Wrath of a Soulmate

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Migo watched horrified as the Stonekeeper used his staff to hit Percy.

Percy slammed into the Ice wall, causing a crack to spider out around him. He fell to the floor with a sickening thud.

"Percy!" Migo cried. Tears weld up in his eyes. Migo felt a dull throbbing in his stomach.

Percy didn't answer.

Migo's tears started to spill from his eyes. "Percy, please answer me." He begged. "Say something."

The Stonekeeper chuckled.

"I told you, he wouldn't last long up here." He said with a sickly sweet grin.

Meechee stared in shock at what her father had done.

"Father-" she was cut off by Migo.

"How could you!?" Migo growled. "He did nothing wrong! Why did you hurt him?!"

The Stonekeeper calmly walked to the door of their cage.

"Like I said before, I'm doing what's best for the village. They can't know of our existence." The Stonekeeper opened the ice cage. "He won't be a problem anymore."

As soon as the door opened, Migo raced to his soulmate's side. "Percy!"

Migo lifted Percy gently into his arms.

Dorgle walked over to his son, he placed his hand onto Migo's shoulder.

"Migo," Dorgle started. "I'm so sorry."

Migo sniffled.

The Stonekeeper chuckled. "All this fuss over a Smallfoot."

Meechee glared at her father. She walked toward Migo and Dorgle.

Meechee looked at Dorgle hoping that what they heard didn't mean Percy was gone.

Dorgle looked to the ground saddened.

Migo stood up, holding Percy in his arms gently.

"Meechee," he said, with a strange calmness to his voice. "Take Percy, and get him somewhere safe."

"Migo-" Meechee tried to protest but when Migo turned around, she froze.

Migo's eyes were filled with saddness, fear and, to her own suprise, anger and hatred.

"O-okay." She stuttered.

Migo handed Percy to Meechee gently.

Meechee made extra sure she was careful with the Smallfoot.

Dorgle noticed Migo's calmness and stood by Meechee.

"C'mon." She whispered to Dorgle. "We have to get out of here."

She quickly walked out of the room and up the stairs.

Dorgle nodded and followed Meechee out.

Troy followed behind Meechee and Dorgle, hoping he could help in some way to fix his mistake of helping the Stonekeeper over his own soulmate.

The Stonekeeper looked at Migo.

"Migo, I will allow you to stay in the village." He said with a fake smile. "All you have to do is not tell anyone about what happened to the Smallfoot."

The rest of Migo's sorrow turned to rage at that statement.

"You are going to pay for what you've done." He said darkly.

The Stonekeeper sighed. "You can't be serious."

Migo's hand clenched into fists as he glared at the Stonekeeper.

Stonekeeper laughed. "You can't expect me to believe that that thing is your real soulmate."

Migo growled and charged toward the Stonekeeper, taking him by suprise.

Migo grabbed the Stonekeeper's staff and threw it across the room, causing it to be embedded into an ice wall.

Thorp quickly tried to hold Migo back away from his father.

But Migo was stronger than Thorp had thought.

Migo pushed Thorp away roughly. Thorp crashed into the ground just behind the angered yeti.

The Stonekeeper watched in shock as Migo approached him with fury evident in his eyes.

Stonekeeper quickly tried to back away but tripped up and fell to the ground.

He tried to talk to Migo. "Migo, I-I understand you're angr-"

"Don't pretend you know what I'm going through!" Migo yelled interrupting the Stonekeeper.

"You have no idea what you've just done!" Migo's voice slightly shook.

The Stonekeeper quickly got up and prepared to run to the stairs.

"Migo, we-we can talk calmly about this." The Stonekeeper attempted again to defuse the angered yeti's rage.

"I don't want to listen to ANYTHING you have to say!" Migo yelled.

Stonekeeper ran up the stairs and tried to get to the outside.

Migo ran after the Stonekeeper, anger still boiling in his mind.

The Stonekeeper realized he couldn't open the door because he no longer had his staff with him.

Migo ran at the Stonekeeper and hit him hard, sending the Stonekeeper through the ice door to the outside.

Shards of the ice door landed around the area in front of the Stonekeeper's sanctuary. The Stonekeeper landed on the ground roughly.

Everyone gasped and turned toward the two yetis.

"Stonekeeper? Migo?"

"What's going on?"

Many other yetis muttered their own questions.

The Stonekeeper put on a mask of the calm leader everyone saw him as.

"Migo, just stay calm. We can talk this out." He said calmly.

Migo was extremely angered now.

"You killed him!" Migo yelled.

Stonekeeper stopped as the crowd of yetis around them erupted in gasps and murmurs.

"Killed him?"

"Does he mean the Smallfoot?"

"Why would the Stonekeeper kill anyone."

"Where's the Smallfoot? Is he okay?"

Migo continued to approach the Stonekeeper angrily.

"You're going to feel the pain you've just caused." Migo growled darkly.

The Stonekeeper stood up quickly, and tried to calm Migo once again.

"I know you're angry, Migo, but tell me. Would he want you to do this?" The Stonekeeper asked.

Migo glared daggers at the Stonekeeper.

"How dare you." Migo growled with more hatred in his voice than he ever thought possible. "Don't you DARE try to tell me what Percy would have wanted."

The Stonekeeper, realizing what he said was not helping him, tried to think of a way to get out of this situation.

"Percy wanted to help me." Migo cried, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "Percy wanted to stay alive! He did NOTHING to deserve what you did."

Kolka, Gwangi, and Fleem quickly ran out of the crowd. They stayed a distance away from the angry yeti but tried to talk to him anyway.

"Migo, what's going on? What happened?" Kolka asked.

"Where's Percy?" Gwangi asked next.

Migo glanced at the three before going back to glaring at the Stonekeeper.

"Why don't you ask the one that killed him." He said with a growl.

"WHAT?!" The three yetis shouted.

They turned to the Stonekeeper with shock in their eyes.

"No..." Kolka whispered, realizing what Migo was saying.

Gwangi felt himself begin to get angry.

Fleem shook his head. "How could you?" He whimpered.

The Stonekeeper growled. "I did what I had to, to protect the village!"

Yetis began yelling and muttering replies.

"Protecting the village shouldn't mean killing a soulmate!"

"The Smallfoot didn't threaten us at all!"

"Stonekeeper, how could you do such a thing?"

Migo had made it next to the Stonekeeper.

He grabbed the robe of stones and prepared to hurt the Stonekeeper.

"Now, you're going to feel the pain I've just felt. Only much worse." Migo growled, venom dripped from his last sentence.

Stonekeeper prepared himself for Migo's strike.

"Migo! Wait!" Meechee suddenly yelled from the broken ice door.

The crowd turned to her. Migo turned to look at Meechee as well.

"Percy...." She breathed, hunching over to catch her breath. It was evident that she had run there. "Percy's breathing."

Migo stopped and stared at Meechee with widening eyes, relief washing over him as he dropped the Stonekeeper.

Tears pricking the edges of his eyes.

Meechee stood up straight as she stated the next phrase with relief of her own swimming through her.

"Percy's alive."

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