16- the trial

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I do not claim to own any of the rights orthe characters from the Bleach series as this story is completely my own idea. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews to tell me what you think. Thanks and enjoy the story!  I will be using Yugioh cards Gladiator Beast Darius, Gladiator Beast Equeste, and Wulf, Lightsworn the for this story.  I claim no rights to these cards (but I do own actually a few Yugioh cards which I will possibly use for this story).  Some of the attacks that I will be using are of my own creation and/or from either the Bleach series and/or the Naruto series. 


Key Notes: "regular human speech", 'thinking to one self ', (author's notes), *mental/telepathic communication*, Bold CAPLOCKS- attacks


Sixteen – the trial

Endymion smiled as the rescue party that was there to save Ichigo laid trapped.  He watched as they tried to free themselves from his prison. 

“Its no use trying to escape Soul Reapers.  I am the only one who can release you.” replied Endymion as he reached into the container pulling out Shiro and Kuro.

“What on earth are you planning to do with them?” asked Byakuya  angrily.

“I tend to test them.  I desire the strongest power and spirit of those that I defeat in battle.  But three against one isn't very good odds.  Besides that I have been dying to witness the full power that the three different versions of Ichigo possess.” replied Endymion.

“Your mad Endymion!” snapped Nell.

“Call me what you will but none of you possess the powers or the abilities to stop me.” laughed Endymion as he walked over to the cylinder that contained Ichigo as he reached in pulling out Ichigo as he threw the teen over towards Shiro and Kuro.  Endymion then clapped his hands causing the three teens to disappear from sight.

The three Ichigo's found themselves within an arena as they made their way to their feet.

“I have a bad feeling about this.” stated Kuro as Endymion tossed Ichigo his zanpakto.

“The rules are simple.  You must defeat my minions in order to escape with your lives.  Fail and well..... you know what will happen.” stated Endymion as Ichigo caught Tensa Zangetsu in his hands.  A doorway opened up before the three teens as three creatures whom did not look human entered the arena.  Each one of them wore armor quite similar to a gladiator.  The first was a brown horse whom stood upright on his rear hooves as his darker brown tail whipped angrily by his side.  He wore an orange armor with white trim as his eyes matched his armor as they were all orange with no visible irises and/or pupils.  The next one was a centaur whose lower half and hair matched the horse-man next to him.  His human half had Caucasian skin as he wore blue and light blue armor with silver trim.  He also had large mechanical wings attacked to his horse half and light blue eyes.  The last one was a large white wolf with sky blue eyes as he wore white armor with golden trim.  “Let me introduce my greatest warriors Darius (the horse-man), Equeste (the centaur), and Wulf (the wolf).”  The three warriors said nothing as they prepared their weapons getting ready to fight the three Ichigo's.  Ichigo, Shiro, and Kuro did the same as they gripped their zanpakto's hard in their hands as the three beasts moved attacking the teens.

Ichigo, Shiro, and Kuro moved avoiding the attacks made by the beasts.

“DAICHI KATSU CHEIN (EARTH RIP CHAIN)!” snapped Darius as he whipped his whip as when it hit the ground, it caused the earth to break up as he kicked the pieces at the three Ichigo's.  The pieces of earth swiped past them like meteorites.  The three Ichigo's did their best to try to avoid them but there was way to many.

“GETSUGA TENSHO (MOON FANG HEAVEN PIERCER)!” snapped both Ichigo and Shiro in unison as they unleashed the attack which destroyed the earth fragments that was flying at them.

“SAIGO NO GETSUGA TENSHO (FINAL MOON FANG HEAVEN PIERCER)!” snapped Kuro as he unleashed his attack at the beasts.

“KAMAICHI (CUTTING WHIRLWIND from the Naruto series)!” snapped Equeste as he flapped his wings as he unleashed a strong wind that cut Kuro's attack in half.  The three beasts stood together as it seemed that they were drawing together their power.  The three Ichigo's did the same.

“YAJUU SOSHI BAKUHA (BEAST ELEMENT BLAST)!” the three beasts roared.

“SANJUU KON BAKUHA (TRIPLE SOUL BLAST)!” snapped the three Ichigo's.  The two blasts collided together before rocketing up towards the heavens.  Wulf moved quickly summoning up his powers to his claws.

“RANPU KIBA TSUME (LIGHT FANG CLAW)!” he snarled swiping at Shiro.  The claws hit Shiro as he let out a sharp curse.  His body began to rapidly transform into his full hollow form but his zanpakto this time remained the same.

“Now your just pissing me off.  KUBOMI DOKURO SHIKON (HOLLOW SKULL FANG)!” snarled Shiro as he unleashed his most powerful and devastating attack.  The attack hit Wulf hard as the fanged skull cut him up to shreds killing him.

“You bastard!  KAMAICHI (CUTTING WHIRLWIND from the Naruto series)!” snapped Equeste as he flapped his wings.  Seeing this Ichigo cursed out loud gripping Tensa Zangestu hard.

*Tensa give me your power.* Ichigo mentally told his zanpakto.  Ichigo could feel Tensa's powers add together with his own.

“JINTEKI SEIREI KATSUKAI (HUMAN SPIRIT RIP CUT)!” snapped Ichigo as he unleashed a new and powerful attack.  The attack hit Equeste hard as it ripped through his body separating his spirit from the body.  Equeste's spirit was then cut up many times before his actual body collapsed to the ground as he was dead.  Darius wasn't too pleased as two of his own laid dead.

“YAJUU SOSHI BAKUHA (BEAST ELEMENT BLAST)!  DAICHI KATSU CHEIN (EARTH RIP CHAIN)!” snapped Darius as he unleashed the two attacks simultaneously.

“SAIKOU ENERUGI KIREME (SUPREME ENERGY CUT)!” snarled Kuro as his energy sword glowed fiercely as he unleashed the attack.  The attack destroyed the two attacks before it hit him killing him instantly.  Endymion clapped his hands pleased by what he had seen.

“Excellent!  Now........your spirits and powers shall be mine!”

“Wait one second you said if we won, we get to live!” snarled Ichigo.

“That's true Ichigo Kurosaki but I didn't say where now did I?  YOURUKAGE TEIKUYO (NIGHTSHADE TAKE OVER)!”        stated Endymion as he attacked the three Ichigo's.

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