Chapter 22

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"Shit." You cursed under your breath.

"Okay, I'm sorry I taught you guys a lesson -I didn't know it would make you guys actually angry and-" you started reasoning, slowly turning around but stopped yourself from speaking. They were all lined up side by side, right infront of the entrance of the kitchen, blocking your escape route. You instantly shut your mouth closed as you saw their eyes were turned shades darker and they all held an evil and smug smirk.

"If you're looking for kitchen tools, dear then forget it. I store them all the way to the highest cupboard, far away from your reach." Jin stated with a low chuckle in the end. You gulped, backing away from the tall men a little, raising your hands up half way into the air in surrender. "W-we don't have to revenge all of this out, haha... let's talk?" You innocently asked, hoping they would- or at least one would comply with your little suggestion.

"Oh, we'll talk, don't worry little Y/N." Namjoon smirked. You helplessly eyed the seven men in front of you, instinctively looking down to the floor to avoid eye contact but...

Your eyes stopped moving down and eyed all seven of their pants. They all had a bulge and the kitchen light didn't help at all. The littlest of curves casted a shadow. And sure enough, you could see everything. You absolutely hated the timing. Why? You found it hilarious and...

Well..., you burst out laughing.

"PFFT- HAHAHAHAHA! Oh my god- I'm sorry! HAHAHAHA! At least try to cover it up!" You spoke in between your laughter, tears already forming at the corner of your eyes. You turned away from them to contain yourself but the image appeared in your head and you, once again, bust into more fits of laughter.

The boys blushed slightly in embarrassment, using one hand to cover up the middle part of their pants. "That's it." One of them spoke finally, while you nearly calmed down from your little tantrum.

You soon let out a shriek as you felt two pairs of strong arms grip onto both of your arms - each. You spun your head to look at the owner of these huge hands. To your surprise, it turned out to be Hoseok and Jungkook. "W-wait! You can't just team up! Six against one?! That's unfair!" You yelled desperately. You tried moving out of their grip but to your dismay, their grip only tightened, a touch of gentleness still present in their tight grip, to which you were silently thankful for.

"Make that seven, Kitten. You put this upon yourself.. you should've thought about your actions," Yoongi purred, causing you to frown bluntly at the pale man. "I didn't even touch you." You stated, "you're supposed to be on my side!" You whined, squirming under the grip you were kept in. "Sorry to disappoint you kitten but nevertheless, you still caused me some trouble with your little show." He smirked.

Taehyung licked on his lips, walking towards you with a smug smirk, "I liked your choice of actions, but you started something and I believe you should finish it Y/N," you huffed, "there's a reason why I chose not to deal with it though.." You interjected, then you proceeded to state your intentions, "I don't like being woken up with loud noises, so it really puts me on my bad side... kinda. I thought leaving you guys to deal with yourselves would teach you all to wake me up in a better and more peaceful way... seems like I chose the wrong route.." you explained, looking for any reaction by the men, "and.. it won't happen again?" you questioningly continued but the others only eyed you, their smirks turning wider after every word that left your mouth.

"Yeah, you took that route and now you face the consequences, Y/N-ie~" Jungkook sang. You gulped, 'okay, I can get out of this.. I hope,' you thought, biting on your lip unconsciously as you thought of an escape route. Then an idea popped in your head.

You let your body weigh you down, putting every ounce of your mass to the ground, causing the two of your capturers to slightly struggle at the sudden weight you put onto their hands. To all the hope that you thought had been 'Thanosed', your hand slipped from Hoseok's grip. "Wh-" Hoseok let out but was cut off by you, "you'll never take me alive!" You yelled, pulling your arms out of Jungkook's grip and instantly taking your escape route into action, letting a smile of freedom to plaster onto your face.

You then jumped over from the counter and rolled your body over to land on the dining table that situated right beside the kitchen counter, "woah," you absently let out as you nearly rolled your way onto the floor from the table top. "What are you doing, Y/N?!" Jimin laughed, taking off to get to you and stop your ridiculousness from destroying their house before it's too late. "I'm escaping!" You exclaimed, grabbing a dining chair and using it as your shield as you crossed your way towards the main exit. "See you nev- WAH!" You yelped as soon as you felt arms snake around your waist and lift you off of the ground, and over their shoulder. "NOOO" You whined, kicking your feet like a child as you tried to escape their grip again.

