4- the evil force

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I do not claim to own any of the rights or the characters from the Bleach series as this story is completely my own idea. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews to tell me what you think. Thanks and enjoy the story! I will be using Yugioh cards Endymion the Master Magician and Dark Valkyria as my villains for this story. I claim no rights to these cards (but I do own actually a few Yugioh cards which I will possibly use as the villains for this story). I am also creating some attacks that are not featured in the Bleach series.

Key notes: "regular human speech", 'thinking to one self ', (author's notes), italic - spirit speech, BOLD CAPS LOCK - ATTACKS

Chapter Four - the evil force

Meanwhile in a dimension between the Soul Society and the human world, a figure sat in darkness upon a thrown. Over to their right hand side stood two glowing cylinders as they held what appeared to be the spirits of Kenpachi Zaraki and Toshiro Hitsugaya. A young looking woman with light purple skin and blood red eyes approached the thrown. Her medium length straight white hair fell down to her shoulders in length. Her large black metallic bird-like wings were folded against her back as she quickly knelt before the figure on the thrown.

"Master Emdymion........I have done as you have asked. Your target Ichigo Kurosaki has been separated into his three strongest forms. Now all you need to do is face them in battle." stated the woman. The figure seemed to rise from their thrown stepping out into the light. The man had grayish white skin as he wore black and gold armor which looked like a sorcerers outfit. His eyes glowed all purple matching the purple jewels and cape. He wore a helmet that hid most of his face as you could only see his face from the checks down to his chin. A broad smile stretched across his face.

"Thank you Valkyria. Ichigo Kurosaki shall prove quite interesting. I have never seen powers like his before as his powers seem unparalleled. It shall be interesting to see which Ichigo Kurosaki is worthy to become my next prey." replied Endymion as Valkyria looked up at her master.

"But master...........what if all three prove to be worthy of you obtaining their power?" asked Valkyria.

"Then I will capture all three of them. But first I need to test them. I have watched these Soul Reapers with great interest as some of them had caught my eye." replied Endymion as he walked over to the cylinders that contained Toshiro and Kenpachi. "Once I have collected those with the strongest powers and spirits, I shall devour them to make them my own."

"Speaking of powers.............Master Endymion will you be going after the head captain of the Soul Society, Shigekuni Yamamoto-Genryusai?" asked Valkyria. Endymion scratched his chin thinking about it.

"Considering his powers is definitely among the strongest of the Soul Reapers, I don't see why not. Prepare a cylinder as I shall return." stated Endymion as Valkyria nodded her head. With a snap of his fingers his weapon appeared in his free hand as it was a large staff which happened to be his spell wand. The staff had a long black base as near the top was a crescent type of moon done in gold. Purple gemstones lined the gold moon as a purple orb hovered in the middle unconnected to the staff. With a wave of his staff a portal opened up before him as he walked through.

Endymion appeared instantly in the Soul Society in the main chamber halls of the head captain Yamamoto where he would hold the meeting with his other captains and lieutenants of the thirteen court guards. Captain Yamamoto knew that this figure would come after him. The head captain stood up to his feet hitting the floor with his cane.

"Who in the world are you and how did you get past the guards?" asked Yamamoto.

"It was easy old man. Your ways have no law over me. My name is not important unless you can defeat me. I have come for your spirit and power old man." replied Endymion.

"We shall see about that." stated Yamamoto as he held his cane like a sword. Part of the cane transformed into a hilt of a sword. Yamamoto slowly unsheathed his zanpakto once he took off the top part of his Soul Reapers uniform. The head captain's spiritual pressure was eminence but it didn't seem to phase Endymion like it would many others.

"Burn Ryujin!" stated Yamamoto as intense flames surrounded his zanpakto. Still Endymion looked unimpressed. Yamamoto charged at Endymion as the sorcerer countered with his staff. Yamamoto was shocked that Endymion was able to counter his strength matching it. "JIGOKUHI KOUEN (HELLFIRE FLAME)!" yelled out Yamamoto. Endymion just seemed to smile as the jewels and orb of his staff began to glow.

"MYOU HAJI (DARK HOLD)!" stated Endymion as the jewels and orb on his staff took a hold of the attacking absorbing it. The look of shock stretched across Yamamoto's face. Yamamoto continued attacking tying to catch Endymion off guard but the magician seemed to match him blow for blow. Endymion just simply smiled as he pointed a single finger at Yamamoto. "Too bad............you loose! It is about time that I ended this. Your spirit and power are mine!" stated Endymion as the orb of his staff began to glow. "YORUKAGE TEIKUYO (NIGHTSHADE TAKE OVER)!" stated Endymion as black energy shot out of the orb engulfing Yamamoto. Yamamoto's spirit and power was separated from his physical body as they flowed into the orb. By now the defense squad had shown up. "Sorry your a little too late. I all ready have what I came for!" stated Endymion as Yamamoto's body hit the ground. Soi Fon charged at Endymion as Yamamoto's body hit the ground. She pulled out her zanpakto releasing it from its current state.

"Sting Suzumabachi!" she yelled out. Endymion seemed to easily dodge Soi Fon's attacks.

"I wish that I had more time to play but I have other pressuring business. KURO SEISHOU HANONE (BLACK ENERGY FLASH)!" stated Endymion as black energy erupted from his free hand blinding everyone as he managed to make his escape.

When the light cleared, alarm went up as the intruder was no where to be found. Yamamoto's body was moved to the medical wing as the examiner stated that Yamamoto was in the same shape as both Toshiro and Kenpachi. His body was still alive but both his spirit and power were taken from him.

"I want everyone on full alert. We must find this intruder and find a way to restore what has happened to captains Hitsugaya, Zaraki, and Yamamoto!" snapped Soi Fon as her squad carried out her order. 'What in the world are we dealing with?' Soi Fon thought to herself.

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