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Aaround four in the afternoon Elizabeth got a text from Klaus. How did he get her number? She had no idea. But it said,

Hello love, it's Klaus, Finn said to wear a dress you can dance in. 1950s style to be exact. (My idea but he agreed) He can't figure out to use a phone so that's why I'm texting you.

Elizabeth read the text to Caroline. Caroline smiled at her friend and said, "I have the perfect outfit." hurrying over to Elizabeth's closet she grabs out Elizabeth's pink swing dance dress she got for her birthday a few months ago as well as a white cardigan and white heels. "Put wear and let me do your hair and makeup once it's on." Caroline says and puts it in the brunettes arms and pushes her lightly towards the bathroom.

Elizabeth puts the outfit on and walks out of the bathroom. Caroline grins at her friend. "Beautiful. Now sit down and let me do you hair and makeup." Caroline demands.

"Very demanding aren't you." Elizabeth states.

"You wouldn't want me any other way." Caroline says and straightens Elizabeth's hair and does light makeup. "All set, and you look beautiful." Caroline says making Elizabeth look into the mirror.

Grinning at herself in the mirror, Elizabeth says, "I look like a brunette Sandy from Grease. I love it!" She turns and hugs Caroline.

They doorbell rings and Caroline opens the door. "Did I get the right house?" Finn's voice asks from the doorway.

"Yes you did, and nice jacket." Caroline says and Elizabeth walks down the stairs.

Finns sees her and grins, "You look amazing."

"And you look like Danny Zucko from Grease." Elizabeth says and Finn gives her a confused look. "He's a character in a movie." She explains.

"Ready?" Finn asks.

"Yep!" Elizabeth tells him and they walk to the car after Elizabeth gives Caroline a hug and thanks her for her help.

"Have fun," Caroline says to her friend. "you have better tell me all about it!"

Finn smiles down at his soulmate as they walk to her car. "So we're are we going?" Elizabeth asks

"There is a nineteen fifties style diner called Pops Diner. It's about a fifteen minute drive there. Niklaus said it had good food and there is a dance there at eight." Finn tells her.

"I need to quick put in the name of the diner in my phone for directions." Elizabeth says and quick types in Pops Diner.

Driving there they talk and listen to music on Elizabeth's playlist. Most of it classic rock and Grease. As Grease is her favorite movie and classic rock is her favorite genre.

Once at the restaurant Finn opens the car door for her as well as the door to the restaurant. Elizabeth smiles widely as they look around the place. It was an exact replica of a 1950's diner, her type of place. "Was this a good choice?" Finn asks her as they sit down

"It's perfect." Elizabeth says and smiles at the vampire sitting across from her. They order their food, Finn decided on trying a burger for the first time in his thousand years of life. Even though he was in the coffin for nine hundred years.

Finn saw her smile at him and promised himself that he would always try to make her smile. "What is it?" Elizabeth asks him seeing him smile at her.

"I am trying to figure out how I got so lucky to have you n my life." Finn tells her honestly. Elizabeth blushes and looks down at her lap. "Eliza, don't hide that beautiful blush." Elizabeth looks up to see him looking at her with a smile on his face.

"What did I do to get to have such a wonderful man in my life?" Elizabeth asks. Finn smiles at her and is about to say something when their food is placed in front of them. He looks at it confused about how to eat it. Elizabeth giggles slightly and says, "Watch me, I'll show you how you eat a burger." She says and shows him

Finn picks up the burger and takes a bite. "That is so good." He says after he swallowed the first bite. Elizabeth laughs and agrees with him.

They talk and laugh for a bit over an hour when they see the people around them get up to dance as music starts to play. Finn stands up taking Elizabeth's hand and they begin to dance, Elizabeth teaching him slightly. It took a few minutes and he got it.

"Your getting the hang of it!" Elizabeth says, smiling up at him. She hasn't stopped smiling since they got here. He twirls her around making her laugh. They dance to Elizabeth's favorite song, Jailhouse Rock by Elvis Presley. Elizabeth sang along making Finn smile as he watches her dance and sing, in absolute awe of the beautiful woman dancing with him.

The song finishes and another Elvis Presley song played, much slower than the first, it was I Can't Help Falling in Love .

Elizabeth and Finn slow danced to it, Elizabeth's arms where around his neck as they swayed to the music. She rested her head on his chest and Finn kissed to the top of her head. The song ended but neither wanted to let go. People started to leave so Finn and Elizabeth did as well. Hand i hand they walked out of the restaurant to her car.

As Elizabeth drive back the listened to You're The One That I Want from Grease. Elizabeth sang along to Sandy's part, Finn joined in on Danny's. They listened to it on the way there as well so he was able to sing some of the lyrics. The song ended as they made it to her driveway and they burst out laughing.

"I had a lot of fun tonight." Elizabeth told him as he walked her to her door.

"I did too." Finn says. They both lean in and their lips touch. The kiss was short yet sweet. "My siblings really want to meet you." He says resting his forehead on hers.

"Then I'll stop by tomorrow." Elizabeth says and kisses him once more.

"I'll see you then." Finn tells her and kisses her softly one more. Matt opens the door to see Finn and Elizabeth kissing.

"Well isn't this a surprise." Matt says smirking at his blushing older sister.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Finn says.

"See you then." Elizabeth replied and Finn left. Turning to her brother she gives him an annoyed look. "Really Matty? You had to do that?"

"Well yeah. I'm your brother, I am supposed to annoy you." Matt says and Elizabeth walks inside.

"Goodnight Matt." Elizabeth says and walks up the stairs a huge smile on her face.

A/N: the pic at the top is Elizabeth and Finn's outfits.

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