Migo's Path

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Percy looked into the darkness.

Okay, Percy. He told himself. All you have to do is get your phone and use the flashlight. Shouldn't be too hard.

Percy went to reach toward his phone, when a gentle light shone from above him.

Percy's eyes quickly looked to the light.

It looked like just an orb of gentle blue light.

The light was floating and circled Percy.

Percy felt a little unsure about the light. Well, at least it's not a snail. He thought.

He watched in amazement as the light shifted to add a purple hue into itself.

Percy then felt a tug on his left wrist.

He lookes down at the soul bond bracelet Migo had given him.

Percy lifted his wrist so he could get a closer look at the bracelet, using the light.

Is this thing magnetized or something? He thought. Why did it tug on my wrist like that?

The light seemed to pulse as it continued to slowly circle around Percy.

Percy ran a finger gently over the crystals on the bracelet.

When suddenly, instead of a gentle tug, the bracelet literally began to drag Percy through the dark room.

"WOAH!" Percy shrieked. "H-hey, what gives?"

Percy started to panic as the bracelet continued to pull him.

He had to run in order to keep from falling on his face. Percy has tried to stop himself by digging his heels into the ground, but that only caused him to nearly trip and fall.

Percy shut his eyes. "Where are you taking me?" He cried.

Then he heard a soft giggle.

Percy opened his eyes to see that it was no longer the bracelet pulling him, it was a small yeti.

The yeti looked like Migo only younger, and his horn wasn't broken.

"C'mon guys." The little Migo said. "I want show you something cool!"

"What?" Percy said in shock.

"We're almost there." The yeti said.

Percy looked around to find that he had somehow gotten outside onto the snowy mountain.

"How-" Percy looked back at Migo.

Percy shut his eyes and shook his head. This can't be real! He thought.

The tugging suddenly stopped. Percy was, luckily, able to keep his balance.

Percy opened his eyes to find he was back in the dark cave with the light.

"What!" Percy looked around quickly. "Migo?" He called trying to find the little yeti. "Migo!"

Percy ran through the room the light following close behind. His heart ached as he called to Migo again. Hoping for an answer.

Percy stopped when he heard sobbing.

He turned to where the noise was coming from.

There was a small yeti, a little older then the one Percy had just encountered, but still smaller then Migo.

"Migo?" Percy called slowly walking toward the yeti.

"Migo?" Came a different voice. Percy turned to see Dorgle. Percy turned back to face Migo again.

"Dad!" Migo was quick to wipe his cheeks of the tears that had fallen. "What is it?"

Dorgle sat down next to Migo.

Percy found that they were now on a cliff, outside again.

"Son," Dorgle started. "Have I ever told you about the day I first met your mom?"

The young Migo looked toward his dad. "Only like, a hundred times." Migo grinned.

Dorgle chuckled. "Yeah, I do tell that story a lot, huh?"

Migo laughed lightly. "But I like that story."

Migo smiled at his father.

Dorgle smiled back at his son.

Percy looked from Dorgle to the younger Migo. What is this?

The young Migo looked back out to the sea of clouds. His sadness returning.

"Dad, what was it like before you met mom?" He asked.

Dorgle looked at his son with a surprised look.

"Where did this come from?" Dorgle asked.

Migo looked out into the clouds.

Percy noticed that Migo was hiding his left horn from his father.

Migo sniffed. "Were you ever picked on because of mom's eye color?"

Dorgle's gaze softened as he looked at his son.

Percy stepped closer to the two yetis, he could have hugged the little Migo if he wanted to.

"Oh, Migo." Dorgle said softly. "What happened?"

Migo sniffed again. He revealed his left horn.

Percy and Dorgle both gasped.

Migo's horn had been broken.

Percy reached toward Migo, but the soul bond bracelet tugged on Percy's wrist.

Percy looked down at it. Why is it doing that? He thought.

He looked back up to Migo and Dorgle, but neither of them were there anymore.

Percy was back in the dark room with the floating blue and purple light.

"Wha-what is going on?" Percy exclaimed. "I'm going insane!"

That's when Percy heard Migo's laugh. His Migo, the Migo that wasn't a kid.

Percy quickly looked around for Migo.

Migo's voice soon rang out through the room.

"Poor Smallfoot. So confused. So frightened." It said.

"What?" Percy said.

His eyes soon landed on the orb of light. It was pulsing gently.

Percy's eyes never left the orb as it came down next to him.

Migo's voice chuckled.

"So scared." It taunted. "Scared to be alone. Scared that it's soulmate won't come to save it."

Percy bit his lip as he quickly looked around then back to the light.

Percy gulped. "W-what do you w-want?" He cursed himself for stuttering.

The orb began to slowly circle Percy.

"I don't want anything." Migo's voice spoke from the orb. "But what is it that you want?"

Percy was taken aback. He tried to figure out what the orb meant.

