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Chapter 80:

Avni was sleeping in Neil's arm after two hours avni open her eyes and feeling sick her head was spinning and was feeling regurgitation and everything was blur she felt a hand on her waist she was weak she again close her eyes after sometime the sun rises Neil wakes up and saw Avni in his arms he smiles to see her he kiss her forehead and think he was just praying she will not misunderstand the things he carefully lay her head on the pillow and get up he smiles to see her in his shirt he covers her properly with the duvet and went to freshen up
He was standing in front of the mirror and saw the Mark at his neck he smiles to recall what she did last night he touch it.

Neil: our first love mark.

Neil smiles.

Neil: you will never do that in your conscious you was a totally different girl a wild cat.

Neil smiles.

Neil: I know you was under the effect of drugs and thank God I didn't lose my control and you didn't go far away but whatever it was it was the best night of my life the moment you gave me are the best moment of my life and I can't expect anything more than that.

Neil smiles after sometime Avni wakes up she stir and open her eyes still her head was spinning she catch her head she look here and there and sat she again felt regurgitation she rub her chest she saw she is wearing a shirt she frown and touch it she tried to recall everything but no use then Neil comes while wiping his hairs with the towel he saw her sitting on the bed avni saw him before she asked she start sweating she rub her chest and wipe the sweat from her head Neil Shocked.

Neil: Avni.

She tried to get up but she vomits Neil came to her and rub her back.

Neil: are you ok?

Avni was panting Neil wipes her face with his towel.

Avni: I am sorry.

Neil: it's ok are you ok?

She again vomits Neil was looking at her and rub her back.

Neil: Avni.

Neil gave her towel Then he give her water she denied.

Neil: just few sips.

Avni shook her head Neil insisted she drink a sip and said enough Neil sit.

Neil: feeling better.

Avni nods.

Avni: I am sorry for this I I tried to get up but before.

Neil: avni it's ok don't worry about it just tell me are you ok or if you say we will go to the doctor.

Avni: no I am fine but Neil why It is happening my head was spinning and why I am wearing this shirt?

Neil Shocked.

Neil: avni actually last night Raghav spiked your drink.

Avni shocked.

Avni: what?

Neil nods.

Neil: yes then your head was spinning and i took you here because this condo is near the hotel and I didn't want to took you home so I took you here and you slept.

Avni: that's it?

Neil Shocked and avoid eye contact.

Neil: yaa.

Avni was suspiciously looking at him she think and look at neil her eyes fall on his neck though he was wearing shirt but he was sitting in front of her so she saw that she hold the collar Neil look at the collar and shocked and look at avni.

Avni: what is this mark Neil?

Neil Shocked avni look at him and leave the collar Neil hides the Mark with collar.

Neil: nothing avni it's just a scratch.

Neil didn't want to embarrass her because he know how she will react and feel guilty so it's better that night sould be under wrapped.

Avni: how you got it?

Neil: Ab I i was feeling.

Avni: don't lie Neil and tell me the truth.

Neil look at her.

Neil: trust me avni I didn't do anything.

Avni: when I said you did anything?

Neil Shocked.

Neil: I I mean.

Avni: Neil truth.

Neil look at her and he thought she is misunderstanding him Avni was looking at him she know he will never force her avni think.

Avni: what I did last night?

Neil Shocked and looking at her.

Avni: you said he spiked my drink that means I was not in my conscious what he mix in my drink?

Neil: De drugs.

Avni: how you know it was drugs?

Neil: I made a report on drugs in my college time sir gave us the case study about it so I searched about it and the symptoms were saying it's drugs.

Avni: like?

Neil look at her if he answer this question she will be sure she did something last night and he has to tell her that truth avni was looking at him.

Neil: you you.

Neil close his eyes Neil took a deep breathe then he look at avni.

Neil: avni listen to me carefully last night Raghav spiked your drink and it was drugs because you lost your control you behaved differently if it was alcohol then also you lose the control but would have not that high.

Avni intruppts.

Avni: high?

Neil look at her.

Neil: yes high drugs is of different kind it activate our system and desire.

Avni shocked she look at Neil's neck and understand.

Avni: what I did last night?

Neil was looking at her.

Neil: avni last night.

Neil told her everything that she was rubbing her body and pull down the zip and everything what she did avni's eyes were teary and was guilty and embarrassed.

Neil: trust me avni I didn't do anything nothing happened between us.

Avni was looking at him Neil was looking at her with hopeful eyes.

Avni: I trust you Neil i know you will never take the advantage of my unconsciousness.

Neil smiles.

Avni: and I am sorry Neil I.

Neil cup her face with one hand.

Neil: Avni why are you saying sorry you didn't do anything nothing happened between us.

Neil take his hand back.

Avni: but I crossed my limits and hurt you.

Neil shook his head.

Neil: no avni you didn't. You didn't do anything wrong and about this mark it's a beautiful memory for me it's not paining. Avni we are married and you have complete right on me.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: and you was not in your senses so you don't need to feel guilty.

Neil look at her and take his hand away.

Avni: why you controlled yourself?

Neil smiles and again cup her face and Avni was looking at him.

Neil: because you was not in your senses and I didn't want you to regret later.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: avni I know our relation is that we talk about those things it still need time but avni i want to say one thing yes it's true I want to take our relation to the next level but but with your consent I know I had the chance to do anything and you was also not in your senses and was high but avni I knew in reality you need time I didn't want to do anything for which we both will regret later avni I believe in mutuality I want your consent and want you to be in your complete sense I want a pure relation Avni a soul relation not a desireful but full of love and emotions.

Avni was just looking at him she wondered how can someone be so good and perfect.

Neil: Avni whatever you did last night it was because of drugs but for me it was a blissful night so please don't feel guilty you have complete right on me you didn't do anything wrong.

Avni: how can you be so calm?

Neil: because I have you.

Avni smiles.

Neil: thank you to trust me.

Avni smiles.

Avni: we are truly soulmates.

Neil was just looking at her he didn't expect that from her.

Neil: yes we are.

Avni smiles then she think.

Avni: Neil what about Raghav his intentions was bad last night he spiked my drink that means still he is on me.

Neil look at her and looked angry avni think.

Neil: I know and I thought what we have to do with him.

Avni look at him Neil was looking at her and think.

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