Tantrums of new member

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Chapter 142:

In the time of the evening, the Khanna mansion was decorated beautifully to welcome the new member of the family. Bebe was standing in the living area.

Bebe: Shweta, where are you? They will come soon. Neil said in five minutes they will reach.

Bebe heard: Coming Bebe, just two minutes.

Bebe murmurs: they will reach till then; don't know why this lady is so lazy. God, if you gave me a daughter-in-law at least gave her mind and activity why this mad? Why I am spoiling my mood by thinking about her. Today, my heir is coming, my grandson, I should think about him but where they are left? Why they are taking so much time?

She hears the horn of the car and smiles widely. Prakash comes there.

Bebe: Shweta, come fast they came.

Shweta comes with a huge plate in her hand. On the other side, Neil gets down from the car and comes to the other side, Avni opens the door and Neil holds that. Avni slowly tried to gets down from the car.

Neil: careful.

Neil helps Avni to get down carefully they saw the Khanna mansion and smiles to see each other. Neil side hugs Avni.

Avni and Neil: Welcome Neav.

They look at each other and smile. They saw the family is standing at the door. Neil signs Avni let's go. Shweta welcomes them.

Shweta: come.

They go inside and looks at the home.

Shweta: give me, baby.

Prakash: no Neav will come to hid Dadu first we will play you take him after some time. In fact, tomorrow even tomorrow we will see.

Shweta: no way, I will play with my grandson.

Avneil smiles.

Bebe: stop it, you both are arguing like kids people say right that after 50 people become a kid. You are arguing first me, first me.

Shweta makes a pout and Prakash signs what Bebe.

Bebe goes to Avni and takes Neav from here.

Bebe: I am an elder so first I have the right to take him and play with him. Got it.

Avni suppresses her lips, Neil smiles.

Bebe: my baby, my cutie, hww hww.

Shweta: Bebe, this is not fair.

Prakash: this is cheating.

Bebe: everything is fair in love and war and it is the love of grand, grandmother and grandson. Right my Pillu.

Avneil smiles and Bebe, Shweta and Prakash were playing with Baby while sitting on the couch and fighting for him.

Neil: Avni, they will fight like this you come and take a rest.

Avni nods.

Neav cries.

Avni: Bebe, he must be hungry. Let me feed him then you play as much as you want.

Bebe: ok but promise me you will it to me.

Shweta: why? You are taking him for a long now our turn.

Prakash: right Bebe, Shweta is right.

Bebe: shut up. Biwi ka chamcha. Take it, Avni.

Neil goes and takes Neav then he comes to Avni and gives him to her.

Neil: come, he is crying badly he must be very hungry.

Avni: sshh, baby, calm down we are going to the room, relax.

Neav stops crying.

Avni: Neil, I want to go to our room.

Neil: yaa, we are going there.

Avni: not that I am talking about our first and permanent room where I came after our marriage I want our son to go there first.

Neil: but your surgery.

Avni: I am fine.

Neil: you are not going to listen, come.

They went. Neil opens the door and Avni comes there and smiles to see the room she was seeing it after so many months. It was also decorated as Neil new Avni very well.

Avni: see baby this is our small world.

Neil smiles he closes the door.

Neil: sit and feed him before he again starts crying and don't forget line is waiting for him.

Avni smiles and sits. Neil comes to them to help Avni.

In the nighttime, Avni and Neil were sleeping and Neav was in the cradle near the bed. Suddenly Neav starts crying. Avneil just sleeps an hour ago. Neil gets up and takes Neav in his arms and walks to calm him so that Avni can sleep but she woke up.

Avni: give it to me. You sleep.

Neil: no Avni, you need rest you sleep I will handle him.

Avni: give it to me till when you will awake and don't forget you didn't go to the office for three days so you have to go tomorrow so give it to me you sleep.

Neil nods and they tried to calm him but no use. Avni tried to feed him they tried to calm him with toys but all goes in vain. They heard the knock on the door and Neil opens it and family comes there.

Bebe: why Neav is crying?

Neil: don't know we tried a lot but he is crying.

They come. Bebe checks him and his stomach.

Bebe: Avni, did you feed him?

Avni nods.

Avni: yes Bebe.

Bebe: you overfeed him and because of that his stomach is aching.

Avni's eyes filled with tears she feels guilty that because of here Neav is in pain.

Avni: I am sorry, I am a bad mother.

Neil feels bad.

Shweta: no Avni, it's not like this. It will take time but you will understand everything. Don't be disheartened.

Avni nods by looking down.

Bebe: yes we will give him the medicine he will be fine. Don't take it on your heart. Hmm.

Avni nods.

Soon, Neav sleeps. Bebe lays him in the cradle and comes to Avni.

