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Episode 59:

Neil was sitting in his room and was reading a book then his phone rings he look at the phone and pick it neil frown to see it.

Neil: dad.

Neil recieved it.

Neil: yaa dad.

Prakash: Neil are you free?

Neil smiles sadly.

Neil: dad right now I am only free.

Prakash: Neil.

Neil looks down.

Prakash: I meant to ask was you sleeping?

Neil: no dad say why you called?

Prakash: actually Neil I have a meeting and I have to check some files ajay also didn't come today so can you check them for me.

Neil: but dad I didn't come office for month i don't know anything how can I?

Prakesh interrupts.

Prakash: Neil you can read them and understand everything and If you need help you can call ajay he know everything actually I have meeting otherwise I would have not ask you.

Neil: it's ok dad I am also free ok send the files I will try my best to understand the things.

Prakash: ok and I asked ajay to send you soft copies you can make the changes if you want.

Neil: ok dad.

Prakash: ok bye.

Neil: bye.

Neil cut the call and avni was hearing their conversation by standing near the door she smiles and went from there after sometime bheema came and files were in her hand she knock the door.

Neil: come in.

She came.

Bheema: Sir prakash sir send these files for you.

Neil: yaa give them to me.

She nods and give them to Neil and he asked her to go she went and in the corridor avni was waiting for her she show thumbs up which shows works is done avni smiles and did the same bheema went avni sighs and went to the room because she have to help him she can told him but she knew he is frustrated what if he misunderstood her and think she is just sympathized with him because at a point in the life people feels like this that all people are just showing sympathy to him or her no one loves them so she don't want him to think like that avni came in the room and he is looking here and there like he is searching something.

Avni: what happened Neil do you want something?

Neil look at her.

Neil: Aah thank God you came yes I want pen and my laptop.

Avni: pen and laptop?

Neil: yaa actually dad have send some files to check so for that I need them please bring me pen and my laptop.

Avni smiles.

Avni: ok but on one condition.

Neil frown.

Neil: what?

Avni: I will help you I can't let you do much work so if you let me help you then I will bring them to you otherwise forget them.

Neil: lady don.

Avni: what you said?

Neil: nothing I said ok in fact I need your help for using the laptop but you yourself offered me help.

Avni smiles Avni went to bring the things Neil shook his head.

Neil in mind: I didn't knew about this side of your we all thought you are silent and shy girl but no there is a strong and fighter avni inside you who know how to shut the mouth of others but you are hiding your this side from all because of your past it snatched your self confidence but I am happy that you are showing your this side to me. that means i am close to your heart that's why you are behaving like this to me I am so happy happy i hope soon you will tell me about your past and I will snatch those nightmares from you for forever.

Neil was lost in his thoughts then he hears her calling him.

Avni: Neiilll.

Neil: ha yaa what happened?

Avni: exactly what happened where are you lost I am calling you since 5 minutes but you are lost in your thought.

Neil: I am sorry ok so why you was calling me.

Avni: Neil what happened to you. You asked me to bring pen and laptop and now you are asking me why I was calling you

Neil close his eyes and keep the fingers on them.

Neil: I am so sorry avni ok so let's start.

Avni smiles and nods then they start the work they were read the file together avni moves towards him to read the file Neil turns his face avni also look at him their eyelock he look at her lips again into her eyes but their moment was ruined by Shweta she came with the juice avni move away and Neil smiles to see her embarrassment then after the break of juice they resume the work Neil was telling her something by pointing at the line avni also point at that while discussing that point and their hands touched again they look at eachother avni takes her hand back and Neil was enjoying the moment he never enjoyed this much while working in his office avni keep the hair strands behind her ears Neil smiles then Neil was telling her and she was typing something in the laptop and hair strands were disturbing her again and again and she was keeping them behind the ear again the hair strands were disturbing her and she leave them and was typing Neil notice that and stare her she was loving breathtaking while the hairs were flying in air and some strands were at her face avni keeps away them from her face Neil's right hand was fine but his left hand didn't have much power that he can do any work with it he slowly raise his left hand which was trembling because of weakness it's saying without will power no gain will be made his hand was fine but he just need the confidence on himself Neil suppress his lips because he was trying to raise his hand he keeps the hair strands behind her ear and smiles he was panting and smiling avni look at him then she look at his arm and shocked her eyes filled with tears because it was a great improvement he hugged her last night but raising arm up is a different thing avni was smiling with teary eyes she hold his hand which was in air still she touches his arm Neil smiles to see her happy.

Avni: ne Neil you your arm you you raise it.

Avni look at him Neil nods avni kiss his hand Neil shocked avni was smiling and tears were rolling from her eyes she didn't realised what she did and Neil was just looking at her Neil cup her face with right hand and wipes her tears he shook his head.

Avni: Neil see your arm it's a big improvement now you will be fine. soon you will also walk.

Neil: yes avni with your and our family's support everything will be fine I can walk soon because my biggest strength is with me.

Avni nods and smiles.

Avni: I am going to tell mummy ji and bebe they will be so happy.

Neil smiles to see her avni went Neil look at his hand he hold his arm with right hand and slowly bend it to him and kiss his hand where avni kissed and smiles.

All came to meet Neil and all were happy and Shweta and bebe hug him neil smiles Shweta kiss his hand Neil smiles and look at avni she realised she also did that and looks away to hide her embarrassment Neil smiles then all went and avni sit besides Neil and was happy then they resume their work and soon they finished that.

Avni: done.

She close the laptop.

Neil: thanks avni.

Avni frown.

Avni: for what?

Neil: for thinking about me I know you talked to dad and asked him to give me some work.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: what. I am a business man by seeing the file I understand that the papers are important or not.

Avni: but these are important papers.

Neil: yes these are but dad can wait for them to check but he sent them here to make me busy because you asked him right.

Avni was looking at him she was surprised how he got to know Neil smiles.

Neil: but honestly speaking avni I am so happy I am feeling so light that I came in dad's work i helped him.

Neil holds avni's hand in his hand.

Neil: and this all happened because of you thank you avni thank you so much thank for thinking about me thank you for becoming my strength thank you so much.

Avni smiles Neil also smiles.

Neil in mind: and thank you for the moments which you gave me today slowly our relation is improving hope you find about your feelings soon and we can start our marriage life where you will always lived like a queen queen of Neil khanna.

Neil smiles.

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