the freelance market and hired a person and now it is in front of you.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: not only this but I created a page on different social media accounts where the victims can contact us and we will become their voice. I also gave the link to my Inspector and an NGO. Let me show you how it will work.

Neil tells her everything and Avni was happy but was not able to concentrate as her heart wants to see Neil. Avni was staring at Neil and Neil was pointing at the laptop.

Neil: so, how is it?

Avni comes out of her thoughts and looks at the laptop.

Avni: awesome. But, do you think it will work?

Neil frowns.

Avni: I mean, a girl who can not be able to talk to her parent or anyone else then how she can tell her story to us? How can she share her dreadful thing with a stranger? When a girl lost trust in a human then she was not able to trust anyone. I experienced that I know that feeling.

Neil: that is the main initiative, main motive. When she can not tell her parent and afraid of society then she can contact us we will become her voice. Sometimes, the thing which we can not share with our nearest one we share that with a stranger.

Avni: but it is not easy for a girl to say what happened to her. People afraid of what people will say.

Neil: I know that but we can try. Just by thinking that it will not work, we can not sit quietly. At least try.

Avni nods.

Avni: right.

Neil: and we ask them if anyone wants to share her story through over platform then she can, this will also build trust and girls will feel secure and motivated.

Avni nods.

Neil: and one more thing.

Avni: what?

Neil passed the laptop to her. Avni frowns and takes that.

Neil: I want you to handle it.

Avni shocked. Avni keeps the laptop on the bed.

Avni: Neil, I.

Neil: you can do it.

Avni: I.

Neil: you can do it.

Avni: bu

Neil: you can do it.

Avni was about to say.

Neil: you can do it.

Neil did not let her say "I can't".

Neil: You can. You can. You can.

Avni stops.

Neil: you can.

Avni sighs and smiles. Neil smiles too.

Neil: that's like my girl.

Avni smiled and looked at Neil who was smiling. Avni stares at him she wonders who can someone so good and understanding he know her more than her, how can someone love this much? How can a person be perfect? For her, Neil is perfect. Don't know what happened to Avni but her heart wants to shower immense love on Neil so she couldn't resist and did the thing which she never thought that she will do in her life. Avni keeps the hand on Neil's shoulder who was looking at the laptop he looks at the shoulder then at Avni and gets a shock of 440 volts. Avni kissed his lips. Neil was shocked and he could not register what happened. Avni moves away when Neil did not respond she looks at Neil who was numbed. Neil looks at Avni and Avni looks down as she, herself could not believe what she did. When Neil did not say anything, Avni looks up and saw Neil is lost, Avni was looking at him and she thought that she did something wrong and Neil did not like it that's why he is silent. Avni looks down and turns. Neil looks at her and saw she is getting up. Neil holds her arm but Avni did not turn to him as she was hurt and not able to match her eyes with Neil.

Neil: Avni!

Avni did not reply. Neil understands that she misunderstood his reaction as if she was feeling shy then she must have run from there till now.

Neil: Avni, turn to me.

Avni did not turn so, Neil comes beside her by his knees and sits. Neil holds Avni's arms and turns her to him she was looking down.

Neil: what happened, Avni?

Avni shook her head.

Neil: Avni!

Avni: I am sorry.

Neil: sorry for what?

Avni remains silent.

Neil: sorry for giving me happiness? Sorry for taking a step? Sorry for what Avni?

Avni: I crossed my limit.

Neil closes his eyes and turns his face then he looks at Avni and thinks. Neil keeps his finger on Avni's chin and makes it up. Neil leans to her and kissed her lips. Avni feels a shiver in her body. Neil looks at her and Avni was looking down and tears roll from her eyes. Neil cups her face and kissed her tears and wipes them with his hands.

Neil: thank you so much, Avni for giving me these moments.

Avni looks at him and again she looks down her eyes were teary.

Neil: Avni, It was a shock for me. I did not expect that so, I took the time to register that but, that doesn't mean I did not like that. You know me, you know about my feelings, you know... you know everything.

Avni looks at Neil and her eyes were teary. Neil saw that and kissed her eyes. Avni opens her eyes and Neil leans to her ear.

Neil whispers: your surprise was more beautiful than mine. I did not know that my wifey can take a bold move.

Avni blushes hard. Neil looks at her and smiles. Neil moves away, Avni also looks up but couldn't match her eyes with Neil so, she hides her face in his chest. Neil smiles and hugs her. Neil kissed her head and caresses the hairs near her ear. Avni was also feeling good in his arms and doesn't want to move away.

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