Neil's condition part 04

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Chapter 53:

Avneil were looking at each other then avni breaks the eyelock and sits properly she wipes her tears then she sit on the stool she want to apologize to him she think.

Avni: I am sorry neil please forgive me I know i hurt you alot but I I said all those things in anger I was shocked.

Neil: avni I am also sorry I think I over reacted I shouldn't react like that.

Avni: no that was not your mistake anyone at your place can do the same I hurted you.

Neil was looking at her.

Neil: but I crossed my limits.

Avni was looking at him.

Avni: let's just forget about that.

Neil: yes you are right let's just forget about that and I promise from now I will never cross my limits.

Avni look at him she wants to say something but was nervous she keeps the hairs behind her ear.

Avni: ab aa ab.

Neil: do you want to say something?

Avni look at him then avoid eye contact.

Neil: avni say it I will not eat you and right now i am not in a position to get up so eating you is not an option for me.

Avni look at him they smiles Neil feels pain but he can do anything for her so bearing pain was nothing.

Neil: so say without any hesitation

Avni: neil ca can't we start everything from beginning.

Neil shocked to hear that because that was unexpected.

Avni: I I mean can't we start a new life.

Avni was looking at him she thought he is still angry she looks down.

Neil: for that you have to let go your past.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: I told you I know something happened to you and because of that you lost trust on man.

Avni was looking at him she never told him about her past but he himself understand that may be this is called soul mates.

Neil: avni for starting a new life we have to say bye to the older memories we have to move on from past.

Avni looks down.

Neil: how can we start a new life avni when you are not ready you are not letting go your past avni tell me the truth I will help you to move on.

Avni again looks down.

Neil: here you are not trusting me and you are talking about new beginning.

Avni: it's not like that.

Neil: then tell me about your past.

Avni: I will tell you everything once you will be fine this is not the right time to talk about it.

Neil nods.

Neil: ok I will wait for that moment.

Avni: so you forgive me?

Neil: I was not angry with you I was hurt that's why I behaved like that.

Avni: I am sorry.

Neil: it's ok Avni that was not your mistake i understand it I understand your situation it's not easy for you to trust anyone.

Avni: but I shouldn't say that.

Neil: you said me to forget all that and you are still thinking about that.

Avni hold her ears.

Avni: sorry.

They smiles.

Neil: better.

Avni: ok now take rest I am going.

Neil: please stay here for sometime I will feel bore here alone.

Avni: but you need rest.

Neil: so what I am doing right now playing football?

Avni look at him then she smiles.

Avni: if nurse saw me here she will scold me not you.

Neil: I will handle her.

Avni smiles then they hears the knock on the door and saw police inspector and commissioner avni got up and Neil saw she is nervous and he understand he hold her hand and assure her with his eyes that nothing will happen just relax They came and khanna and mehta family also came inside with them.

Commissioner: hi Neil how are you?

Neil: better.

Commissioner: we are here to take your statement we already knew who's work it is as you told as earlier but it's necessary.

All shocked avni was also shocked she look at neil he blink his eyes.

Neil: yes commissioner sir they threatened me yesterday also and I am 100% sure it's their work.

Prakash: Neil what are you talking about and who threaten you and why you didn't tell us about that.

Shweta nods.

Neil: dad I didn't want to give you stress and I thought I will handle it.

Prakash: what you thought you will handle it how can you be so careless now see your condition.

Avni was also angry with him how can he be so careless.

Commissioner: he told us when they first time threaten him.

Prakash: who?

Neil: oberios.

All shocked oberios are their business rivals.

Prakash: what?

Ashish: your business rivals right?

Neil nods.

Neil: yes.

Prakash: Neil this is too much how can you hide such a big thing from us.

Neil: dad I will tell you everything but first just let's finish this police procedure.

Prakash: ok.

Commissioner sign a officer to write.

Neil: I was coming back from office and a car aur jeep start chasing me I knew why they are chasing me so I speed up my car I was near my home when the car overtook me and stopped at the centre I look back for the possibility to run but the jeep blocked my way I got down from the car and asked them what they want they said your life.

Avni and all shocked.

Neil: then they attacked me and I fought with them but then one of them hit on my head from behind after that they beat me and all things got blurred I don't remember any thing except the one that before closing my eyes I saw my family one last time.

Neil look at avni and saw she is looking at him she understand he is talking about her.

Police officer: do you doubt someone?

Avneil look at him.

Neil: yes oberios they threatened me actually they want a land which we bought they asked me to give them but I refused as I want to start my dream project there so they threatened me aur i told everything to commissioner sir and he increased the security of our home.

Commissioner: ok Neil thanks for the statement we will try our best to catch the culprit we got the cctv footage they will be behind bars soon ok so we are going now we will come again if needed ok so take care we set the security for you here but you also be alert.

Neil nods.

Neil: thank you.

Commissioner smiles and went.

Prakash: now tell me everything.

Neil: dad they threatened me when bebe was admitted in the hospital.

Avni recall Neil was scared when bebe was in the hospital.

Avni: that's why you was scared that day?

Neil look at her and nods.

Neil: yes.

Prakash: why you didn't tell me and if they want the land then why you didn't give them we can buy another land nothing is more important then you Neil you are our real property.

Neil: dad you taught me to not bend infront of evils and now you are saying this.

Prakash was speechless.

Prakash: but you should have tell us.

Neil: dad first I thought they are just threatening me but when bebe fell from the stairs I got scared I know that was an accident but still that thing put the fear in my heart I talked to the commissioner he already knew about their threatening but I want security for bebe so I talked to them and they set the security here.

Prakash: what but I didn't saw anyone.

Neil: they were in civil dress.

Prakash: what?

Neil: yes so what you think why i went home do you really think i will go home easily when my bebe was in hospital.

Bebe smiles.

Neil: I don't want to go but you insisted and I don't want to leave avni and mom alone at home that's why I went with them.

Ashish and neela maa smiles to see his care.

Neil: here in the hospital the staff was also alert commissioner talked to them so I went with mom and avni for their security because I didn't want to take any chance.

Shweta: o God what I do with this boy Neil you was facing all the things alone and didn't even get know us about it why.

Nm: because he is Neil the great wall of khanna family I am proud of you my son.

Neela maa caress his hairs Neil smiles all smiles.

Shweta: you are right neela.

Neil smiles and look at avni she was giving him a deadly glare Neil raise his eyebrows.

Neil in mind: now what I did why she is looking at me like a hungry tigeress Neil now no one can save you.

Neil look at avni and smiles nervously.

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