Speechless Avni

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Chapter 135:

A room had shown which was decorated with bouquets. Avneil were sitting there. Avni was looking at the gift and Neil was looking at her. It was a frame and many small pictures were pinned on it from the first day of her pregnancy. In some pictures, Neil was with her and some were of Avni. In the first picture, Avneil were standing by picking a board and the first month was written on that. In the second picture they were sitting on the couch and the board of the second month was in their hand. Like this 3, 4, 5, 6 months. In one picture, Avni was talking to her child. In the second, Neil was feeding her noodles. In one, she was eating noodles which Neil made for her because she got angry as Neil did not let her eating noodles. In one picture, she was eating chocolate and in one, she was making a sweater for the baby which Bebe taught her to make her busy.

Avni smiles to see that. She gets emotional.

Neil: how is it?

Avni: it is, it is.

Avni suppresses her lips.

Avni: I am speechless, Neil. I can't describe this emotion in words. It's just.

Avni shook her head by looking at the frame.

Neil: I am glad you like it.

Avni: I didn't expect it.

Neil: I know. I wanted to give you something different which probably can never do that. Many ideas came to my mind but I didn't like them. I wanted to do something unique. I brought the things to decorated the room but was not satisfied then I was seeing the pictures and this idea came to my mind and here it is.

Avni: thank you. Thank you so much for this wonderful gift.

Neil: yours welcome, wifey. And now it's time to capture this moment. Still, we have to stick 7, 8 and 9-month pictures.

Avni smiles. Neil take out his phone and Avni picks the board from the bed she holds that and Neil captures their picture.

Avni smiles and Neil shows the picture to her. They were happy then they look at the frame.

Neil points to the picture in which Avni is eating noodles.

Neil: did you remember this one?

Avni smiles.

Neil: I can never forget that day. If that day was a marathon then I would surely win.

Avni smiles.

Avni: Sorry, that day I troubled you a lot.

Neil smiles and cups her face.

Neil: nothing is like that. In fact, that is one of the best memory of my life.

Avneil smiles and recalls that day.

Flashback: Avni was 6 months pregnant. She was sitting at the dining table and the Khanna family was standing around her. The table was full of dishes and fruits but Avni was not in a mood to eat. Neil was looking at her.

Shweta: Avni, have this juice. You will like it.

Avni shook her head.

Bebe: Avni, eat something. It is not good for you and your baby to remain hungry.

Avni: what do I do, Bebe. I am not in a mood to eat these things. I want to eat but I am not liking the smell of them. I am feeling nauseous. I know these all things are good for my health but when I try to eat I feel like I will vomit it. You tell me, did I not like Poha? can I deny it?

Shweta: that is true.

Prakash: ok tell me what you want I will get that for you.

Avni gets excited and Neil was silent because he knew she will ask for junk food and that was the reason he didn't ask her to have anything.

Avni: noodles.

All look at her.

Neil: no way.

Avni and all look at him. The family knew now what will happen so Shweta sat on the chair and cups her face.

Avni: why?

Neil: Because that is not good for your health.

Avni: but I want it.

Neil: but that will not be given to you. If you want anything else then tell me.

Avni thinks and was about to say.

Neil: except junk food.

Avni makes a pout.

Avni: Tillu.

Neil looks at her. Shweta laughs she keeps the hand on her mouth.

Neil: Avni, don't call me that.

Avni: Tillu, Tillu, Tillu.

Neil: Avni.

Avni: I will call you, Tillu, till you will not give me noodles.

Neil: fine then I am going from here but you all, Mom, dad and Bebe, no one will give her noddles. Else I will ban that in our home.

Avni gets up.

Avni: Oh hello, Mr Tillu.

Shweta keeps the hand on her mouth. Neil looks at Avni.

Avni: what do you think of yourself, hmm? Are you a custom officer of this House? This is not allowed that is not allowed. I warn you, Mr Khanna, stop this else the consequences will be the worst.

Neil: like.

Avni: like, like.

Avni thinks by clenching her fist.

Avni: yes, you are not allowed in my room I ban you from coming there.

Neil shocked.

Neil: what?

Avni: Yes.

Neil was looking at her.

Avni: now the choice is yours.

Neil: why are you so stubborn?

Bebe: she was not but you made her that. You spoiled her now bear it.

Neil: Right. I made her that, now I will make her fine. Avni, eat this food no more discussion on it. Else, I will surely go to her older room upstairs and you live here downstairs.

Avni shocked.

Neil: and you know I can do it. And I will do it.

Now, Avni can't leave without him so, she sits and starts eating silently she was not liking that and felt like vomit but she eats. Neil feels bad to see her but he was doing that for her betterment, for the baby.

Shweta gets up.

Shweta: that is too much, Neil. She is pregnant and it happens in pregnancy but why you are behaving like this. It seems like you are having mood swings.

Neil looks at her he thinks and looks at Avni. Neil goes.

Bebe: don't eat it, Avni. You know Neil he loves you and can't live without you.

Avni: no, Bebe it's good I like it.

Neil comes with the bowl and places that in front of Avni. All smiles. Neil bends like a chef and said while doing.

Neil: chef Neil in your service ma'am.

Avni: I don't want it.

Neil: Avniii.

Neil gets on his knees and cups her face with one face.

Neil: I am sorry, wifey. But I said that for you, the doctor prohibits these things.

Avni: so, I am not eating.

Neil: sometimes we can cheat diet.

Avni didn't reply and eats the food. Neil tries to feed her but she shook her head.

Avni: I don't want it.

Neil: do you really think that I can live without you?

Avni looks at him. Neil signs eat.

Avni: first hold your ears and say sorry how can you that you will live in a separate room.

Neil smiles

Neil: ok fine.

Neil holds his ear.

Neil: I am sorry. I promise from now on I will not say that. Now please eat.

Avni looks at him.

Avni: it's ok but I don't want it. It is not good for my health and now I hate it you scold me because of it.

Neil: Avni, please eat it. Please, for me, please.

Neil again tries to feed her he makes an innocent face and said, please.

Avni smiles and eats. Shweta captures that moment on her cell phone. All smiles and claps.

Prakash: that's it.

All smiles. Neil raises her eyebrows to ask Avni she smiles.

Avni: it's awesome.

Then Avni was eating the noodles and Neil clicks her picture when she was eating. Half noddles were in her mouth.

Neil: Avni.

Avni looks at him and he clicks her picture.

Neil: perfect.

Neil comes to her and shows that to her. Avni smiles to see that. She didn't get angry because Neil captured her numerous picture like that.

Avneil smiles to see each other.

Flashback ends.

Avneil were smiling to think that and looks at each other.

Avni: I am becoming mad day by day.

Neil: it happens in pregnancy. The doctor told us about mood swings.

Avni smiles.

Neil: ok, now finish it. We have to go to the hospital.

Avni nods.

Avni: first, let me get fresh then I will have it.

Neil: ok, no issue.

Avni smiles. She went to get fresh then she comes back and Neil lost to see her. The water drops were dropping from her hair, her face was glowing and her 7 months womb. She was looking uber cute. Neil smiles to see her. Neil gets up and goes to her.

Neil: looking cute, wifey.

Avni smiles. Neil kisses her forehead.

Then, Avni were sitting on the bed and Neil was feeding her. Avni was enjoying his pampering her.

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