Tragic Reunion

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The Stonekeeper growled angrily as he saw that his own daughter and the Gong Ringer had helped the Smallfoot escape.

"Meechee, what is the meaning of this?" He yelled.

"Father, this is wrong!" She yelled back.

After Thorp had been able to get past Meechee, the Stonekeeper had found Dorgle trying to sneak back outside.

With the help of his daughter's soulmate, Troy, they were able to get both of them in to the holding cell Migo was in.

"Wrong!?" The Stonekeeper shouted. "What I'm doing is best for the village!"

"For the village? Or for yourself?" Dorgle shot back.

The Stonekeeper growled angrily. He turned to Thorp and Troy. "Find that Smallfoot."

Thorp and Troy looked to each other and back at the Stonekeeper.

"NOW!" he yelled.

The two yetis jumped.

He turned back to the yetis behind the ice wall.

"It won't survive up here, no matter what room it decides to hide in." The Stonekeeper said darkly.

The Stonekeeper turned and marched up the stairs followed by Thorp.

Troy gave Meechee a saddened look.

"I'm sorry, Meech-" he tried to say but Meechee interrupted him.

"I know." Meechee said. She turned away from him. "Just go before he gets mad."

Troy looked down at the ground then followed the Stonekeeper and Thorp.

Dorgle placed a hand on Meechee's arms in a gesture of comfort.

"He means well, he's just very shy." Meechee stated.

Dorgle nodded and turned to Migo.

Migo had been against the back wall of the icy cell, he was sitting on the ground with his head in his arms.

"Migo?" Dorgle said.

Migo sniffled and looked up at his dad. "Dad, I'm so sorry."

"Son, none of this is your fault." Dorgle said walking over to his son.

"We decided to help on our own." Meechee said approaching Migo as well.

Both Dorgle and Meechee sat next to Migo.

Migo sat up and pulled his father and Meechee into a hug.

"I messed up really bad this time." He sniffled. "Percy's in danger."

Dorgle quickly spoke. "No, son. Your soulmate is within the sanctuary. He is safe."

"But for how long?" Migo said pulling away from the hug to look at his father.

"Smallfoot can't survive up here. For all I know Percy could be suffering and I'm trapped here waiting for the pain to shoot through my soul the moment his heart stops!"

Tears raced down Migo's cheeks as he panted.

Meechee placed a hand on Migo's shoulder.

"Migo, when Dorgle got him out of the cage he looked fine." She said gently.

Migo looked at Meechee with slight hope.

Migo let out a shaky sigh.

From somewhere else in the tunnels they heard the Stonekeeper yelling.


Migo hiccupped as more tears spilled from his eyes.

They heard a door slam open.

"Oh, Percy." Migo sniffed. "I'm so sorry."

Meechee tried to comfort Migo. "Migo, he's going to be okay." She said gently.

Migo sniffled and smiled weakly at her.

Dorgle placed a hand on Migo's shoulder.

"Don't worry son, I made sure he got to the sanctuary safely." He said.

Migo felt slightly relieved. "But what if they hurt him?"

Dorgle gave Migo an uncertain look.

Migo suddenly felt a tugging on his wrist.

He gasped and looked down at his bracelet.

Meechee smiled. "He's okay." She said.

Dorgle spoke happily next. "He's close by."

Migo remembered that the Stonekeeper was going after him.

"But what if the Stonekeeper got him?" He asked sadly.

"Him? Get me? Come now, Migo." Came the voice of his soulmate. "Surely you have more faith in me then that."

Migo gasped and looked out of the ice cage. There Percy stood with his hands against the ice wall, smiling.

"Percy!" Migo said happily. He went to the ice wall, placing his own hands onto it. "How did you get here?"

Percy chuckled and lifted his left wrist, showing the bracelet. "I followed the tugging." He smiled.

Migo smiled and laughed lightly. "I'm so glad you're okay."

Percy nodded. "I'm glad you're okay too."

Percy glanced up at Migo's broken horn. His heart ached, but he pushed his thoughts away.

"But we need to get you guys out of here."

Percy looked around for a way to open the cage.

"No, Percy." Migo said quickly. "You have to get out of here."

Percy turned back to his soulmate. "Migo I'm not leaving without getting you guys out." He said determined.

"Percy if you stay up here you'll die." Migo said, his voice filled with desperation.

Percy looked at Migo.

"Migo, I'm fine. I need to get you out of here." Percy said glancing around the door to their cage.

Migo gulped. "The Stonekeeper said that you wouldn't last up here."

Migo looked to the ground.

"I-I don't want you hurt." Migo whimpered.

Percy looked back at Migo and smiled. "Migo, it's okay. I'm not going to die up here."

Migo looked at Percy with concern filled eyes.

Percy gave Migo a reassuring smile. "I promise I will be fine. I finally realized why we were chosen to be together."

Migo tilted his head slightly in question.

Percy chuckled at Migo's cuteness.

"You've been nicer to me than most of the people I know." Percy said smiling. "We are two parts of one soul."

Migo smiled as he felt Percy's own happiness.

"I came back to get you guys because you helped me." Percy said.

He glanced down with a blush.

"A-and because I lo-" Percy felt a sharp pang of fear from Migo.

"PERCY! Look out!" Migo cried.

Percy turned around, only to feel a sharp pain in his abdomen and be thrown across the room. He slammed into a wall, knocking the air out of his lungs. Percy hit the ground hard. He felt numb as the world around him faded. He could hear Migo's faint voice, but couldn't make out any words.

Percy's vision faded to black.

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