A Strange Request

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Meechee carried Percy up to her room. There she layed him gently onto her pillow.

Dorgle looked over him with worry lacing his gaze.

"He doesn't look too good." Troy chimed in.

"Of course he doesn't!" Meechee yelled. "My father just killed him!"

Tears ran down Meechee's cheeks as she looked at Percy laying limp on her pillow.

Dorgle looked out the window.

"I hope Migo will control his temper." He muttered.

"Well, if someone killed my soulmate, I would get angry too." Troy commented

Meechee kept her eyes fixed to Percy's form.

Within a few moments they heard a loud crash from outside.

Meechee's gaze quickly shot to the window.

She went to look outside to see her father on the ground with shards of the ice gate surrounding him.

Dorgle, Troy, and Meechee watched as the whole village came to see what was happening.

"You killed him!" Migo yelled, shocking many yetis that gathered around the two.

Meechee shuttered and covered her mouth turning away from the window.

Troy attempted to comfort her, but she shrugged him off.

Dorgle sighed sadly watching the scene play out the window.

Migo continued to yell angrily at the Stonekeeper.

Then the yetis heard a quiet whimper come from Meechee's bed.

Meechee, Dorgle, and Troy quickly turned toward the bed.

Percy was curling on his side as he whimpered in fear.

Meechee's eyes widened. "He's alive..."

Her shock soon wore off into pure joy. "Percy's alive!"

Suddenly she remembered what Migo was about to do outside.

"I have to go stop Migo before he kills my father." She said quickly.

Meechee raced down the stairs and went to the broken gate of ice.

Migo had lifted her father, ready to strike him with a fist.

"Migo! wait!" She yelled.

Everyone turned to look at her.

"Percy...." Meechee was slightly out of breathe getting down there so quickly.

"Percy's breathing." She panted.

She allowed herself to catch her breath a bit.

She stood back up with a smile. "Percy's alive."

Migo looked at Meechee with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

Migo quickly ran to Meechee. "Where is he?"

She could hear the sadness and relief in Migo's voice.

"He's up in my room." She said pointing toward the stairs that lead to her chambers.

Migo nodded and ran to the stairs.

Kolka, Gwangi, Fleem look to each other and looked to Meechee with a look of questioning.

Meechee approached the three yetis.

"I'll explain later." She said quietly.

They nodded and walked toward the stairs, Meechee following.

Migo quickly ran to Meechee's room. He entered in a rush, startling Troy and his father.

"Where's Percy?" He asked glancing quickly around the room.

Troy and Dorgle pointed to the bed.

Percy lay on the pillow, quietly whimpering.

"Percy!" Migo said relieved.

He went to his soulmate's side quickly.

Migo sighed happily as he saw that Percy was indeed breathing. Migo was worried, however, about how Percy was curling onto his side and whimpering in fear.

Migo gently brushed Percy's hair with his little finger and lay his hand next to him.

Percy subconsciously leaned into the yeti's touch.

Percy's whimpering began to quiet down once he was near Migo.

Migo sighed happily, knowing Percy was okay.

Dorgle walked to Migo, placing his hand on Migo's shoulder.

Migo turned to his father.

"Time to see his path, Migo." Dorgle said.

Migo turned back to Percy and nodded.

"I know dad." He spoke quietly.

Migo looked to Percy. The smallfoot was now resting peacefully on the pillow.

Migo stood up and turned to his father.

"I'll keep him safe." Dorgle said with a nod.

Migo smiled and walked to the door. He turned back to Percy.

"I'll be back soon, Percy." He said. "I promise."

Migo then walked out to go to the Soul Bond sanctuary.

Kolka, Gwangi, Fleem and Meechee walk into the room just as Migo walked through the door going out.

They turned to look at Dorgle in question.

"He's going to the sanctuary." He replied.

The yetis nodded.

Kolka glanced around the room. Her eyes landed on Percy laying on Meechee's pillow. She walked over to him and sat on Meechee's bed, without disturbing him.

Gwangi turned to Dorgle. "So what happened?"

Troy spoke before Dorgle could answer.

"Thorp, Stonekeeper and...I had trapped the Smallfoot and kept him away from Migo. And also trapped Meechee, Migo, and Dorgle in an ice cage."

Gwangi, Fleem, and Kolka gasped as they turned to Meechee to get confirmation.

Meechee sighed.

"It's true." Meechee looked to the floor saddened.

Fleem looked back to Troy. "What! Why would you do that?"

Troy looked to the ground. "I..."

"I want to know that too. Why did you do this?" Meechee asked looking at Troy.

Troy gulped. "I did it because...."

Meechee felt Troy's unease and guilt. "Troy," Meechee spoke with a firm but gentle tone. "Why did you do this?"

Troy looked at Meechee with sadness filling his eyes.

He sighed shakily. "He...he threatened to take you away." Troy's voice shook with with tears.

"Who?" Meechee asked.

"I did." Came a voice from the door.

The yetis in the room gasped and turned to the door to see the Stonekeeper standing there.

He looked rough. His fur was tussled heavily, some of the stones on his robe were cracked and some even missing.

Gwangi, Dorgle, and Troy quickly got to a position between Meechee, Percy, Kolka, and the Stonekeeper.

Fleem was quick to go to the other side of the room.

Kolka prepared to grab Percy if the Stonekeeper was able to get past the other yetis to get to him.

Meechee stood ready to protect Migo's soulmate.

The Stonekeeper raised his hands in surrender.

"I come with no intent of doing harm." He said calmly.

"Yeah, right." Gwangi snapped.

"Father, you can't expect us to believe you. After what you've just tried to do." Meechee said half glaring at her father.

Stonekeeper sighed. "I've only come looking for answers."

He turned to Dorgle.

Dorgle sighed. "I suppose you have." He said with a look of intrigue toward the Stonekeeper.

He looked around the room to all of the yetis. "You all deserve answers."

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