Neil's condition part 03

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Chapter 52:

It's been 06 hours of doctor told them about Neil's condition still he was unconscious and avni was dying with each passing second like this the night passed and it was the time of early morning the weather was quite good but when we were facing the hard time of life then we didn't care about the weather avni's condition was like this she didn't even have the idea of the time the khanna and mehta family were sitting outside the room and inside the room Neil was laying unconsciously then he moves his right hand which have bandage nurse enters and saw he is trying to open his eyes she came to him and check him then she runs outside and to see her all gets up this is worst feeling when fear engulfs you and thousands thoughts came in the mind and mostly negative before anyone asked her she runs from there neela maa holds avni she look at her and her eyes filled with tears neela maa shook her head but she was also worried and inside the room Neil slightly open his eyes and again close them then doctor came he was not the same doctor who treated Neil.

Prakash: Doctor what happened?

Dr: let me check sir.

Doctor went inside and check Neil.

Dr: excuse me can you hear me?

Neil nods with closed eyes.

Doctor checked him.

Dr: how you feel now?

Neil nods and he was very weak doctor asked him some questions like did he feel pain somewhere Neil only nods his head.

Dr: don't worry you will be fine soon take rest.

Doctor went outside and all came to him.

Shweta: Doctor my son.

Dr: relax he is fine and congratulations he is conscious now.

All smiles with teary eyes avni close her eyes and thank God and tears rolls from her eyes.

Dr: I don't know about his case so we called his doctor he is coming he will tell you further but don't worry there is nothing to worry he is fine now.

Shweta: can we meet him?

Dr: yaa sure but please don't disturb him don't cry infront of him and don't say anything which give him stress and please don't stay inside for longer time he need rest.

They nods doctor went the khanna family and ashish all went inside without wasting a second neela maa was going but she stopped and turns she saw avni is still standing at her place she went to her.

Nm: avni what happened come.

Avni shook her head.

Nm: but why?

Avni: did you hear what doctor said don't give him stress and by seeing me he will remember everything I don't want to give him stress.

Nm: but av.

Avni: please mamma you go and see him I don't have courage to see him.

Nm: av.

Avni: please.

Neela maa look at her and all were standing around Neil Shweta sits besides him and caress his hairs.

Shweta: tillu.

Neil open his eyes and saw her.

Neil: mom.

Shweta nods yes.

Neil looks around and  u u   78   n n j   ans ans saw everyone even neela maa was there but his eyes were finding only one person the one whom he saw before closing his eyes he look at neela maa she understand he is finding avni.

Shweta: how are you tillu?

Neil: fine.

Shweta: don't worry tillu everything will be fine you will be fine soon.

Neil smiles slightly then nurse came.

Nurse: please let him take rest please you all go outside.

They nods and went outside Neil was looking at the door but he didn't saw avni he was thinking neela maa came to avni.

Nm: avni please go and meet him his eyes were finding you he is waiting for you.

Avni runs from there all understand her condition neela maa went to her and saw avni is crying to keeping the hand on the wall neela maa keep the hand on her shoulder she turn and hug her.

Nm: go avni.

Avni: I can't mamaa I can't I don't have the courage to face him I will surely break down infront of him it will give him pain he can't see the tears in my eyes I don't want to give him more pain.

Neela maa feels bad she kiss her hairs and console her then she breaks the hug.

Nm: avni he is waiting for you I saw his eyes which were asking for you avni if you will not go to him it will also give him stress he will think about you that where are you are you fine or not avni we have to make him stress free.

Avni: and by seeing me his wounds will get fresh.

Nm: and if you not go then he will take your tension what about that.

Avni shocked.

Nm: do you want that?

Avni shook her head Neela maa nods her shoulders.

Nm: then go to meet him avni he need peace and our support your support please avni go and give him peace you are his peace.

Avni was looking at her neela maa hold her hand took her they stopped outside the room avni look at the door then at neela maa.

Nm: avni don't think too much just go avni Neil is weak now he needs you and you have to become his strength and I know my daughter she is very strong she can face every situation bravely and she will become her husband's biggest support right.

Avni nods while smiling slightly neela maa sign go avni look at the door on the other side Neil was waiting for avni and thinking.

Neil: where is avni why she didn't came to meet me is she ok?

Neil was thinking then he hears the sound of opening the door and turns his face and saw the Person for whom he was waiting avni look at him and finds him looking at her she looks down and slowly came to him and sit on Stool Neil was looking at her but she didn't dare to look at him Neil waits for few minutes so that she say something but when he saw she is not looking at him then he decides to ask her.

Neil: are you ok?

Avni nods yes Neil also nods.

Neil: ok.

Avni was guilty she was thinking she is responsible for Neil's State she was trying to not cry infront of him.

Neil: avni you are still angry with me.

Neil hears her sobbing and shocked.

Neil: avni avni what happened why are you crying.

No response.

Neil: avni look at me.

Neil tried to get up but he can't be able to get up he lays his head again.

Neil: ahh.

Neil was panting.

Neil: av ni wh what happened?

Avni: I am sorry.

Neil was looking at her.

Avni: please forgive me I hurted you.

Neil: no avni those goon are responsible for my condition not you they hit me.

Avni: no I am also responsible they hit you physically but I hit you mentally emotionally the wounds they gave you will heal in some days but the wounds which I gave you will never heal I hurt you more then any other person.

Neil feels bad to see her she was not looking at him.

Neil: avni look at me.

But she was crying.

Neil: avni please look at me.

Avni look at him Neil feels a pinch in his heart the pain which he was feeling in his body was nothing infront of the pain which he felt in his heart he saw her pale face which was wet because of tears he can't even saw a single tear in her eye and here tears were rolling from her eyes.

Neil keep his right hand on the bed and asked her to sit here avni look at him he thought she will not sit she is just guilty and sympathized with him he was disappointed avni get up and sit besides him which was a surprise for him.

Neil: avni come near.

Avni look at him he was not able to get up and he can't see her tears avni leans to him she only wants Neil's happiness now Neil wipes her tears with his right hand he cup her face with that hand and wipes her tears and kiss her forehead avni closed her eyes then they look at each other.

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