Proof from the Outside

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The four yetis walked to the village. Once they got to the entrance of the village, Migo stopped while they others went forward.

"Migo?" Percy asked. "You okay?"

Migo shook his head and smiled at Percy.

"Yeah, just a little nervous." Migo admitted.

Percy chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm here for you."

Percy hugged Migo as best he could.

Migo smiled. "Thanks, Percy."

Migo placed his hand on Percy's back to hug Percy as well.

There it is again. Percy thought. A purr in Migo's voice when he said my name.

Kolka had walked back over to Migo and Percy.

"Are you coming?" She asked.

Once they had finished their hug, Migo and Percy turned to her.

"Yeah," Migo said. "We're ready."

Kolka smiled.

Migo entered the village and walked toward the Stonekeeper's sanctuary.

Yetis around the village began to murmur about Migo being back.

One yeti Percy heard asked. "What is that on his shoulder?"

Percy became self conscious but tried to ignore it.

He marveled in the incredible complex civilization the yetis had.

The many yetis began to follow the group.

Once they all had made it to the front of the Stonekeeper's sanctuary, the group stopped.

The Stonekeeper stood in front of the sanctuary.

"Migo..." He sighed. "I thought you would follow tradition and not return to the village."

"I have come to follow tradition of the Soul Bond ceremony." Migo said standing his ground.

However, Percy could feel the fear Migo hid behind his bravery.

Percy kept quiet as the village erupted in questions.

"What does he mean follow tradition of the Soul Bond ceremony?"

"He was kicked out because he couldn't find his soulmate, he shouldn't be back."

"What is that sitting on his shoulder?"

The last sentence must have caught the attention of the Stonekeeper because he immediately looked at Percy. Percy in response quickly looked to the ground.

"What is that?" He asked Migo, pointing toward Percy.

Migo glanced at Percy, then back to the Stonekeeper.

"This is Percy. He's my soulmate." Migo said with confidence.

This caused the village to start yelling surprised statements.


"How can this be?"

"What even is it?"

"It's not a yeti."

The Stonekeeper called for everyone to calm down. He then turned back to Migo.

"Migo, I know you felt betrayed when you had to leave. But making up stories to come back to the village, isn't the way to go about this." The Stonekeeper said.

He said it in a sweet tone, but Percy could detect the venom in his sweetened words. This yeti wasn't happy that Migo was back, let alone with Percy on his shoulder.

"I'm not making up stories." Migo said. "I can prove it."

Migo looked to Percy. "Go ahead and show them, Percy." He said with a smile.

"But, Migo they can't understand me. I can't tell them we're soulmates." Percy said.

"You don't have to say it to them." Migo smiled. "You just have to show them the bracelet. Only soulmates can wear the bracelets."

"Oh." Percy said. He raised his left wrist toward the Stonekeeper, showing the deep blue rope bracelet entwined with crystals.

Once everyone had seen the bracelet, they all gasped.

The yetis turned to the Stonekeeper.

"Stonekeeper, it has to be true. The bracelets don't adjust for non soulmates." One yeti said.

"And it's a Smallfoot!" Another yelled.

The village went into a crazed murmur of "holy wowness" and "Oh my"s.

Percy was surprised at how all the yetis were suddenly intrigued by his presence there.

The Stonekeeper slammed his staff to the ground, effectively silencing the village.

"Smallfoot don't exist." He said.

Surprising everyone, and Migo, Percy spoke up.
"Yes, we do!" He said. "Just because you've never seen a 'Smallfoot', doesn't mean we don't exist!"

The Stonekeeper raised an eyebrow at Migo and chuckled. "How are you even able to communicate with it. They don't speak very well."

This caused Percy to huff. Migo saw this and explained. "I seem to be the only one that can understand him."

One yeti spoke up. "Can the Smallfoot understand us?"

Percy noticed the Stonekeeper seemed to be slightly angered by the yeti's question.

"He can." Migo answered.

Stonekeeper chuckled. "How can you be so sure?"

Migo was about to speak when Percy poked him.

"What is it Percy?" He asked.

"Could you set me down? Please." Percy replied.

"Are you sure?"

Percy nodded.

"Ok." Migo said. He raised his hand to where Percy could get onto it.

Once Percy had gotten onto Migo's palm, Migo lowered him to the ground.

After Percy got off of Migo's hand, he turned to the Stonekeeper.

"Migo, you'll have to translate, okay?" He said.

Migo nodded.

"Stonekeeper, my name is Percy Patterson. I know you may not believe Migo but it is true, I can understand you."

Migo translated.

The Stonekeeper looked at Percy. "If you can in fact understand me. Then tell me, why have you traveled all this way when you could have gone back to your own life?"

Percy was a little surprised, but answered as best he could. "I've traveled all this way in order to help Migo. I can't go back to my village until I've kept my word in helping Migo be welcomed back into his village."

Migo told this to the Stonekeeper. The Stonekeeper looked from Percy to Migo and back again.

"How do I know your not just making up what it says, Migo?" The Stonekeeper.

Percy fumed at this statement. He turned to Migo.

"Tell him that I refuse to let him say things like that about you!"

"Percy, it's fine." Migo said quietly.

One yeti piped up. "What if he is telling the truth, Stonekeeper?"

Percy looked out to the village of yetis. They have never seen something like me before. He thought. They must have questions.

Just then Percy got an idea.

He turned to Migo. "Tell them to ask me questions."

Migo looked at Percy. "What?"

"The other yetis, tell them to ask me questions."

"But they won't understand you when you answer." Migo protested.

"You can translate." Percy said. After he felt Migo's unease, Percy clarified.

"Your village has never seen a Smallfoot right?"

Migo nodded.

"So, have them ask me a question. And I can answer it." Percy beamed.

Migo thought about it. "Well, it's worth a shot." He muttered.

"Everyone," Migo started. "Percy wants to prove he can understand you. He wants to answer questions from you guys."

The Stonekeeper, again, didn't seem pleased.

A yeti piped up from the back. "Why is it pink?"

Percy was taken aback by this question.

He looked down at himself. He was wearing a red coat with black strips on each arm, black pants with red strips down the sides. He then figured perhaps he could have been a bit cold. Which would make his cheeks a pinkish color, according to something Brenda had told him once.

"Well, I guess I'm 'pink' because I may be cold. I don't have fur so, when people like me get cold our bodies try to warm up by causing our cheeks to turn red, or in this case pink. This is usually caused by the blood rushing to our cheeks in order to warm our bodies." Percy explained.

Migo looked at Percy in shock.

The village waited expectantly for Migo to translate what the Smallfoot had said.

Percy looked at Migo. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

Migo shook his head. "No, you didn't. I'm just a little suprised."

Percy chuckled.

"What did he say?" A yeti from the crowd asked.

Migo looked back at the crowd. He translated the answer to the yeti's question.

The yetis seemed convinced that the Smallfoot can indeed understand them.

After the yetis seemed to believe Migo and Percy, the next few hours were spent having fun and answering the yetis questions.

The Stonekeeper walked toward Thorp, his son. This will take some planning. He thought.

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