Avneil's sweet moment

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Chapter 125:

In was daytime, Avni was getting ready as in the morning Neil was unwell and slept in his lap so she did not get the time to get fresh and change. Avni was sitting on the dressing table and brushing her hairs and Neil was staring at her, Avni saw him in the mirror but he looks away, Avni smiles and shook her head. Avni resumes her work. She wears the bangles and earrings and Neil was looking at her. Avni picks a small box, Neil saw that. Avni takes a pinch of Sindoor and was about to apply it.

Neil: Avni!

Avni stops and looks at him in the mirror. Neil comes to her. Avni gets up. Neil signs that can he fills the sindoor in her hairline?

Neil: may I?

Avni smiles and shows him the box. Neil smiles, he takes the sindoor in his pinch and fills her hairline. Avni gets emotional and closes her eyes a tear falls from her eyes. Neil wipes her nose as Sindoor falls on that then he wipes tears and shook his head. Avni hugs him. Neil smiles and captures her in his arm and kisses her head.

Avni: Neil?

Neil: hmm.

Avni: nothing.

Neil frowns and breaks the hug. He takes the box of sindoor from Avni and keeps that safely then he holds Avni's arms.

Neil: say Avni. You know you can say anything to me.

Avni looks down.

Neil: Avniii.

Avni looks at him.

Avni: Why you don't show your right at me? It is because of that incident when you first time kissed me.

Neil looks at her.

Neil: no, Avni nothing is like that. The thing is I know you need time and I don't want to impose my decision on you. For me, a husband and wife's consent, their mutual decision is important before taking a relation to next level and you are not ready for that thing, still, you need time and about showing right then you know I don't believe in male dominance. I show my right where it is needed; our relationship is going smooth and good where we both are mutually handling the thing so, if you see we both are showing right on each other when you were ill I took care of you and when I was ill you took care of mine and we both scold each other for the betterment of other so what is that? Showing right, no.

Avni smiles.

Avni: I knew you will say this.

Neil: then why you asked my dear wifey?

Avni: it feels good to hear these things from you, also I wanted to clear that you forget that thing or not.

Neil smiles.

Neil: I forget that.

Avni in mind: but that fear is still in your heart but don't worry soon I will wipe off that.

Avni smiles.

Later, the whole family was sitting in the living area.

Bebe: Neil, Avni you both know that we are going to a wedding tomorrow, Right?

Neil: yes, Bebe.

Bebe: good so, it will get late to come home so, you come home earlier as Avni will be alone at home and we will leave earlier.

Neil: ok Bebe.

Shweta: we know that this thing was not needed to say but still Bebe said.

Neil smiles and Avni blushes. Bebe clears her throat. All look at her.

Bebe: now, no one will be at home so, you both can do whatever you want no one will hear.

Bebe coughs. Avneil feels awkward before Shweta say something the doorbell rings.

Bheema goes to open that and comes with the box of sweets.

Shweta: who was there?

Bheema: Neighbours send sweets.

Shweta: oh, yes today was Tara's engagement.

Bheema gives the sweets to Shweta then Shweta opens that and gives them to all, then to Avni but she shook her head she wanted to eat them but she loves Neil more than anything else. Neil looks at her.

Shweta: you can eat it, Avni. Dry fruits are not in it.

Avni: no, mummy Ji thank you.

Neil was looking at her.

Avni: ab I am just coming.

Avni goes and Neil was looking at her and thinks.

Shweta: what happened to her she loves sweets then why she refused to eat.

Neil thinks and looks at the side where Avni goes.

Neil entered the room and saw Avni is standing and folding the clothes. Avni saw him and saw a plate in his hand. She looks at Neil who comes to her she picks the clothes and goes to the cupboard and keeps them there and touched the clothes to avoid Neil.

Neil: Why you came from there like this?

Avni heard but acts to behave normally.

Avni: I remembered that I have to fold these clothes so, I came here.

Neil: really?

Avni nods.

Neil: ok, have some sweets then resume your work I will help you also.

Avni: ab, I remember I have some work in the kitchen, I am just coming.

Avni tried to go from there but Neil was standing in her way she looks up at Neil who was looking at her. Avni looks down.

Neil: Why are you ignoring me?

Avni: no, why would I ignore you, you must be mistaken, nothing is like that.

Neil: ok, let's say in other words, why you are ignoring sweets.

Avni looks at him.

Neil: now don't lie you know I will catch your lie.

Avni: Ab, I left eating sweets.

Neil: why? Because of me?

Avni: no, for you. I can't afford your anger. If I eat sweets then I will crave to eat pistachio and if I eat them then you will get angry with me so if I stop eating sweets then eventually I will stop eating pistachio. That's why.

Neil: Avni, you don't need to do this you love sweets I didn't mean to prohibit or force you I was worried for you and pistachio are not good for you that's why I prohibit you from eating them. Did I ever restrict you from anything?

Avni: no Neil, you never restrict me and whatever you do you do that for my betterment I am not angry but I can't stand with your anger, I can't afford it.

Neil smiles.

Neil: then eat it. If you don't eat it then I will feel bad because you are sacrificing your wishes and things for me.

Neil tries to feed her sweet. Avni smiles and eats.

Neil: good girl and yes don't worry about pistachio because I will be alert now.

Avni: I, myself will not eat.

Neil smiles and goes to keep the plate on the table then he comes back and saw a piece of sweet on Avni's lips he leans to her and Avni looks at him she closes her eyes, Neil wanted to wipe her lip with his hand but Avni's closed eyes that give him the signal and he cups her face with one hand and kissed her lips. Avni holds his shoulders. Neil holds Avni's waist and pulls her more to him and Avni's hands reached his head back and she ruffles his hairs. They move away, Neil looks at Avni who was breathing heavily by looking down.

Neil: I love this combination of sweet and spicy lips.

Avni blushes hard she turns to go but Neil holds her wrist and pulls her back he hugs her from behind.

Neil whispers in her ear: do you remember what Bebe said, she said no one will be at home tomorrow so, no one will be here to disturb us did you understand what she means.

Avni blushes.

Neil: you wanted me to show my right on you, right? Now, no one will be at home so, now I will show my right as Bebe said. Just wait and watch, wifey what I do.

Avni's breathing was uneven. Neil hides his face in her neck and Avni squeezed her eyes and stretches her neck but Neil's phone rings as he did not go to the office. Neil closes his eyes in frustration. Neil leaves Avni and she runs from there. Neil looks at her and smiles.

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