"Y/N, stop struggling," Taehyung giggled, casually making his way back into the living room to the six waiting boys. You groaned, going limp on the tall man's shoulder and letting him carry you over his shoulder. "I got her, hehe," tae happily chimed, with a content and proud smile. You pouted as you couldn't see anything other than his thick butt... you didn't mind, though.

"Good job, Taehyung!" Hoseok smiled, making his way to the two of you. "Have mercy, and lemme go..." you whined lowly, sighing as you noticed that Taehyung kept you secured over his shoulder, concluding that you'd be staying like that for a while longer. "Taeeee, put me down!" You whined more, wiggling in your place stubbornly.

"No." He said, "don't make me drop you, princess." He warned, indirectly telling you to stop moving. You did comply.. but began wiggling once more. "Are you trying to make me throw up on your back?" You asked, noticing how the man tensed slightly for a fraction of a second but loosened up right after, pulling you off of his shoulder. You gasped as you felt a new pair of arms push you onto the living room couch, only to realise that the men surrounded you when you looked up from your seat. They were looking down at your form as they stood, hovering over you, casting a shadow on you.

"Uh..." you trailed, feeling self-conscious as seven pair of eyes stared at you. "How do you plan to make us let you go?" Namjoon asked in amusement, seeing as your hands began to shift over your body cautiously. He grabbed onto your wrists and pinning them over your head, earning a surprised gasp from you, "I-I'll uh- um, I c-could cook you guys a-a dish?" You stuttered, feeling overly exposed as your hands couldn't cover your self-conscious body. Jin raised a brow, "Sure, what else?" He asked, already liking the idea of eating food that you cooked.. it's not enough though. "M-more?" You asked, sighing after when everyone nodded. Then you suddenly recalled, "oh yeah, I brought all of us chocolate before.. I-I don't know where the packet is now," you shrugged, "oh that? Cool, we'll eat that too," Yoongi smirked.

You groaned, "you're all so mean," Namjoon finally let go of your wrist, "don't make those noises, Y/N." He lowly moaned out, causing a deadly shiver to run down your spine, "you made us all needy, and the small noises you let out don't help us one bit. Don't groan like that." Jungkook hungrily growled. (A/N: idk why I'm making this so weirdly kinky lmao) "uhm.., okay," you replied back, awkwardly.

Honestly, you started to regret ever turning the men on as a punishment for ruining your peaceful sleep. You thought that they'd be more careful but instead, you recieved needy and hungry hot men, coming after your life to take revenge. You heavily sighed, rubbing on your temples, now ignoring the fact that your seven soulmates were being thirsty, "you all can literally just.." you hesitated, "just.. finish it off on your own, and then problem solved; no more neediness," you tried to persuade. "Plus, just a heads up," you informed in advance, 'don't say it..'

"I'm a pure virgin." You stated, giggling as you watched some boys back away with blushing faces.


"And when I say 'pure', I mean pure. I haven't even had my first ki-" You said, receiving instant 'okay!'s from the boys out of embarrassment. "Y-you think you're g-going to..?-" Jin suddenly stammered, losing his dominating side in an instant but you swiftly cut in, "lose my virginity? Yeah, eventually." You shrugged, hiding your actual emotions. You were absolutely screaming on the inside, yelling and screaming about your phrase, 'WHY WOULD I SAY THAT TO THEM IN THE FUCKING FACE-' you scolded yourself. "God.. I've gotten too comfortable with you guys..." you mumbled out loud to yourself as you facepalmed in embarrassment, using your hair to cover your red and flustered face.

"Just forget I ever said that, please." You pleaded, taking back your words to save your dignity, and possibly, your virginity.

"So... who do you think will be your first?"


I suck at ending chapters istg lmao
So okay, maybe this chapter is a bit too weird for your liking.. and maybe even boring but I'm currently blank and keep typing and I need to stop but I cant, okay maybe I can but I'm not- ANYWho, just wanna ask...

Who u want Y/N's first .... to be? ;3

Love you guys 😂💜

~ bonnehh_

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