Neil is angry with Avni

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Chapter 122:

The sun rises and the new day begins with a new start, new challenges, and lots of opportunities.

The birds were hovering over the sea and also over the Khanna mansion. Inside the Khanna mansion, Avni was sleeping peacefully because of the effect of medicine she stirs in sleep and does Pandiculation. Avni opens are eyes and turn her face to see Neil who was not on the bed, Avni watches the time on the clock and saw it's 7:10 am. Avni thinks and sits.

Avni: where is Neil? Did he go jogging but why he did not wake up me?

Avni thinks and remembers about her abdomen pain.

Avni: last night I disturbed his sleep he was so worried for me. Avni, you are a stupid, idiot why you ate those sweets when you know that you are allergic to pistachio. Neil must be angry with me... but where is he, he should have come till now and what was the need to go today?

Avni was thinking then Neil entered the room and a bowl was in his hand. Neil looks up and saw Avni is already awake. Avni turns and saw Neil she smiles but Neil looks at the bowl then he looks away which breaks Avni's heart, her smiles faded. Neil came to her. Neil keeps the bowl on the side table and goes to the washroom, Avni was looking at him and thinks then Neil comes with a small tub and soap and towel he picks the jug. Neil waits for Avni to wash her hands but she was looking at Neil who looks up then on the tub and looks here and there as he does not wants to melt bu seeing her. When he saw that Avni is still sitting in the same position.

Neil: wash your hands and face then have breakfast you have to take medicine also.

Avni knew he is angry but he never talked to her like this and never ignore her yes, one time he did that when Avni accused him but that time situation was different, their relationship was different at that time now things have improved. Avni washed her hands and face, Neil gives her a towel she wipes her face then Neil goes and comes back he picks the bowl and sits he mixes the food.

Avni: Neil.

No reply.

Avni: Neil.

Neil feeds her with a spoon. It was cereal. Avni looks at Neil who was looking away. Avni eats.

Avni: Neil, why are you ignoring me?

No response. Neil was angry as Avni always play with health.

Avni: I am sorry. I promise I will not eat pistachio next time.

Neil was stirring the spoon.

Neil: hmmm.

Neil again feeds her. Neil looks at her and looks away. Avni eats.

Avni: Neil, are you angry with me?

Neil looks up at her.

Neil: did my anger affect you? Do you really care about it? Do you care about me? Do my feelings values for you?

Avni looks at him.

Neil: I don't think so.

Neil mixes the cereal.

Avni: no Neil, nothing is like this. I don't even think of ignoring your feelings. I know I did a mistake and I promise I will not repeat it.

Neil: hmmm.

Neil feeds her and did not say anything.

Avni: Neil, please talk to me, please say something your silence is killing me.

Neil left the spoon in anger and looks at Avni.

Neil: What I say, Avni, tell me what I say when I know that you will do whatever you want and there is no point in saying anything to you then what I say? Why Avni why you always do this, why? You know very well that a single piece of pistachio affects you badly and in spite of knowing it, you ate that. Tell me, I prohibit you from eating it or not.

Avni looks at him.

Neil: yes or no.

Avni looks down.

Neil: Why Avni, why you always do this why you do the things which I prohibit you? Why you do not value my feelings? I prohibit you from going to the storeroom but you went there and got hurt. I prohibit you from eating pistachio but you ate them you know that you are allergic to them but still you ate, not once but several times. Let's leave me and my feelings as they do not matter to you but mom, Bebe they also prohibit you. Because of you, I asked mom to not add pistachio in any food. Bebe loves pistachio but when last time she saw your condition she stopped eating and sharing so that you will not crave for them but you ignored their feelings also.

Avni looks down.

Neil: ok, just, just leave them also, just tell me you remember what happened when you last time eat pistachio. Did you forget what happened last time? You spend a whole day in the hospital and were weak for days. Still, you ate those sweets. You can't even imagine, you don't have any idea from what I went through last night. My breath stopped when I saw you in pain, my brain stopped working, I panicked I was not able to think properly mom said me to give you medicine but my heart was not satisfied, I disturbed mom also, she was also worried for you but why I am telling this to you when it does not value for you. Anyways there is no point in talking to you about it as you will do whatever you want so, do; from now I will not interfere in anything.

Neil looks at the bowl and mixes the cereal.

Avni: no, Neil, nothing is like that. I know I did a mistake please forgive me last time. I promise I will not eat them never ever. Just forgive me one last time.

Neil said while looking down as he was angry he knew by seeing her face he will melt and he can not be melt now as it is important to teach Avni a lesson so she will not eat them again. Neil was looking at the bed.

Neil: mom prohibit you from eating them still you ate them.

Avni: I know I did a mistake and I am admitting it. I promise I will not eat them again.

Neil: ok.

Avni: did you eat anything?

Neil shook his head by looking down.

Avni: then eat it.

Neil feeds her.

Neil: This is for you, I will have my breakfast later. OK, you finish it I am going to change.

Neil gets up and goes. Avni was looking at him she was feeling guilty and was angry with herself. Neil comes back after getting fresh, Avni did not finish the cereal even not eat a spoon. Avni saw Neil who throws the towel on the couch and goes to the dressing table and brushes his hairs. Avni gets up and comes to Neil she hugs him from behind and cries. Neil saw her from the shoulder and again looks straight in the mirror.

Avni: I am sorry.

Neil closes his eyes he did not want to get angry with her but he had to do it for her betterment. Neil slowly turns so he will not hurt Avni. Avni looks at him, Neil feels a pinch in his heart to see Avni and cups her face.

Neil: will you do that again?

Avni shook her head and sobs.

Neil smiles to see her cute expressions.

Neil: ok, I forgive you but it is the last time if you do it again then I will not talk to you.

Avni pinches her throat and says Promise.

Neil smiles and spreads his arms and Avni hugs him. Neil captures her in his arms.

Avni: thank you.

Neil kisses her head.

Neil: ok, now stop crying.

Avni hugs him more tightly as if she loses the grip, Neil will vanish.

Neil closes his eyes as he was feeling dizzy but he did not show that to Avni and consoles her.

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