Extra: Jealousy

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(Credit goes to all the authors out there, and sorry if i didn't ask you for those pics. They're just so gorgeous.)

Poor Izuku and Denki, they don't know what they've got themselves into.

Story style:

"A-are you sure this is ok? I mean K-Kacchan and Kirishima-kun..."

"C'mon, Midoriya, don't you wanna know?" Denki whined.

"I-i mean, a bit, but-"

"Oh shit, here they come, act natural!" Denki whisper-yelled, quickly slinging his arm around the greenette's shoulders. At the same time, Eijirou and Katsuki walked into the room with their normal outfits.

"So... that technique of yours... looks really cool~. Laugh harder!" Denki laughed, sweating at Eijirou's gaze on his back.

"O-oh! Ahahaha..! You think so?" Izuku faked, gulping when he felt Kacchan glaring.

"Yeah, honest! With all that training, you must be great with your legs... I mean, your legs must be great! Wanna show me sometime? Your technique, i mean..." Denki punched himself mentally. He's so dead.

"Sure, i can show you anytime, Kaminari-kun.. I've gotten pretty good at using them." Izuku tried to laugh normally. Keyword: tried.

"Hot." Kaminari shivered at the intensoty of the others' gazes. They heard footsteps approaching them.

'Now come! Show us your envy!'

'Will this really work?'




It worked.

"Uwaa! W-wait! Kacchan no! I'm sorry!!" Izuku yelled as the blonde dragged him over the couch. Eijirou pulled on a paled Denki's shirt and sunk his sharp teeth between his shoulder and neck.

"Y'know, i was worried about whether or not i was being too clingy 'cause i really like you..." Eijirou said, a bit ticked off, and glared at Denki, who's face darken. "... But now i see that i really do need to remind you of who exactly is yours."

With Izuku, he's being dragged by his shirt, courtesy of Katsuki. The blonde's face is full of pure rage and malice.

"C'mon, Deku. How 'bout you show off those nice legs to me instead? Bet you'll look good in ANY position." The blonde smirked, blood veins all over his face. Izuku shivered, hoping for way to escape the blonde's wrath, but none came.

After that day, Denki and Izuku swore to never ever do that again. Because they don't want to lose the ability to walk.


Another Extra:

One day, Denki goes to school limping. Everyone was worried, but he just shrugged it off, and glared at a certain redhead who's whistling innocently.

That evening, they went to the beach. Denki sat back, saying he would kill everything with his quirk. And so they left him alone. Unfortunately, one certain piece of shit is short enough to see the part behind the blonde's neck.

"Kaminari, what the fuck?! I thought we were bros!" The grape shit yelled once he saw the blonde's bruised neck full of bite marks. Male bite marks actually, but no one needed to know.

"You traitor!" Piece of shit cried, shaking the blonde's shirt.

"I'm sorry, bro." Denki shed a tear. But what he doesn't need to know know, is that the blonde's back is covered in them.

(btw, piece of shit is ugly af, even his arts are low quality, and even the cutscenes pixelated him :v)

This book is dead, people. It's the end. I'm dead. ( X_X)

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