Chapter 19

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"That's it. That's enough."

Taehyung growled. You jumped, visibly shrinking in your seat as you heard his footsteps approach you with a fast pace. You innerly screamed as you felt two large pair of hands lift you off of the couch to stand. You never looked up, shaking in fear as you kept your eyes glued onto the tiled floor.

"Y/N," he spoke again, holding onto your shoulder with a secured grip, shaking you slightly to urge you to look up.

"Tae.. you're scar-" Jin softly spoke up, also quite surprised at Taehyung's serious tone and body language. He never got to complete his sentence as Taehyung cut in with a thundering voice, "Look at me!" He yelled in frustration.

You gulped, unable to move but you somehow managed to shake your head, too scared to voice your response. You did manage to blurt out a shakey sentence to the man in front of you, "t-tae I-I'm Sorry, pl-please calm-" he cut in, "Stop Apologising!" He barked.

"Y/N," Namjoon calmly spoke, as he watched you shut your eyes in fear. "Just, look up." He commanded, not bothering about Taehyung's furious frustration at you. The others understood as they felt the same frustration build in them. Except, they composed themselves slightly better.

But what did you say wrong?

You swallowed another gulp, holding onto every ounce of courage that was still present in you and opened your eyes, lifting your head ever so lightly to look at the men in the living room, including the one in front of you. Your eyes widen and you lost your breath at the sight. The pure sadness in their eyes only seem to increase as you unconsciously whimpered. A hint of anger at the surface of their faces. "W-what-" you tried to speak but stopped as a lump of emotions built up in your throat. You wanted to apologise again but quickly disregarded the idea. You also wanted to scream, cry, break something, shout and even curse at yourself out loud for making the boys sad.

"You really need to stop blaming yourself for the things you never even did!" Jimin softly spoke, voice increasing in volume till he was yelling out the last few words, later taking deep breaths to calm himself down. "You do realise that you being fated to be with all of us was never your fault right?" Namjoon questioned as he crossed his arms. You slightly nodded, "I know.., but-" you tried to debate but Yoongi cut in, "you are not going to argue over this." He frowned, realising that you were about to oppose.

Taehyung's eyes glimmered, "stop degrading yourself.. please...I don't.., I don't like it.. at all," he pleaded with the most heartbreaking sadness voiced from him, you were quick to gasp as you realised that the boy was at the brink of tears. Because of you. "Oh my god, Taehyung I'm so- s-so... I'm.." You didn't know whether you should apologise. Your mind fought with itself. "I... p-please dont cry.. I didn't mean- I never.." you too, teared up a little. The sight was so.. so sorrowful.

You wanted to apologise.. but he clearly told you not to.. you were starting to get frustrated at the lack of response you were giving. You gently pushed off his hands from your shoulders and...

Well... you slapped yourself repeatedly.

"Y/N!! What the fuck?! Stop- hey, stop!" Hoseok and Jungkook quickly rushed to grab you as you continued to hit yourself, repeating how you were an 'idiot', that you were 'stupid'.

"Let go! I don't deserve you guys! I swear to god, I'm just making you all more miserable everyday! I cant handle the fact that's it's all because of me!" you yelled, tears already drifting down your soft cheeks. You didn't know what to feel; you felt sad, frustrated, guilty.. but the most overpowering was anger.. no.., You were furious. Furious at yourself.

Hoseok and Jungkook were quick to pin your hands to your sides while their other hands held you in place, making you sit on the couch. "YAH! Are you hearing yourself?!" Jin yelled, panic and worry clear in his voice. "You're not making anyone miserable! You hear me? No one!" He continued, placing one of his hands just above your bent knees, as he kneeled in front of you. The other boys already surrounding you. "We all adore you Y/N! Who ever said anything about being miserable? We're just upset that you think of yourself so lowly," Namjoon took in, trying his best to make his words reach deep into you. Yoongi held in slightly, "we can never be miserable around you.." his voice slightly cracking at the end. Soon, he excused himself and rushed into his room.

-With Yoongi-

As he rushed towards his room, he quickly locked the door shut and placed himself at the edge of the bed. He frantically wiped at his eyes that seemed to water with emotions. He couldn't understand why you thought that way towards yourself and hated that he couldn't comfort you the right way right then.

He knew. He understood that feeling of being worthless, a burden. The feeling that makes you believe that you cause all the mishaps, that you are to blame. Even so, with such similar experiences that he went through, he didn't know how to comfort you. It frustrated him and he began to feel helpless. That same feeling of being useless rushing over him. He hated it.

"Ugh," he groaned lowly, standing up, "Im not useless."

A rush of determination rose over him.

