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Chapter 79:

Neil was talking on the phone he cut the call and turns he shocked to see avni was not there he look here and there but don't find Avni Neil panicked.

Neil: Avni avni.

Neil looks around but avni was not there he went to search her he went to the garden area and finding avni he turns his face and saw avni is standing to the wall.

Neil: avni.

He smiles and went to her.

Neil: avni you.

But he stopped to see her condition she was itching her neck and rubbing her arms.

Neil: avni what happened?

Avni was itching her neck and arms and said while doing it.

Avni: I don't know I.

Neil frown he saw she start rubbing her arms and complete body like her belly, back, arms Neil was confused what happened suddenly she was all ok then Neil shocked to see avni lower her dress from the shoulders Neil widen his eyes to see that Neil was in shock and think then he remember the drink and understand.

Neil in mind: raghav.

Neil look at avni who was rubbing and literally scratching her body her shoulder and neck were red Neil understood she is under the effect of drugs.

Neil: avni what are you feeling?

Avni: Neil I I am I am fee feeling a..... stranger sensation in my body.

Neil Shocked.

Avni: my body is burning I just... I just want to remove this dress I am hating it.

Neil Shock then he got another shock avni open her zip half.

Neil: avni.

Neil pull it up and look here and there they were outside.

Neil: avni what are you doing?

Avni get irritated Neil hold her arms avni was struggling to come out from his grip.

Avni: leave me leave me.

Neil: what you want avni?

Avni look at Neil her eyes were red and to see that Neil sured she is under the effect of drugs and now he understood raghav game and get angry.

Neil in mind: raghav I will kill you.

Neil was hell angry but right now he have to manage avni she is his first priority.

Neil: avni what you want?

Avni: what I want?

Neil nods.

Avni smiles and hold Neil's collar and pull him to her but she don't have that strength so she pulled to him neil look at her hands then at him.

Avni: I want you.

Neil Shocked he know it's not avni it's the effect of drugs which activated her nerves and its effect is very bad.

Avni: I want you Neil make me yours, quench my thirst, satisfy my desires.

Neil was getting shock on the shock.

Neil: I can't take her home in this state where I take her.

Neil Think.

Neil: yes my condo yes it's a right decision I can take her there it is only 5 minutes away from here.

Avni keep her head on his chest Neil came out of his thoughts and look at avni Neil make her away avni makes a pout.

Neil: come with me.

Avni smiles Neil keep her arm on his shoulder to give her support and avni encircle her second arm on his shoulder Neil took her from there Neil make her sit in the car and also he get in the car Neil start the car and they went from there and Raghav come out by finding them he grin his teeth and get angry.

Raghav: where is she my plan failed this time also she fly away from my claws.

He get angry on the other side Neil was driving the car avni came near him and keep her head on his chest.

Neil: avni what are you doing please let me drive how can I drive like this?

Avni smirk.

Avni: why you are losing your control?

Neil wondered is she his avni and her twin Neil shocked when avni open two button of shirt Neil was wearing the coat on it avni touch there Neil tightened the grip on the steering wheel and close his eyes but he control himself and keep avni's hands away.

Neil: please avni wait for just two minutes then we will reached home.

Avni pouts Neil knew it's gone be difficult to handle her and he have to deal with her calmly and don't lose his control he don't want to do anything for which he regret later avni is not in her sense he don't want to do anything which effect their relation she is not in her sense but he is in his senses these thing were in his mind soon they reached Neil close the door and made avni sit on the bed she pull him to her by holding his collar their faces were so close Neil look at her lips then at her Neil remove her hands and went away from her and think avni came to him and encircle her arms around his neck and smiles Neil was looking at her but he was thinking about her state how to get her regain her sense and also about Raghav avni went behind him and remove his coat he was so lost it his thoughts that he didn't feel that. Avni hug him from behind Neil came out from his thoughts avni roam her hand on his body Neil close his eyes and remove them he was going away from her she hold his hand and pull him to her Neil flinch and hold her waist to save them from falling he look at avni she smiles and caress his cheek with one hand Neil close his eyes and clench his fist.

Avni: Neil you know when you stare me how I feel.

Neil: how?

Avni: I feel conscious and feels butterflies in my stomach.

Avni keep her head on his shoulder Neil smiles.

Avni: I like your closeness your whispers in my ears I like your everything.

Neil smiles then avni look at him and kiss his cheek Neil shocked then she kiss his second cheek she leans to his lips Neil close his eyes.

