Chapter 23

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"So... who do you think will be your first?" Hoseok innocently asked.

Yet instantly receiving a slap at the back of his head by Yoongi, "Yah, what kind of question is that?!" He frowned slightly, his cheeks a light shade of pink. "What did I- oh.. oH, OH MY GOD, I AM SO SORRY!" He realised, immediately apologising repeatedly. "Ah, Hyung~ I cant believe you~" Jimin teased, snickering in the end as the elder shot glares at him.

"I-It's okay," you assured, still a bit flustered at the question, "well.. there is no harm in opening up," you inquired, earning soft gasps from the few men. "You have someone in mind?" Taehyung questioned, his eyes widening ever so slightly. You shyly nodded and pointedly eyed at the pale man unconsciously.

The eyed man's eyes grew in size, "w-why are you looking at me like that?" He stuttered, beginning to feel shy. 'Does she want me to be her first?' He thought absently.

"HHHHHUH" Hoseok gasped loudly, "YOU WANNA DO SEX WITH YOONGI?" He yelled out in question.

"WHAT- I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING! I-I mean, it's not like I don't want to but I never really admitted that out loud- ok I just did, didnt I?" Your voice lowered at the end, "you're uncomfortable with that aren't you? Don't worry, I was just saying-" You sighed at Yoongi softly, who in return shook his head denyingly, "I'm just surprised you chose me out of the rest - I mean, I feel you're more close to them than me so I guessed you'd choose Jungkook or even Hobi." He explained with soft voice, a pink tint growing at his cheeks.

"Well, you have your answer now, I guess.." you mumbled, blushing from embarrassment.

But were you really ready to lose your virginity just yet?

The room was silent. None knew how to break it as it consumed the air. It was so quiet that you could make out everyone's breathing patterns. You looked over at every individual one by one to make out any sign of expression on their thoughts, but the remained unreadable.

However unexpectedly, you watched as Yoongi whispered out a message to his brothers individually. Not to you. You grew anxious at this, thinking that you were about to face rejection from your very own soulmate.

"Rejection from what?" you might ask.

It may seem silly for many people, but when you revealed who you wanted to connect to in an intimate way was one of the most surprising words you spilled not only to you, but clearly, for them as well. Now? You very much believed they were sharing their secretive thoughts to one another about it since none shared those with you.

Breaking from your thoughts you heard Namjoon call out your name, grabbing your attention, "y-yeah?" You replied unsurely, "We respect your decision. But we know you're not ready." He simply put. "So we've concluded a.. way we can all be intimate with you. Not only with Yoongi." Jin added softly.

'What?' You were confused, "what do you mean?" You asked.

This brought a sheepish smile to display on the men, "Well, we all want to be able to share a moment with you. Yet, even if you refuse to admit, we know you're not ready to lose your virginity." Yoongi explained. "Plus, these guys will not even spare the two of us a time alone with their jealousy skyrocketing." He deadpanned, eyeing pointedly at the boys.

You blushed a bright crimson, "was it- you guys- I- are you guys saying that you know a way to share such intimacy at the s-same time?" You stuttered out.

The boys simply nodded, "w-without me losing my.." You trailed in disbelief, once again receiving nods.


"Why do I smell burning?" Taehyung suddenly piped in, sniffing the air to make sure he wasn't wrong. You tilt your head in confusion, "I don't smell anythi- iieeeEEEEK, SMOKE!" You yelled, rushing to the kitchen to see what was indeed burning. The others right behind your tail. You noticed that a pan on the stove contained meat. It was burnt completely, now fuming heat for being overly cooked. You quickly rushed to turn the stove off before grabbing the handle of the pan and throwing the burnt meat into the bin. You sighed in relief, glad that nothing caught on fire.

"Oh my god, my main dish!" Jin exclaimed, fussing over the ruined dinner. "I should have been more careful.. I'll make something else..." Jin sighed guiltily. You frowned, "Hey, you're not at fault. Things like these happen." You assured, patting the elder's shoulder soothingly. He smiled, nodding slightly.

(A/N: lets just pretend the bOnEr part is solved.... idk when, you decide lmao- OH WAIT I GOT AN IDEA HAHA)

"How about I cook?" You offered, smiling as the seven men looked at you with hopeful eyes, "Really? But I can't just make you cook for all of us.., you're the guest here too," Jin hesitated, "I'll help-" you cut him off, "no, you're going to relax and wait with the others, jinnie." You declined. You pushed the men out of the kitchen, "oh and, go help yourselves while you're at it!" You snickered, quickly enclosing the entrance of the kitchen and thought over what to cook them as a good dish with whatever ingredients you found. You did hear muffled yells, "YAH!" And figured that they forgot about their little friends, 'pfft, how can they forget?' You giggled to yourself.

Once you searched for your needed ingredients for your recipe, you nodded as you thought of the most experienced dish that you've cooked.

"Perfect." You smiled, pulling out Jin's pink apron and wearing it before starting with the recipe.


"Alright boys, dinner's ready!" You beamed as you placed the dish and the side dishes onto the dining table.

"Yes! I'm starving!"


"Can't wait to taste your cooking, Y/N!"

"It smells so good!"

"Wahh, I'm sure Y/N's cooking is delicious!"


"Wow, this smells amazing!"

(A/N: you can choose who you want to speak which line in the above dialogues :))

"I hope it's okay," you smiled nervously, watching as everyone took their seats around the table. You stood at the head of the table, patiently waiting for them to try your dish. You made them a huge batch of  bulgogi. "This looks so good!" Namjoon smiled, followed by others who instantly agreed.