"Hmm," the orb hummed. "Oh. Parents too controlling, lost in a world unknown to you. Confused and scared to be away from the yeti that could keep you safe." The orb spoke with a mocking tone.

Percy tried to speak but the orb didn't allow him.

"Bullied from a young age, only had a few friends when growing up. Everyone left you." The orb continued to circle Percy.

Percy's eyes went to the floor. What is this thing?

"I am the one that chooses the soulmates of this world." Migo's voice spoke from the orb.

Percy looked up at the orb in shock. "H-how did you-"

"What? Read your mind?" Migo's laugh rang out in the dark room. "I always know what the ones I've chosen are thinking."

Percy stayed quiet.

"Nothing else to say?" Migo's voice taunted. "Well, I don't blame you. After all, every time you tried to speak your mind before your parents and friends never listened. Nobody ever listens to you."

This hit Percy hard, but Percy wasn't going to take this. "Migo listens!" He yelled.

The orb stopped for a second. It seemed intrigued by Percy's out burst.

The orb laughed using Migo's voice.

"The only reason why that yeti listens to you is because he can understand you." The orb then started to circle Percy again. "Yetis are curious."

"So are humans." Percy shot back. "I've been learning about other species since I was little."

"I know." The orb said. "Or rather, we know."

Percy was confused by that statement.

He heard little Migo's voice coming from behind him.

Percy turned around to see that he was outside again. Migo was again next to his dad sitting on the cliff.

Percy stepped closer to hear what they were talking about.

"Then your mother burst out laughing when the geod landed on my head, splitting in two." Dorgle said.

Migo laughed. "Did she wear the necklace you made?"

"Everyday." Dorgle said proudly.

Migo smiled at his father and chuckled.

Migo's laughs soon died down.

"Dad, do you think my soulmate will be like mom?" Migo asked quietly.

Percy stepped closer to the two yetis. Migo, Percy thought. His heart ached remembering Migo's desperate call a few hours ago.

"Son," Dorgle began. "Your soulmate will complete you. They are the other half of your soul."

Migo looked at his dad. "But what if I don't find them?"

Migo's father looked at his son.

"Migo, in order to find your soulmate physically, you must first find them mentally and emotionally." Dorgle said. "To do that you must find out who they are by their senses going through you."

"What does that mean?" Migo asked tilting his head.

Dorgle chuckled. "It means that when you are looking for them, you hear through your soulmate's ears. And you feel their pain and emotions."

Migo grimaced. "Does that mean if they get hurt I feel it too?"

"Well, yes." Dorgle chuckled. "But once you find them, the pain will no longer be as much."

"Really?" Migo asked. "What about the emotions, and hearing through their ears?"

"Those lessen too, but some soulmates are connected heavily through them." Dorgle said. "This means that they don't go away, like the pain does."

"Oh," Migo grinned. "Cool!"

Then Dorgle stood up. "Well, I have to get back to the village."

He turned to Migo. "Will you be coming with me, or do you want to stay here for a bit?"

Migo looked out at the clouds. "I'll stay here for a little bit." He smiled.

Dorgle nodded and walked away.

Percy stepped closer to the small yeti.

A few moments later, Percy heard a familiar chittering from nearby.

Migo seemed to hear the chittering as well. He looked down next to him, away from Percy.

"Oh, hello." He said.

He lifted something in his hand. Percy looked at what the little yeti had picked up, and gasped.

There, in Migo's hand, were two squirrels. The same squirrels that Percy had seen when he was little.

"What are you guys?" Migo asked. "How did you get here?"

The squirrels were still the same colors they were when Percy had seen them before.

The Squirrels did the same thing they had done when Percy was a kid. They sat on Migo's palm chittering playfully with their tails flicking to the same rythme they did years ago.

Percy placed his hand over his heart as he saw how gentle Migo was with the squirrels.

That's when Percy realized, the squirrels rythme wasn't as random as he thought before. They were flicking to the beating of his heart.

Were they mimicking Migo's heart as well? Percy thought.

A tugging on Percy's wrist caused Percy to jump slightly.

Percy looked down at the bracelet. Then he looked back up to find that he was again back inside the dark room with the floating orb.

Percy looked to the orb. "That was you."

"Yes," Migo's voice spoke.

Percy finally brought up his courage to ask the one question that he wanted to know desperately.

"Why?" Percy asked. "Why were Migo and I chosen to be together?"

The orb floated down in front of Percy.

"You were both given what you needed." Migo's voice sounded through the orb.

Percy was about to ask for clarification, when the orb spoke again.

"You needed someone to understand and listen to you. He needed someone to protect and keep safe."

"Wha-" Percy started. "What do you mean by that? Why does Migo need someone to protect?"

The orb floated circles around Percy. "Yetis need to feel strong, with the ability to protect and defend less strong creatures." The orb spoke. "The yeti had been hurt, called weak. Everyone thought he would never be able to properly protect his soulmate."

Percy stood there and processed what the orb has told him. He remembered Migo's horn had been broken when he was younger.