Neil in mind: no Neil it's wrong it's wrong she is not in her senses it's wrong.

Neil remove her hands and turns avni get irritated she went to him she catch his collar and get close to him neil hold her waist and one arm he took her to the bathroom and made her stand under the shower and pull it on avni flinch because of cold water Neil was looking at her she pull him Neil shivers but because of drug effect avni was not feeling cold avni hug him and kiss his neck Neil fist his hand and close his eyes he was trying his best not to lose control avni bit his neck Neil hold her waist avni open his shirt button and Neil stop her by holding her hand he keep her hands behind her back she was struggling.

Avni: Neil leave me.

Neil: no I will not leave you till you can not come back to your senses

Avni was continuously struggling after sometime she stopped and panting Neil pull off the shower.

Neil: I am going to get dress for you stay here else I will lock you here.

Avni was looking at him and shivering Neil was tensed what if his this step will effect her health avni was shivering now Neil went and came back with a pair of shirt and shorts.

Neil: wear it before you catch cold.

Neil gave her the clothes and went from there he close the door because he can't trust her at this time he changed his clothes then he was waiting for her she open the door and came back Neil hope she worn the shirt and shorts he sigh and turns he shocked to see her on shirt.

Neil in mind: shit.

Avni smirk and came to him she encircle her arms around his neck.

Avni: how's I am looking.

Neil: avni what is this why.

Avni keep her finger on his lips.

Avni: ssshhh.

Neil look into her eyes and lost he look at her lips then into her eyes he leans to her avni close her eyes Neil close his eyes.

Neil in mind: no Neil it's wrong

He clench his fist he bit his lip to control himself he bang his fist in invisible wall and move away avni open her eyes and her eyes filled with tears Neil shocked he cup her face.

Neil: what happened avni?

Avni: you don't love me.

Neil shook his head.

Avni: then why you are not kissing me.

Neil: you are not in your sense.

Avni: I am in my sense you don't love me that's why you always maintain a distance from me.

Neil shook his head Avni remove his hand and sat on the bed and cries Neil close his eyes and keep the hand on his head.

Neil: avni it's not like that.

Avni squeeze her nose Neil smiles to see her cuteness.

Neil: ok let's play a game we will lay on the bed and close our eyes for 30 minutes and will not talk the one who talk first will lose.

Avni; what will winner get?

Neil keep the finger on his chin.

Neil: ummm yes winner can do anything to the loser.

Avni's face light up she get up.

Avni: promise.

Neil smiles.

Neil: promise.

Avni: ok done.

Neil: ok now come let's start the game.

Avni nods Neil took at to her side and made sit he cover her with the duvet and and made her lay he went to the other side and lays.

Neil: now one two three start.

Avni close her eyes Neil smiles and sighs he turn his side and close his eyes but frown he open his eyes and saw avni hug him from behind Neil turn his face and saw avni her eyes were teary Neil turns and lay straight on his back he cup her face he can feel she is gaining her conscious.

Neil: what happened?

Avni: I am sorry.

Neil frown.

Avni: I know I am troubling you but I don't know what is happening to me I am not in my control.

Neil feels bad.

Neil: it's ok sleep e everything will be fine.

Avni: I am not sleepy I can't explain what I am feeling it's a strange feeling which is not in my control and I am doing strange things.

Neil: everything will be fine.

Avni was looking at him and rub her neck.

Neil: still you are feeling that thing.

Avni nods.

Avni: I am not liking this shirt it's like a burden on me please help me Neil.

Neil spread his arms avni hug him he caress her hairs and avni snuggle more into him he understand still she is under the effect of drug but not much avni rub her face on his chest Neil close his eyes but didn't stop her because he know more he tried to stop her more her desire increase Neil cover them with the blanket and switch off the lamp light and let avni do whatever she want Neil feels Avni is kissing his neck he clenched the bed so he will not lose his control after 05 10 minutes Neil felt avni sleep because of effect of drug as she was not addict so she sleeps Neil sat on the bed and set his shirt which avni pulled up he thank God avni slept before going so far he also close the botton of avni's shirt and cover her duvet he did all that by believing his intuition he switch on the lamp light he took her in his arm avni keep her head on his chest Neil look at her he kiss her forehead and think.

Neil in mind: don't know how will she react at the morning hope she will not misunderstood the things.

Neil look at avni and think.

Neil: Raghav I will not leave you today you crossed your all limits I will kill you.

Neil was angry and want to punish raghav as soon as possible.

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