Love and Care

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Chapter 77:

Avneil came to the dinning area and stop to see raghav Neil hold avni's hand and whispers.

Neil: it's time to earn second flower.

Avni frown.

Neil sign to his pocket avni saw a rose in his pocket then she look at neil he smiles and sign come they went to all and wish them morning and all wish them raghav think avneil sit.

Raghav: today I want my daughter to serve me.

Avneil shocked Neil grin his teeth.

Neil: uncle today your son will serve you After all me and avni are one thing you know one unit so I serve you or avni what's the difference.

Raghav didn't like that but he smiles and avni was happy.

Raghav: of course.

Neil smiles he get up and serve raghav all smiles but avni was not liking it she get up and start serving bebe Neil smiles he understood she didn't like his serving food to raghav then neil serve prakash.

Prakash: I will have it you sit Neil.

Neil: Dad today me and my wife will serve all.

All smiles but Raghav didn't like when Neil said my wife then avneil sit.

Raghav: so Neil where you went for honeymoon.

Avneil were surprised by his question Raghav want to know about avneil relation how they live how close they are Neil get angry who is he to ask him that question how dare he to ask him about their personal life.

Neil: uncle we didn't went actually we decided first we understand eachother then we will go for honeymoon now we are more than comfortable with eachother so we are thinking to go for honeymoon.

Avni look at neil she didn't know about it even Neil didn't think about that he just told that to Raghav to shut his mouth Neil look at avni.

Neil: right wifey.

Neil smiles avni nods and blush which increase the blood pressure in Raghav's body all smiles to hear Neil.

Bebe: that's great I am waiting to see my Grandson.

Avni blush and was feeling shy Raghav clench his fist Neil notice that and smirk.

Neil: bebe soon your wish will come true.

Avni widen her eyes.

Avni: ex excuse me I am just coming.

Avni went from there Neil smiles and Raghav think Neil also excused him and went all were happy to see avneil happy Neil came in the room and saw avni is keeping his things on the dressing table like hanky wallet watch Neil smiles he clear his throat avni saw him from the mirror and smiles by keeping the hanky on the table.

Neil: Why you came here?

Avni smiles.

Avni: to get my reward.

Neil frown avni turns and came to him.

Avni: I earned a Rose I didn't panic by seeing that demon.

Neil smiles.

Neil: true.

Then Neil made a tight pout and sign with his finger correct and said one minute Neil went to the cupboard and take out a rose and came to avni he get on his knees avni was surprised to see that Neil smiles and give her two roses one he took out from his pocket and second from the cupboard avni smiles and take the roses Raghav saw that he didn't listen what avni said he just saw Neil giving the rose to avni Raghav thing.

Raghav In mind: I have to do something soon.

Raghav went from there Neil look at the door and smirk then he look at avni and smiles avni frown only Neil saw the raghav when he turned to give rose to avni so he thought and got on his knees. Neil get up.

Neil: you are doing really good wifey really i am very impressed.

Avni smiles.

Avni: what about other flowers.

Neil: you want more?

Avni smiles.

Avni: no already i have two bouquets and three roses what I do with these flowers.

Neil: if you want more then earn them.

Avni: how?

Neil came close to her and avni take step back she knew he will leans to her so she took step back and her back hit with the wall Neil close the door with his hand which was near them and keep the hand on the wall avni tried to go from other side Neil also keep his hand there avni look at him he smirk.

Neil: wifey don't you want to earn more rewards.

Avni looks down and shook her head.

Neil: but I want to give them to you what I do with them.

Avni look at him with innocence Neil smiles and pull her cheeks.

Neil: wifey you are so cute.

Neil kiss her cheek he open the door and was about to step out then he look at avni and smiles who was in shock.

Neil: wifey breathe.

Avni came out from the shock and look at neil he smiles and went avni close her eyes and keep her hand on her heart she took at deep breathe then she walks and saw Neil's things on the dressing table she went to table and picks the wallet.

Avni: o no Neil forget his wallet here.

Avni picks the hanky watch and turns she collided with Neil and was about to fall Neil hold her waist on the time they look at eachother their eyelock Neil smiles avni came back to reality and breaks the eyelock Neil make her stand.

Avni: thank you.

Neil: my pleasure wifey.

Avni look at him then she looks down.

Avni: you you forgot your wallet.

Neil: yaa I came to get them.

Avni gives those things to Neil.

Neil: thank you.

Neil keeps them in the pocket and look at avni.

Neil: avni.

Avni look at neil he hold her shoulders.

Neil: I am going office so take care of yourself and don't get panicked remember you are strong.

Avni smiles and nods.

Avni: don't worry Neil I can manage and mummy ji bebe are at home so don't worry he will not do anything.

Neil: still be careful.

Avni nods.

Avni: ok.

Neil: do one thing spend whole day with bebe in her room or can I drop you to mehta house.

Avni: Neiilll.

Neil look at her and was worried for her.

Avni: more than me you are looking tensed don't worry Neil and today I will go there what about tomorrow you motivated me and now you yourlsef are afraid.

Neil sighs.

Neil: I don't want to take any risk.

Avni: well today my trainer taught me some techniques now I can protect myself.

Neil smiles avni too.

Neil: I know you can protect yourself.

Avni: so just forget every other thing and go.

Neil: ok.

Neil kiss her forehead avni closed her eyes they look at eachother Neil turns avni hold his hand he look at the hand then at avni he sign what avni keep his hand in her hands.

Avni: take care and don't think to much hmm.

Neil smiles and keep his second hand on avni's hand he kiss the hands avni smiles Neil was happy now she is habitual of his closeness, kissing her forehead and hands and hugs.

Neil: bye and take care.

Avni: you too.

Neil nods and went avni think then she went to the balcony Neil came outside to his car and feels she is standing there he looks up and smiles avni waved her hand he also raise his hand.

Neil in mind: finally I got this view how much I waited for this moment I imagined it thousands time but reality is more beatiful than imagination.

Neil look at avni and was smiling he get in the car he was smiling soon it vanished when remember about raghav.

Neil: I have to do something soon which prove him guilty.

Neil think and start the car avni smiles to think about their moment.

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