New turn in Avneil life

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Chapter 136:

It was daytime, a hospital had shown where Neil was standing and Avni was lying on the bed. The doctor was checking Avni then She gets up and Neil helps her to get down and takes her to the chair and makes her sit then he sits. The doctor checks the reports.

Neil: Doctor, everything is fine?

Doctor: yes, everything is fine. Avni and baby both are fit and fine.

Avneil smiles. Avni looks at her womb. Doctor signs Neil he frowns.

Doctor: ok so continue the same medicines. I just add one which is of vitamin so don't panic and come back after one month and yes, take care, Avni now this month is crucial. You have to pass this month for a healthy baby, ok.

Avni nods. The doctor gives the file to Neil he gets up and helps Avni to get up. They came out of the cabin. Neil was taking Avni slowly. Neil stops.

Neil: oh no.

Avni: what happened?

Neil: I forgot my phone in the doctor's cabin. You sit here I am coming.

Neil makes Avni sit on the bench and goes to the cabin he knocks on the door and entered.

Neil: what happened, Doctor? everything is alright, right?

Doctor: relax Mr Khanna, please sit.

Neil sits and was worried.

Dr: Mr Khanna, everything is fine. Avni and baby both are fine but.

Neil: but what?

Dr: baby is too healthy and its heartbeat is slow.

Neil shocked.

Dr: don't worry. It happens sometimes I gave the medicine and it will be fine but we have to do surgery. Normal delivery is not possible it can be risky for Avni.

Neil shocked.

Neil: but you said everything is fine.

Dr: yes, Avni is fine but if we go for normal delivery then it will be risky.

Neil: and about the baby's heartbeat?

Dr: Mr Khanna, it happens sometimes. It will be normal.

Neil did not satisfy as it is their first baby they have many dreams about it.

Dr: you have to talk to Avni and made her strong. Make her agree to surgery.

Neil whispers: she will break.

Dr: Mr Khanna, be strong. Surgeries are normal nowadays.

Neil: doctor, please tell me clearly, What is the exact problem? They are fine, right?

Dr: yes, they are fine. I am telling you this so that you make her strong for the surgery. It's her first delivery so she will be frightened that's why I told you else nothing is there to worry about.

Neil squeezes his nose.

Neil: ok doctor. Thank you.

Neil gets up and comes out. Neil saw that Avni is talking to her baby and pointing at the other baby which a lady was carrying in her arms. Neil wipes his tears and wears a smile. He comes to her. Avni looks at him.

Avni: you came, why you took so much time?

Neil: I was asking the doctor about the medicine why did she add that?

Avni: why?

Neil: because now the 8th month has started that's why.

Avni looks at him she can feel his sadness.

Avni: Neil?

Neil looks at her and smiles.

Neil: let's go. I have to prepare for tomorrow's function. Ma'am, what about you, you will rest but I have to run after the decorators, caterer and all.

Avni smiles. Neil makes her stand.

Avneil were on the way. Avni was enjoying the view and Neil was lost, the doctor's words were roaming in his mind.

Avni screams: Neil stops.

Neil stops the car and looks at her.

Neil: what happened, Avni?

Neil touches her.

Neil: You ok. The baby is ok. Hmm.

Neil sets her hair and cups her face.

Avni: Neil, relax. I am fine.

Neil sighs deeply.

Neil: then why you screamed?

Avni: ice cream.

Neil: what?

Avni: I want ice cream.

Neil: seriously Avni, you scream for ice cream?

Avni: sorry Neil but to see ice cream I could not resist. Please buy me that.

Neil: no, it is not good.

Avni: please, Neil, one.

Neil: Avni, I said no.

Avni: Neil, please.

Neil looks outside from the window to control himself and clenched the steering wheel.

Avni: Neil, please.

Neil closed his eyes.

Avni: fine. I am going.

Neil: don't you understand I said no.

Avni flinched.

Neil: Are you a child? Every time, you behave adamant like them. You are pregnant that doesn't mean you will become a child.

Avni gets hurt Neil never behaved with her like that. Avni looks down.

Avni: sorry.

Neil closes his eyes and rubs his face with his hands. Neil looks at Avni and feels guilty he knows the truth but Avni is unaware of that.

Neil: I am sorry, Avni. I should not shout at you but that is not good for you.

Avni: you can say slowly.

Avni wipes her tears. Neil cups her face.

Neil: I am sorry.

Avni: what is the matter, Neil since you came from the doctor's cabin you are looking tensed.

Neil shocked and takes his hand back and avoid eye contact.

Neil: ab, aa, no, nothing is like that.

Avni: if you don't want to share that then it's ok but don't lie.

Neil: ok fine. I am worried because of your reports.

Avni: reports?

Neil: yaa, your haemoglobin is decreased by 2 points.

Avni: what? You are worried about that?

Neil nods. Avni palms her head.

Avni: Neil, It decreased point two (0.2) not 2 points.

Neil: still it decreased.

Avni cups his face.

Avni: oh my cute Neilu. I am fine it is not a big deal.

Neil smiles faintly.

Avni: it happens.

Avni takes her hands back and complains like a child.

Avni: and you scold me for that.

Neil smiles and holds his ears.

Neil: I am sorry.

Avni smiles.

Avni: it's ok.

Neil: I am going to get ice cream for you.

Neil was about to turn.

Avni: no need. Let's go home.

Neil: you are angry with me?

Avni smiles.

Avni: no, you are right that is not good for the baby and the doctor also said that I have to be more careful now.

Neil smiles he cups her face.

Neil: that's like my Avni.

Neil kissed her forehead and they smiled to see each other.

Neil in mind: you sacrificed your wish for the baby what will happen when you get to know the truth? How will I tell that you?

Neil thinks. Neil looks at Avni and smiles to make her feel good.

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