Bebe: he slept and don't feel guilty it is your first time so it will take time to learn and why are we elders here? To teach you, right?

Avni: thank God, Bebe you all are here else don't know what I would have done. Thank you so much.

Bebe pets her cheek. Neil smiles. They went. Avni goes to the cradle.

Neil comes to Avni and side hugs her and keeps her head on his shoulder.

Neil: we will manage.

Avni smiles but was still feeling guilty.

Some days pass, Avni was better now so they decided to arrange a party in the happiness of new member. Avni was sitting on the bed and playing with Neav who was laying on the bed. Neil comes there and smiles to see them.

Neil: ab Avni, guests will come anytime so you get ready I am with Neav.

Avni nods and said ok. Neil comes and sits on the bed. Avni was about to go but Neav was holding her scarf. Neil and Avni look at him.

Avni: aww, my baby.

Avni sits and kisses his cheek.

Avni: mamma will come back soon.

Avni frees her scarf and he cries. Avni looks at him.

Neil: you go. I will handle him.

Avni: but.

Neil: relax.

Neil takes him in his arms and moves him soon he calms.

Neil: see. Now, you go.

Avni nods and goes to get her things from the cupboard and goes to change.

Neil: what happened, tiger why you were not leaving mamma you want to spend time with mamma and papa both, hmm.

Neav rubs his nose and Neil takes his hand away.

Neil: don't do this. Mamma and dadi will kill papa by saying that Neav broke the tip of the nose and now will look bad.

Neav makes a pout and Neil smiles.

Later, Avni was getting ready and Neil saw that.

Neil: see Neav, our beauty queen.

Avni smiles and comes to them.

Neil: looking gorgeous, wifey.

Avni; thank you. Now, give it to me and you get ready till then I will make him get ready.

Neil: ok.

Neil kisses Neav and gives it to Avni and goes.

Later, Khanna mansion was decorated with curtains, flowers and fairy lights it was looking beautiful in the time of the night. Guests were waiting for Avneil and Neav they comes. Neav was in Avni's arms and all meets them and congratulates them. Neil was taking the gifts and giving them to the staff. Avneil were playing with the Neav and people were awwing to see their cute bond. Avneil looks at each other and smiles.

After some time, Neav was laying in the cradle which was decorated with flowers and people were coming to meet him. Bebe was sitting there and Avni was talking to the guest. Neav starts crying because of the loudness.

Bebe picks Neav and goes to Avni.

Bebe: he is crying maybe he is hungry.

Avni: I just fed him.

Bebe: then why he is crying?

Avni: give it to me. I will handle him.

Bebe gave him to Avni and she tried to calm him but he was now out of control. Neil comes and they tried but no use.

Neil: maybe, because of loudness he is feeling irritated.

Avni: I am thinking the same and his clothes fibre is rough maybe that's why he is crying.

Neil: then change them and why you pack him in this. You know he doesn't like it.

Avni: mummy Ji said he will catch a cold that's why we packed him in it but now the temperature is hot so he is feeling irritated.

Neil: let's go and change it else he will feel irritated and will cry like this.

They took him to the room and opens its pack and he cutely bands his knees and tried to turn his side. Neil smiles.

Neil: got relief, han.

Avni was coming back by picking his clothes and smiles to see him.

When she changed his clothes he feels peace and yawn.

Avni: see, how he is behaving like he is freed from the cage.

They smile. Avni makes him sleep and asked Bheema to stay there so they can attend the guests. Soon, the party ends and all go to their respective room. Avneil starts their duty to handle Neav which don't let them to sleep peacefully but they love to awake for their baby.

Next day, Avni was getting ready. Neil comes to her and hugs her from behind. Avni smiles.

Avni: what happened, Mr Khanna?

Neil: when you will wear Saree? I am missing your that look.

Avni: but you were the one who prohibit me from wearing it.

Neil: yes, but I did that for your and Neav's safety now everything is fine. When you will wear it?

Avni: if you say then I will wear it now.

Neil: no.

Avni frowns.

Avni: why? It's strange you are asking me and you are prohibiting me, wow. Can I know the reason please?

Neil: what if I lose my control?

Avni saw him in the mirror. Neil winks. Avni shook her head while smiling. Neil turns her to him and kisses her forehead

Neil: I love your every look.

Avni smiles and Neil kisses her forhead they look at each other and were really close to each other. Neil leans to her and Avni closes her eyes. Neil was about to kiss her but Neav starts crying. Avni pushes him. Neil grins his teeth and looks at the Neav.

Neil: first my family was my enemy but now one person is added in their team.

Avni: Neil!

He looks away and Avni goes to Neav and picks him she kisses his cheek and calms him by roaming in the room and Neil smiles to see them and joins them.

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