Chapter 20

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As you silently waited for at least one of the five boys to wake up, you eventually gave up. You figured that none of them were going to wake up any time soon, considering how they haven't woken up at the sound of evil snickers and giggles that Namjoon and Hoseok let out. They went on with their own stuff while you sat at the couch, engulfed in the warmth of sleeping men. The two passing by you, towards the kitchen occasionally to fill their stomachs with light snacks, feeding you bits when heading back from wherever they came from. Your eyes had begun to close as it started to weigh down in exhaustion due to the hours of keeping yourself awake.

You battled with yourself as you put every ounce of your energy left in you, to keep your eyes from closing. Although it was a fairly simple task that you put apon yourself, even that little mission exhausted you more and you eventually joined in the slumber with the, already sleeping boys.


As you slept soundly for the passing hour, Jin had finally awoken from his dreamland. He fluttered his eyes slightly, furrowing his brows as he scanned his surroundings. 'Why am I in the living room?' He asked himself. Even more surprised to find himself on the floor, 'how did I manage to sleep like this?' His eyes widen in confusion.

As he looked up, he nearly jumped at your sleeping form, surrounded by some of his sleeping brothers. "What in the world happened..?" He whispered aloud to himself, lifting himself off of the floor and slightly flustered when he realised he used your lap as his pillow.

'Ah, that's how I managed to sleep..' he concluded, slightly laughing at how shamelessly he admitted that he was very much comfortable on your lap, finding your skin smooth and soft under his touch. Soon, he looked around in curiosity, wondering where Namjoon and Hoseok were— 'And why didn't those two idiots wake me up?!' He huffed, proceeding towards their shared bedroom. "Yah! Hobi and joonie!" He exclaimed, opening their bedroom door slightly roughly while entering.

The two males in the room jumped in surprise at the sudden intrusion from Jin. Well, Hoseok managed to jump a bit more that the dimpled man, causing his body to collide with the hard and cold, tiled floor. But that didn't matter as Jin stood at the door frame bemused.

"How long have I been asleep?" He asked, crossing his arms and unconsciously letting out an aura that screamed 'authority'. The two younger males swallowed a gulp, eyeing each other desperately to request that they speak up first. "Uh," Namjoon started hesitantly, "about... 3 hours?" He stated in slight question, watching as the eldest only raised a brow, causing him to sigh in defeat, "alright.., 4 hours and 45 minutes,".

Jin sighed, "Dissapointed But.." he eyed the two, letting a tiny grin to appear onto his features, "I'm not surprised." He admitted, laughing later as he walked away while the other two men whined in annoyance, saying; "Hyung! Why do you keep scaring us like that?!" Or even "Damnit, that serious face always gets me!".

Jin headed back to the living room, where the rest slept soundly. He wondered how you managed to fall asleep in such a situation, imagining himself in your place as a women. He brushed of the thought as soon as it appeared, not wanting to imagine himself in such a situation, slightly causing himself to barely blush. 'I wouldn't even blink,' he thought absently.


As time passed, he eventually began to cook dinner for everyone, occasionally waiting at the dining area for some of his dishes to finish cooking, taking glances at you and the other four men that still lay sleeping on and around the couch, surrounding you.

Soon enough, while waiting once more, he heard mumbles and shifting on the couch. Figuring that one of the boys were waking up, he made his way towards one of the other couches they had and sat patiently with a smug look. "Good evening, my child." He grinned, watching as Jimin reacted similarly as the eldest as he looked around in confusion. "what the- WAH!" He yelled in surprise, nearly falling off and onto the floor as he jumped. Jin only innerly face palmed himself, sighing as the mochi unintentionally woke the others... except you and Yoongi.

"Good going, jiminie." He applaud as he watched the others visibly fluster over their postions... except Taehyung. He smiled cheekily as he recalled placing himself onto your lap, only surprised that he fell asleep when he originally didn't intend to. As the woken men made their way opposite to you and Yoongi, they remained quiet while eyeing the two of you. Watching with glaring intensity later on once Jimin let go of your hand. Your hand absently made its way around yoongi's slim waist, making you now cuddle him back.

Although they didn't like to admit it, they wished they were in place of the man you were cuddling. Soon, huffing as they watched you nuzzle your face and burry it into his chest with a small content sigh in the end. "Ah, why did I wake up..." Jungkook whines softly, earning understanding chuckles from his hyungs. "God, I'm jealous." Taehyung admitted, crossing his arms over his chest in a pout.

Jin shook his head, "You all slept quite a bit," he said, patting the makne line one by one as he stood and walked back into the kitchen to continue to cook his dish.


You were still asleep, cuddling Yoongi who also slept along with you. While the two of you were passed out into dreamland though, the other boys debated on who would wake the two of you up. A little loud admittedly.

"Not me!" Jimin states first, raising his hands in the air as a sign to say that 'I'm out'. "Me neither, goodbye and good luck to whoever is 'it'." Jungkook stated, rushing off to his shared room (with Jimin). The Hyung line frowned at the younger men as they shut their bedroom door closed behind them.

Jin raised brow, "You two know I'm the cook here, so I'm not waking those sleepy heads." He stated in a matter of factly, earning whines from Namjoon and Hoseok. "Which gives me an idea.." he smirked, having the younger ones to frown in suspicion, "he's planning something fishy... I don't like it.." Hoseok whispered to Namjoon, "Yeah, no kidding, his weird smile gave it away," he nodded.

"YAH!" Jin frowned in offence, hearing them judge his 'worldwide handsome' smile.. or rather, smirk. "You know what? Both of you work together and wake Y/N and Yoongi." He decided, heading off to the kitchen to gather plates to place on the dining table.

Namjoon groaned, "we screwed up." He stated, receiving a not-so sunshiny response in agreement. The two approached you and your cuddling buddy reluncantly, fearing for the worst as you two unconsciously joined to form an incredibly grumpy pair.

Thinking back, they recall you cursing at them in angered frustration while Yoongi only blinks and curses at them, but knowing you were in his soft spot and the common feelings you two share when woken up, he may or may not snap. The worst part was, they only heard you being loud and grumpy..

what would you do in person?


Oh man, lemme just warm y'all. Quite the action happens. Hehe~

Love you💕

~ bonnehh_

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