Morning Talks

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The next morning Elizabeth awoke with a smile. She had a great night sleep and had dreampt about her soulmate, Finn.

"Hey Liz, how'd you sleep?" Matt asks his older sister as she walks into the kitchen a small smile on her face as she pored some coffee into her favorite mug

"Fantastic." Elizabeth said then added, "I have a date today so I need to tell Caroline so she can help me get ready."

She grabs her phone that was sitting next to her coffee cup and was about to call Caroline when Matt asks, "Is it with the original vampire you danced with all last night?"

"Yes it is." Elizabeth says then tells her younger brother looking at him pleadingly, "Please don't join the fight between our friends against the Mikaelsons. I can't take another heartbreak."

Matt pulls her into a hug and promises,. "I promise won't join the fight. If your happy with Finn, that is what matters most to me. I haven't seen you look that happy in years. I won't destroy that for you. Liz, you deserve happiness more than anyone I know. You put others happiness first always. It's time for yours to be put first."

Tears well up in her eyes, "Thank you Matty. Your the best younger brother anyone could hope for." Elizabeth says and pulls out of the hug smiling at him, "Now, I gotta tell Caroline and ask for her fashion expertise."

Matt just smiles at his sister as she walks up the stairs grinning as she talked to her best friend.


At the Mikaelsons house Finn had gotten up just to get bombarded by his younger sisters question about Elizabeth. "Rebekah, stop with the questions. I'll tell you all you need to know."

"So, you are going on a date tonight?" Elijah asks his eldest brother, which in turn gained all if his siblings attention.

"Yes Elijah, I am going on a date tonight." Finn tells him.

"What are you planning?" Rebekah asks.

Finn sighs, "I don't exactly know. Going out for dinner somewhere is my idea."

Rebekah smiles at her oldest brother, "I'll help you Finn." She says, making Elijah, Kol and even a reluctant Klaus all agree to help their brother because they all felt bad for leaving in him in a coffin for nine hundred years with a dagger in his heart.

"Thank you." Finn tells them, truly meaning it.

"You deserve happiness Finn. We are truly sorry for what we did to you." Elijah says with a sad smile.

Finn couldn't help but look at the floor, tears in his eyes. He hated his family for so long and now he feels terrible. "Are you alright Finn?" Kol asks.

"I hated you all for so long," Finn says looking up at his younger siblings a few tears falling down his cheeks, "and now, I dont feel hatred anymore. Only regret for hating you all."

Klaus is the first to step forward, "You have every right to hate us for leaving you in that coffin for so long. I wish now that I let you all go instead of leaving you in those coffins. It was my greed for power and control that I left you all in there. I am truly sorry to all of you."

They all look at each, shocked at what Klaus had just said. Kol then grins while saying, "We haven't all been in one room for centuries without arguing for that long. I'm impressed."

Finn then realized as he looked at his family, maybe we aren't abominations after all. Maybe we where just broken.

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