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Chapter 76:

A car stopped outside the khanna mansion they were avneil they look at the home then Neil look at avni.

Neil: avni.

Avni look at him Neil took her hand avni look at the hands then she look at neil he hold her hands.

Neil: listen to me carefully may be we see raghav inside so don't get scared i am with you.

Avni nods then they came inside and bouquets were in their hands and saw bebe is sitting at the hall and Shweta was setting the dinning table.

Avneil: good morning.

Bebe: so you both came today you got late.

Neil: yes bebe today weather is pleasant so we stay there for sometime.

Bebe: oh I can guess that by seeing these bouquets.

Avni feels shy and embarrassed Neil smiles by looking down he never tell anyone about his social works because he thought it's show off if we do something for anyone then it's our responsibility and there is no use to show it and get admiration.

Neil: bebe.

Bebe: ok ok I am not asking for any explanation and she is your wife so it's good you are making her feel special then why you are explaining it.

Neil give the bouquet to avni and went to her and pull her cheeks.

Neil: I love you my miss World.

Bebe slap his hand avni smiles to see them but to spoil their moment raghav came there he was not well but he can't sit at one place avni's smile vanished to see him Neil saw raghav then he look at avni he went to avni and keep his hand at her waist to make her feel his closeness avni shivers raghav saw Neil standing close to avni and clench his fist but he managed to smile.

Raghav: good morning.

All answer him except avni she was looking down.

Neil: how are you uncle?

Raghav: better.

Neil: good.

Raghav smiles then he look at avni who was looking down.

Raghav: avni why are you bowing your head it was an accident you didn't do anything intentionally.

Raghav in mind: I know how scared you are from me.

Raghav smirk.

Neil: yes avni uncle is right you are not at fault so why you are bowing your head the one who is at fault is roaming freely with attitude and proudly then why you are bowing your head.

Avni look at neil raghav frown.

Neil: I I mean people roam freely after commiting crimes and she is guilty for what she didn't do.

Raghav: oh.

Neil: yaa.

Neil look at avni.

Neil: ok bebe so we are coming back after freshen up.

Bebe: ok.

Neil said something in avni's ear avni look at him he nods but thankfully no one notice that as raghav was busy at hi phone and bebe was reading newspaper avneil were going from there Neil went to the other side of avni now avni was at raghav side Neil keep the hand at her waist they were going from there before raghav touch her waist cleverly avni keep her foot at raghav's foot raghav wince.

Avni: I I am sorry I didn't saw your foot I am sorry.

Raghav: it's ok it's ok baby doll.

Neil glare raghav to hear baby doll but he control himself.

Neil: avni let's go.

Avni understand Neil is controlling his anger Neil hold her arm and took her from there avni was looking at Neil they came in the room and Neil runs his hand in his hairs and keep his hand there avni keep the flower bouquets on the table and went to close the door then she came to Neil.

Avni: Neil calm down.

Neil: how dare he how dare he to call you that.

Avni was looking at him she think and smile.

Avni: so you feel I am not baby doll?

Neil look at her and saw she is looking at him by making a pout.

Neil: avni I am serious.

Avni: I am also serious my husband don't find me pretty.

Neil smiles with a frown avni shows fake anger she turns to go Neil hold her hand and pull her to him and keep his hand on her waist and smiles to see Avni's closed eyes because of fear then she open her eyes and saw he is looking at her lovingly avni's heartbeat increases Neil smiles.

Neil: what you said I don't find you pretty?

Avni blush Neil smiles.

Neil: ok so let me tell you what I think about you for me my wifey is beautiful, pretty, hawt, irresistible se

Neil stop he was teasing her avni widen her eyes Neil smiles and pull her cheeks.

Neil: my innocent wifeeyyy.

Avni look at him Neil cup her face.

Neil: for me you are the most beautiful girl in the world a cute, innocent, pretty girl my beauty queen and only I have the right to call you baby doll only I can call you that only I can see you lovingly, stare you I can't resist anyone look at you with the dirty eyes and think dirty about you.

Avni was overwhelmed she keep her hand on his hand.

Avni: yes only you have the right and you don't need to get jealous and angry because I am only yours.

Neil was surprised.

Neil: what you said?

Avni realised what she said and looks down she keep the hair strand behind her ear and avoid eye contact she looks here and there Neil smiles.

Avni: ab I I think we should freshen up all must be waiting for us.

Neil smiles and shook his head Neil take out a flower from his upper and gave her avni look at flower then at neil.

Avni: one more?

Neil: yes but you earned it.

Avni frown.

Neil: you gave pain to that raghav so it is your reward.

Avni smiles and takes that.

Neil: avni I am proud of you, you are facing him bravely trust me it's not easy but you are doing it and for that I am proud of you.

Avni smiles Neil Think and leans to her ear.

Neil: and I heard what you said and I am glad you gave that right to me you are only mine.

Neil kiss her ear avni close her eyes tightly and moving her face because of his effect on her neil rub his nose and lips at her ear avni clenched her trouser Neil look at her and smiles before he lose his control Neil moves away and went to cupboard avni hears the sound and open her eyes she turns to Neil he look at her and smiles then he went to freshen up and avni blush and keep the hand at her heart and feels it is beating faster then normal heartbeat then Neil came back and look at avni she went to freshen up without looking him after that she was getting ready Neil came in the room avni saw him from the mirror and looks down Neil smiles and went to her he turns her to him and keep his hand at her chin and pull it up.

Neil: avni look at me.

But she didn't do that.

Neil: avni.

She blush Neil cup her face.

Neil: avni you don't need to feel embarrassed and awkward I am sorry if I make you feel awkward.

Avni look at him.

Avni: no Neil it's not like that these all things are new for me so I am feeling shy.

Neil smiles.

Neil: so you like my closeness.

Avni blush but before Neil ask her again they hear the knock on the door avni look at the door neil turns.

Bheema: bebe is calling you for breakfast.

Neil: ok we are coming.

She went Neil turns to avni they look at eachother and smiles.

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