-back over to you-

"Yeah, we really care about you!" Jimin quickly added. Taehyung sighed. "You don't make any of us miserable.. heck, it's quite the very opposite. But.. I feel that we are the ones that are making you unhappy, Y/N." He stated sadly, earning an instant and clear 'NO!' From you, "I could never be happier without you guys! I mean it! Ever since I met you all, My life has done nothing but light up!" You yelled desperately, absolutely despising how you made Taehyung view your impression on the gentlemen. "I can never be sad! I-I'm just angry at myself for causing you all so much sadness," You continued with sniffles here and there. "I cant bare the thought of hurting you guys when all you've all ever done is make m-me.. happy.. cared f-for me..." you finally broke down. Sobbing, now letting out 'sorry's in between your cries. "I'm sorry! *hic* I'm r-really really *hic* sorry!" You cried.

Jungkook soon teared up at the sight of you and proceeded to hug you into comfort, rocking you back and forth as he let you cry onto his shoulder. He didn't care about his shirt staining in your tears. He wanted- no needed to comfort you. "Please don't cry... I'll cry too.." he admitted, already feeling his throat clog with emotions.

You clinched onto the comfort he gifted you from his embrace, letting all of your sorrow out. The others stayed beside, and around you. Yoongi then quickly entered the living room, pushing away Jungkook from you and taking you into his embrace instead, softly shushing you and offering you the similar treatment Jungkook gave you by rocking you back and forth. He patted your back and held your head close to the crook of his neck, cringing slightly at the wet tears that made contact with his skin. He began to murmur sweet words softly and your breathing slowly calmed down. Jungkook didn't argue, although he did go around and hugged you from behind, completely engulfing you with warmth and comfort.

Jin rubbed small circles with his thumb on your thighs, right above you knee while Jimin held onto one of your hands, while giving small and short pecks at the back of your hand every now and then. This continued until you were completely silent. Yoongi slowly attempted to pull away from you but you silently asked for him to stay like this, instantly making him bring you back into his embrace. He never questioned your little request.


"Y/N..?" Taehyung softly asked, watching as you slowly spun your head to face towards the source. He almost lost his mind when he saw your blood shot, red and puffy eyes and stuffed pink nose that sniffed slightly at times. You hummed, slightly offering a small smile to assure him that you're fine, knowing you looked like a mess. He smiled back softly, "Please don't take my yelling to heart.. I was just frustrated.." he admitted, cringing noticeably as he recalled scaring you by shouting. You shook your head, "I understand, don't worry. I long forgave you."

Hoseok made his way into your eye view with a smile. He giggled as he noticed your situation. You tilt your head in confusion, lifting off of yoongi's embrace... But you couldn't move.

You observed your surroundings as you realised that Jin had fallen asleep with his head rested on your lap. Jimin situated behind Yoongi with your hand interlocked in his. You turned your head to look behind and heard soft snores by your ear. You narrowed your eyes to find Jungkook asleep as he spooned you while Yoongi fell asleep during the embrace he offered you after your little request. You reddened as you couldn't move a centimetre, worried that you'd wake one of them up.

Namjoon watched with a content smile as he saw Taehyung position himself to lay his head on your lap, slightly closer to your tummy and close his eyes. You softly whined at the man who just drifted to sleep, now completely trapping you. He chuckled and made his way to sit across from you, raising a brow at your call for help. "I cant move!" You whispered, earning a giggle from the sunshine and the dimpled man.

"Seem's like you're staying with us for a while~" Hoseok let out in sing-song tone. Although your position was so comfy and warm, you were wide awake and well aware of the breathing on your neck from the giant bunny behind you. To make matters for you more Flustering, Taehyung faced your way (towards your stomach) as he slept, also breathing onto you, giving you occasional shivers. Yoongi had securely wrapped both of his hands around you while Jimin absently brought your hand closer to his face. Again, breathing onto your hand so in conclusion, you weren't going to sleep anytime soon. Jin's hand too, shifted on your knees occasionally, making you shudder at the gentle actions.

Your other hand was trapped between your body and the couch so you were unable to move it at all. You yelped in surprise as you felt Jungkook's head shift onto your shoulders, his soft lips pressed onto your skin and his breathing more prominent and warm at the spot. You squirmed slightly in your place, eager for help.

You gasped as you watched Namjoon and Hoseok hold their phone cameras to view you and the boys surrounding you. Your expression showed utter betrayal and you couldn't help but huff at their choice of action. "Once I'm out of this, you two wait," you warned.

"First, lets see when you get out" Namjoon smirked in amusement, followed by a chuckling hobi, "I'm curious how your gonna get out of this one." He smiled.

You let out a fake laugh, "I will get out!" You whisper-yelled, not wanting to wake them up. Eventually letting out a giggle too, imagining their point of view at your situation, finding it ridiculous.

"There's that laugh we all love," Hoseok grinned.


Who ever is reading this weird ass book, BLESS YOU 🤧

Love you guys sO MUCH🥺❤️


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