"Y/N in an apron looks good," Yoongi let out. You choked on air from the sudden remark. "U-uh thank you," you shyly replied with a small smile.

'At least they're not thirsty anymore.' You sighed in relief. Of course, discreetly. You don't plan to remind them either, why would you anyway? (A/N: I mean if y'all thirsty..)

"Yeah, Y/N, you'd make a great wife!" Hoseok beamed.

You still wonder how you're alive.

"Ah! Just eat already!" You frantically waved your hands in the air. "Aw, she's blushing!" Taehyung cooed, adding a shade more on to your already bright pink cheeks. "Guys, let her breathe," Jin chuckled, "now onto the food!" He exclaimed, immediately going for the bulgogi. You fidgeted with your fingers in anticipation and nervousness. 'This is the first dish that I've cooked for them.. I hope they like it,' you thought.

Everyone else around the table too, chose to go for your dish as well, increasing your level of nervousness.

Soon enough, they all chewed onto it, faces unreadable. This lasted for longer than you had expected. 'Oh no, they don't like it' you panicked, some furrowed their brows as they took their sweet time to taste every bit of their bite. Then you sighed, "Is it not-" Jungkook stood up, shutting you instantly as you froze. His eyes were opened wide and his eyebrows were raised in shock, then you noticed Jin shuffle slightly on his seat.

What is happening. Did you accidentally poison them? Was it that bad?

Your eyes switched to look at Hoseok, who stuffed another bite into his mouth swiftly, your eyes widen as he started to choke. 'Oh, god... I am a murderer.' You absently thought. "Oh my god, hobi, are you okay?! What am I saying- you're choking!" You rushed towards his side and poured him a glass of water. He swiftly took the glass from your hand and chugged the liquid down. "Oh my god," he let out as he breathed.

'I think I'll stick to being a waitress and never think of becoming a chef ever again.' You sighed as you patted the man's back.

Jungkook was still standing on the other end of the table with his head held low, he hasn't spoken a word. You glanced at the others and noticed Jimin let out a heavy breath after swallowing. Was he holding his breath while eating?

"Is it really b-" once again, you were cut of by Jungkook. Only this time, he literally took a head first towards you suddenly, earning a yelp of surprise as he tightly wrapped you into his embrace.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP, SHE IS GIFTED WITH HANDS MADE FROM HEAVEN!" He yelled, shooting his big doe eyes to glare in the direction of his hyungs in a silent message; 'who dares to disagree?' and not letting go of you. He blocked your view but that didn't matter, he had spun you so your back faced the table so you couldn't make out anyone's reaction except to depend on your hearing.

"J-Jungkook? Why would you say that?" You questioned, 'heaven?' you repeated in your mind curiously, instinctively eyeing your hands.

"Do you not know how your own cooking taste like?" Yoongi asked, smiling a little sweetly as he tilt his head, but you couldn't see it.

Damnit makne.

He slowly let go of you and spun you in place to face the others. You were so confused. "Wait, I don't get it; Is it bad or is it good?" You asked.

Jin smiled, "it's heavenly," glancing at Jungkook who smiled back at his remark with a nod. You let out a big sigh, "oh, thank god! I thought I created my own poison by accident." You admitted sheepishly but paused and looked at Hoseok And Jimin, "But then why did you choke Hoseokie?" You questioned, earning a sheepish grin from the sunshine, "Ah, it was so good; I didn't want my mouth empty once I swallowed so I instantly stuffed more bulgogi in and accidentally choked." He laughed. The others laughed too, along with you in realisation, "ohhhh," you let out.

"It was so good, that I nearly forgot to breathe actually," Jimin let out with a giggle, "who knew bulgogi could taste so amazing?" He added. You let out a shy smile and thanked the boys for the compliment as the others also added their positive feed backs. (A/N: btw, I've never tried bulgogi or any Korean food for that matter, so please understand the lack of description I've put on the food -.-;;)

"You need to tell me how you cooked this so well, I need your guidance miss chef!" Jin exclaimed dramatically, causing more laughter to erupt around the table. You nodded, "of course, but I personally like your cooking more, Jin." You giggled. "Wow, that's like- a huge compliment for Hyung, coming from you." Taehyung states as he watched the eldest's eyes widen in shock.

"R-really?!" He chimed happily, smiling widely as you nodded instantly.


"Ah, the best meal I've tasted in years!" Namjoon smiled, patting on his stomach in satisfaction. "I know right! Y/N, you should become a chef- or better.. our personal chef!" Jimin exclaimed, earning a laugh from you. "Sure, sure. Now gimme my money," you smiled, extending your hand towards him jokingly. "Here you go Madame~" Jimin literally took his wallet out and you instantly retracted your hand, "I was joking!" You let out, earning a fit of laughters from the other men.

As the laughter died down though, you noticed Yoongi whisper something towards Jin who raised his brows mischievously. You grew anxious as you watched the boys do a little Chinese whisper around. "W-what?" You questioned, wanting to involve yourself in the gossip.

(A/N: spill da tea boiiiiii...s)

They all stood up and lined themselves up in front of you, causing you to feel undeniably short for the nth time as they tower over you with mischief present on the their features.

"Did you think we forgot about your little game?" Yoongi smirked.

Oh, shi to the t.


❗️❌Mature stuff next chapter! You've been warned in advance!❌❗️🔞
Enjoy your day/night
Love you guys💜

~ bonnehh_

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