Help from unlikely Family

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Percy let out a long drawn out groan.

"What's wrong with you?" The yeti tasked with watching him, Thorp, asked.

"Well," Percy said standing up. "For starters, I am freezing, I've been in this cage for at least a few hours. Not to mention your grammar is horrendous!"

Thorp shrugged. "Sorry, still don't know what your saying little dude."

Percy's eye twitched. For the past few hours Thorp had addressed Percy only as "little dude" and it was starting to get to Percy.

"Clearly, no one taught you proper grammar." Percy crossed his arms over his chest. "Who in their right mind addresses anyone with 'Little dude.'" Percy said mocking Thorp's tone and voice.

Thorp suddenly stood at attention. Percy looked out to where Thorp was facing, when Thorp seemed to relax.

"Oh, Gong Ringer. You startled me." Thorp said.

Gong Ringer? Percy thought.

"Forgive me, Thorp. But I come looking for my son." A voice said from the other side of the room. The voice sounded wise, and strong.

"Sorry Gong Ringer. I don't know where Migo is." Thorp said.

This Gone Ringer is Migo's dad! Percy thought surprised.

"Where is his soulmate?" The Gong Ringer asked.

Percy gulped. What if this yeti knew Migo and I were to be separated? What if he didn't like that I showed up here with Migo?

"Oh," Thorp turned to the ice cage. "The Smallfoot is in here."

Thorp tapped the ice cage with some kind of staff. This caused the cage to sway knocking Percy off his feet.

Percy growled in frustration.

"Do you not know how to treat a living creature?" He yelled at Thorp.

The Gong Ringer spoke. "May I speak with him?"

Percy stopped. Is he going to speak with Migo? Percy gulped again. Or me?

Thorp turned back to the other yeti. "Sorry Gong Ringer. The Stonekeeper is speaking with Migo at the moment."

"I wasn't asking to speak with my son, Thorp." Gong Ringer said.

Percy was quick to sit against one of the walls. Please don't try to hurt me. Was all Percy could think.

Thorp was taken aback by what the Gong Ringer said.

"Well, the Smallfoot isn't much for conversation. All you'll get is a bunch of gibberish." Thorp said.

"I'm aware, I just want to check something." The other yeti said.

"Well, I guess it would be okay." Thorp then lifted the lid off of the cage.

Percy barely had time to react before he was picked up and dropped onto the stone floor, in front of the Gong Ringer.

Percy quickly looked up at the yeti Thorp had been addressing as Gong Ringer.

Dorgle looked down at the Smallfoot. He seems scared, and he's shivering.

Dorgle looked to Thorp. "He seems cold."

He said.

"Yeah I guess, the little dude really doesn't do ice, does he?" Thorp laughed.

Percy's eye twitched again. If I wasn't so terrified, I'd give him a piece of my mind! He thought.

The Gong Ringer then turned his attention to Percy.

"Is it true?" Dorgle asked.

Percy looked up at the Gong Ringer. He looked almost exactly like Migo, only shorter and had a mustache.

"W-what?" Percy stuttered. Percy didn't expect the yeti to answer.

"Can I see the soul bond bracelet?" The yeti asked.

Percy took a deep breath and held up his left arm.

The yeti's eyes lit up with joy. He smiled.

The yeti then looked into Percy's eyes. "Thank you." He whispered.

"Huh?" Percy tilted his head in confusion.

"Alright, Gong Ringer. I need to put him back." Thorp said.

The Gong Ringer then scooped Percy up and made a run for it.

"Hey!" Thorp yelled. Only to be intercepted by another yeti.

"Meechee!" Thorp said surprised.

"Run, Dorgle. I'll handle Thorp." She called back.

Meanwhile Percy was panicking.

"What are you doing?!" He yelled up to the yeti. "Where are you taking me?!"

"Dorgle" suddenly turned and went down a different hallway.

"Sorry, but I had to be sure." Dorgle said as he came to a door.

"I had to be sure that you really were his soulmate."

Dorgle looked back toward the way he had come from.

"Go through this door. It will tell you the journey Migo took to find you." Dorgle looked back to Percy. "And it will tell you how to find him now."

Dorgle quickly opened the door and nudged Percy inside.

"Wait-but!" Percy tried to protest.

"Good luck." Dorgle said as he shut the door.

Percy was once again engulfed in darkness.

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