"But why-" Percy began, but was cut off by the orb.

"You also needed someone to make you feel safe, after the trouble with your controlling parents." Migo's voice explained.

"What?" Percy asked.

The orb began pulsed again.

"Your parents were always fighting, and saying how wrong your eyesight was." Migo's voice echoed. "You felt trapped, afraid. You wanted someone to tell you that you had done nothing wrong, to say there was nothing wrong with you."

Percy shifted uncomfortably. This thing is getting way too good at telling what is true.

The orb chuckled.

"But the yeti, he was hurt from his youth. Called weak, other yetis had hurt him." The orb spoke. "No yeti would have been happy knowing they were with the Gong Ringer's son."

Percy bit his lip in slight anger.

I may not know him that well, but the Gong Ringer is the reason I was able to get here. He thought.

Percy knew the orb had heard his thoughts. The light floated about a foot from Percy's head.

"Allow me to show you how strong your connection truly is." The orb bellowed.

The bracelet on Percy's wrist tugged once again.

Another vision from the past began to play in front of Percy.

Percy looked around he was next to a cliff with a rock sticking out of it.

A yeti approached the edge and stopped.

It was Migo, his Migo standing on the edge of that cliff.

He had tears in his eyes.

Percy felt confused. "What-"

"Migo!" Yelled a voice behind him.

Percy turned to see Kolka, Gwangi and Fleem running toward Migo.

"Migo please, there is no need for you to do this." Gwangi said.

What is happening? Percy thought.

"Yes there is." Migo said, his voice cracking with sadness and fear.

"C'mon," Fleem spoke gently. "Let's just talk about this."

Percy was slightly confused when he heard his own voice coming from behind him, seeming to answer Fleem.

"Brenda, I want to talk about this but I can't." He choked out. "I don't-"

Percy spun around to see himself and Brenda.

"Percy, please calm down. We can talk about this" Brenda said desperately.

"That- that was-" Percy tried to process things quickly.

"Just calm down." Brenda said trying to calm Percy.

"I'm trying to calm down." Migo replied  desperately.

Percy looked between the two scenes.

Realization hit as he watched himself and Migo answer questions the other was asked.

"We weren't just feeling each other's emotions." Percy said. "We heard each other's conversations."

Migo in a panick, stepped back. He slipped off the edge of the cliff.

Percy gasped and raced forward. "Migo!" He reached toward the yeti as if he were going to catch him, when the vision faded back to the dark room.

The orb gently floated above Percy's head.

Percy wiped his cheeks. In the adrenaline rush he just had, tears had found their way to his eyes.

"Oh, Migo." Percy muttered. "I'm so sorry."

The orb then pulsed gently again.

"It's time to go find him."

Percy nodded.

Suddenly he heard angry muffled voices from outside.

He turned his head toward the door.

Migo's voice spoke from the orb once again. "Do you understand why you need each other?"

Percy faced the orb once again.

Since he had met Migo, he's felt safe. Safer than he had with his own family.

Percy remembered how Migo was protective of him. How Migo had defended him against the Stonekeeper, and tried to get back to him when they were first separated.

"Yes." Percy said. "Now I know that I must return to him. As soon as possible."

The orb began to float away to the center of the room as the voices were growing louder outside.

"Simply follow his senses." It said. "You are a part of him"

"Wait!" Percy said quickly. "How am I still able to breathe up here?"

The orb stopped floating.

"I should have been unable to breathe hours ago." Percy finished.

The orb spoke calmly. "You have the soul of a yeti, you can survive in your soulmate's environment."

"GET IT OPEN, NOW!" Yelled a voice from outside. It was the Stonekeeper.

Percy looked at the door then back to the orb. "Thank you." He said.

The light then gently started to flicker away.

Percy was quick to hide near the door of the room.

As soon as the orb's light disappeared completely, the door slammed open.

The Stonekeeper, Thorp, and another yeti came running into the room.

"Find it!" The Stonekeeper yelled to the yetis.

Percy took his chance and bolted out of the room unnoticed by the yetis.

He ran through the halls. Where are you Migo?

Percy stopped to rest against a wall once he had gotten far enough away.

"Migo, he's going to be okay." A female voice said.

Percy shot up and looked around.

"Don't worry son, I made sure he got to the sanctuary safely." Came another voice. Percy recognised it as Migo's father.

Percy felt a wave of sadness and slight relief come over him.

Migo. Percy thought.

He focused on Migo's emotions. Knowing what the light had told him, Percy felt happy that he could be this connected to Migo.

Thinking about the pathways Dorgle had taken to bring Percy to the sanctuay and the hallways Thorp had brought him through, Percy quickly made his way back to the staircase that the Stonekeeper had taken Migo.

Don't worry, Migo. Percy thought determined to find his soulmate. I'm going to find you.

Percy began to decend the stairs as he felt the bracelet tug toward them.

Percy grinned and kept his focus on the tugging and Migo's emotions.

I promise.

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