17- Arrancars strike back

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I do not claim to own any of the rights orthe characters from the Bleach series as this story is completely my own idea. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews to tell me what you think. Thanks and enjoy the story!  Some of the attacks that I will be using are of my own creation and/or from either the Bleach series and/or the Naruto series. 


Key Notes: "regular human speech", 'thinking to one self ', (author's notes), *mental/telepathic communication*, Bold CAPLOCKS- attacks


Seventeen – Arrancars strike back

Ichigo, Shiro, and Kuro all screamed in pain as their bodies fluxed as Endymion tried to take their spirits and powers away from the three teens.  The four Soul Reaper Captains had about all they could withstand to watch.  Ichigo maybe hot headed at times but he had a kind spirit and a very unique soul.  Granted even though Ulquiorra and Grimmjow tried to kill him in the past, it was because of Ichigo Kurosaki that they have gained a second chance at life. 

“That's it were escaping now!” growled Grimmjow as he pulled out his zanpakto placing his fingers on the blade.  “Grind Pantera!” he snarled before transforming into his hollow form.  “DESGARRON (TEAR)!” he snapped attacking their prison.  The container that held them fluxed lightly.

“Wait Grimmjow...........I should be able to break it.” stated Ulquiorra calmly.  Grimmjow looked at Ulquiorra a bit shocked but then again he knew how powerful the fourth Arrancar was.

“Then go for it!” replied Grimmjow in a mischievous grin.

“Once I break this container, Nell transform into your hollow form.  The three of us will attack Endymion.  Byakuya see if you can free the captive captains.” stated Ulquiorra as both Nell and Byakuya nodded their heads.  Ulquiorra then held his zanpakto in front of him.  “Enclose Murcielago!” he stated transforming into his hollow form but he wasn't finished yet with the transformation.  “RESURRECCION: SEGUNDA ETAPA (RESURRECTION SECOND STAGE)!” he stated transforming into almost a form close enough to a Vastro Lorde.  Ulquiorra then summoned up a very large black and dark green cero in his fingers tips.  “CERO OSCURAS (DARK ZERO)!” Ulquiorra stated as he unleashed the cero.  The cero broke their holding cell as both Grimmjow and Ulquiorra moved to attack Endymion while Nell evoked her hollow transformation.  Nell held her sword sideways out before her.

“Declare Gamuza!” she snapped as she transformed into her hollow form.  The three former Arrancars attacked Endymion getting a surprised reaction from the man. 

“What how is this possible?  You shouldn't have been able to break my container.  What in the world are you?” asked Endymion as his ritual that he was casting on the three Ichigo's was broken.

“Former Arrancar's, Espta.  Now Shikigami Captains!” roared Grimmjow as his shock waves threw Endymion back.

“LANZANDOR VERDE (GREEN LANCER)!” snapped Nell as she threw her lance hard at Endymion.  Endymion tried to block it but his staff was shattered in the attack.  Endymion coughed up black blood when the attack hit him throwing him back as the lance flew back to Nell's hands.

“GARRA DA LA PANTERA (CLAW OF THE PANTHER)!” roared Grimmjow as he swiped at Endymion with his claws.  Without warning Valkyria appeared shielding her master with her large metal wings.

“Thank you my dear Valkyria.” stated Endymion with a sly smile as she moved to attack the Arrancars.

“TENMA REIKON (DEMON SOUL)!” she snapped unleashing a large demonic attack that looked like a demon in the form of a spirit was going to step on them.  Ulquiorra flew high up over head.

“LUZ DE LA LUNA (LIGHT OF THE MOON)!” he stated unleashing a large powerful beam of light from his horns.  The beam of light shattered Valkyria's attack as Ulquiorra flew at her at full speed.  “Leave her to me!”  he stated as he summoned his LANZA DE RELAMPAGO (LANCE OF THE LIGHTNING) to his hand.  Valkyria snarled as she flew at Ulquiorra with her sword in her hand.  Grimmjow and Nell kept up their attacks on Endymion was ready for them.

“KAGE KUBI SHIBARI (SHADOW STRANGLE HOLD from the Naruto series)!”  he snapped as his shadow wrapped around Grimmjow and Ulquiorra tightly.

“GETSUGA TENSHO (MOON FANG HEAVEN PIECER)!” snarled two voices in unison.  As Nell and Grimmjow turned their heads they could see both Ichigo and Shiro in full Vastro Lorde form.  Both looked pissed.  “He's ours!” they snarled as they shindo behind Endymion attacking them close range with a cero.  The look of shock stretched across Grimmjow as he watched Ichigo and Shiro bat Endymion around like a rag doll.  Both Ichigo and Shiro worked in unison attacking Endymion giving him a large amount of pay back for everything they have been put through.  “KARITE TOUKAI YAIBA (REAPER DESTRUSTION BLADE)!” they both snapped in unison unleashing the full and most powerful blast at Endymion.  Valkyria flew at her mater as both got hit hard by the attack.

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