Lady Don

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Episode 58:

Avni was angirly looking at Neil and he knew he did a mess but it's not his mistake anyone at his place can think the same if anyone else were at Avni's place so she will hug him or slap him but she is avni she is an introvert but not weak he don't know the anger of an introvert if an introvert is silent then feel good for it because if an introvert came on showing you what he or she can do then no one can handle them the silence of introvert is not their weakness it's their nature Neil was looking at avni she got up and went to cupboard she took out the suitcase and neil thought she will leave him he know she is not from those who run from the situation and she is not also like those who take decision in anger but he was confused what she is doing avni keep the bag on the table and went to cupboard and pick Neil's clothes and came to the table and start packing his clothes Neil frown.

Neil: avni what are you doing these are mine clothes.

No Response avni went to get the clothes again.

Neil: avni what are you doing?

Avni: said while going to the cupboard.

Avni: I am throwing you out from my home.

Neil frown then widen his eyes.

Neil: what?

Avni turns to him.

Avni: yes.

She picks his shirt and fold it avni look at him.

Avni: I will create history by throwing you out from my house it will be the breaking news a wife throw her husband out of the house my name will be written in Guinness book of world record a unique record you may listen it many times a husband throw her wife out from his house a father throw his son out of the house even a son do that to his father but you would never hear that a wife got the honour of doing this but i will be the one.

Avni throw his shirt in the suitcase and give him a deadly look.

Neil: avni I am not joking.

Avni: I am also not joking I am serious.

Neil was looking at her.

Avni: because there is no place for a loser in my home.

Neil shocked.

Avni: what. you said you are weak you are burden on the family then you go why are you making me away from my family you have problem with us then you go but I will not go by leaving my family and secondly if I go from here then only I get the freedom what about the family you can't say them to leave you. do you no right so I am making it easy for you by throwing you out from my house it will be in favour of all.

Neil was shocked because he never saw this side of her Avni again start packing his clothes and say while doing that.

Avni murmurs: leave me how easily he said that what he think of me when he wanted he marry him now he is saying leave me because he is thinking he don't deserve me typical husband who always thought their wives are their slaves and they can do anything with me why I leave my home he has problem with me so he will go I am not going to leave my home my family.

Neil smiles to hear that now he understand why she is doing this.

Neil: avni i am sorry.

No response.

Neil: avni please.

Avni stop and think she look at him and saw his teary eyes and understand that he get her point.

Neil: I am sorry.

Avni sighs she keep the shirt on the suitcase and came to him she sit in front of him.

Avni: Neil how can you say that?

Neil: I am sorry avni actually by sitting at one place I am just frustrated it just block my mind I am not able to think anything.

Avni: I understand Neil but things are not in our hands we have to wait for them to come at their right place see yourself Neil you are much better than before your both arms are fine now still you are thinking like this.

Neil looks down.

Avni: Neil you asked me to leave you and what about your family you was also going to say them the same.

Neil was looking at her and was guilty how can he say that but sometimes situation make us think like that.

Avni: no right then why you said that to me because they are your family and I am your wife do you really think wives are weak.

Neil shook his head.

Neil: no avni you are getting me wrong.

Avni: then why if I was at your place then what would you do?

Neil shocked.

Avni: would you have leave me?

Neil shook his head.

Avni: no then how you thought I will leave you Neil i never saw a strong person like you where that Neil went who had faith on himself on his love Neil you marry me instead of knowing that how I am. You had the idea that you will not get love in return of your love but still you marry me because you had faith on your love and slowly you earned my trust my lo.

Avni stop Neil surprised and was looking at her curiously avni looks away Neil smiles but he realized his mistake.

Neil: I am sorry avni I don't know how those things came in my mind I very well know that I can't live without you but don't know what happened to me and i said those things i am sorry please forgive me.

Avni: I understand Neil but making you understand the things was also important but Neil today you hurt me alot.

Neil hold her hand in his hands.

Neil: I am so sorry avni please forgive me I will not say this again I promise don't know what happened to me please forgive me.

Avni: it's ok.

Neil smiles.

Neil: by the way I didn't knew about your this lady don side it was a shock for me but I just love it.

Avni smiles by looking down.

Avni: ok now change your shirt.

Neil nods avni was feeling shy and Neil was enjoying the moment avni unbotton the shirt by looking away then Neil remove his shirt with his right hand and avni help him to wear the shirt she was standing near him and Neil was staring her avni look at him their eyelock then avni breaks that and close the button of the shirt.

Neil: thanks.

Avni smiles she pick his shirt from the floor and went to keep it with other laundry clothes Neil look at the suitcase and smiles then avni came.

Neil: ab avni please keep my clothes in the cupboard I am feeling nervous by seeing them.

Avni frown then she understand and laughs Neil was just looking at her.

Avni: ok.

Avni did that and they smiles by looking at each other then at night Neil was sleeping and avni was looking at him she think something.

Next day avni knock the door of Shweta's room prakash was getting ready and sheweta was standing by holding the wallet they look at the door.

Shweta: avni come why are you standing there.

Avni smiles she look down and was coming while rubbing her fingers.

Shweta: what happened do you want to say something.

Avni look at her.

Avni: ab yes mummy ji I have work with papa ji.

Prakash: yes say my child.

Avni look at him and hesitates.

Prakash: don't be hesitate I am your like your father and why like I am your father so don't be hesitate and just say.

Avni smiles.

Avni: ac actually I want to talk about Neil.

Shweta and prakash look at each other.

Prakash: say.

Avni: as we all know he is feeling irritated by sitting at one place and and is frustrated now so I am thinking that why don't he start the office work from home.

Shweta and prakash look at eachother then at avni.

Avni: I know he is not cured fully but it will pass his time and I will help him in his office work I am not asking about putting burden on him but if possible then give some work to him.

They were looking at her avni look down Shweta and prakash smiles they were happy that Avni is thinking about Neil they saw the changes in her and also saw her taking care of Neil she accept her marriage.

Avni: I am sorry if he said something wrong.

Shweta came to her and caress her hairs and cup her face with one hand.

Shweta: no baby it's not like this in fact we are happy that you are thinking about Neil and understanding his condition in his tough time you became his strength I am so happy avni.

Avni smiles.

Prakash: yes Shweta is right and I am also agree with you avni we should make Neil busy in some work so that he will not feel bore I am going to office and will see their files then I send one for him Ok.

Avni nods.

Avni: thank you.

Prakash: a daughter can never say thank you to father.

Avni smiles Ashish loves her alot but something happened in the past and because of that their relation changed and now she is getting that care that love from prakash avni was happy.

Prakash: God bless you.

Avni smiles and went from there she stop at the corridor and smiles to think about Neil's reaction when he get some work to do.

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