Chapter 27

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Before you read this, the following pictures in this chapter are credited and belong ENTIRELY to ME. Credits are rightfully MINE.

you may proceed :)

Your journey was filled with silence. People of very little number passed by you. Lights flickered over the street and the night was slightly misty.

You were glad you finished Eunji's shift a little earlier than the given time and couldn't be anymore thankful for your sweet boss. 'I wonder if the boys are asleep..' your mind unconsciously thought of them as you looked around your surroundings. It was rather peaceful and you had no complaints. You heard crickets and your echoing footsteps as you moved-

Wait... echoing footsteps?

You looked behind and over your shoulder to see the source. Sure enough, a shady man walked a couple of feet away from you. 'How long has he been behind me?' You thought. He had a hoody over his head as well as a black mask that covered his face when light peeled through the hood. You became cautious and took a turn, speeding your walk. The footsteps increased in speed as well, the man behind your tail.

"Shit," you cursed under your breath in alert. A stalker. Your breathing quickened in panic. You've never been followed before so this was all new and you didn't know what to do.

'Just keep going, Y/N.. he can't know where you live.' You reminded yourself and soon passed by your apartment.


Jimin blankly sat on the couch with Hoseok beside him. All the boys stayed awake to wait for your return but it was already past midnight and you haven't announced your presence. Yoongi was fighting hard to keep himself awake while Jin helped the younger boys with some late night snacks.

Hoseok suddenly shivered in discomfort, "I think something's wrong..." he spoke up uneasily, catching the attention of the others as they gathered themselves around the living room. "I feel uneasy... wasn't she supposed to return by now?" Jungkook asked in concern, earning nods from the others, Yoongi slightly more awake now. Taehyung let out, "I have goosebumps...".

"I feel the same way, maybe it's a sign that Y/N might be in trouble? We're soulmates after all, it isn't normal for all of us to suddenly feel weird." Namjoon logically thought out, growing more worried as he spoke each word. Yoongi shuddered, now wide awake, "Y/N's in trouble," he stated, almost sounding sure, causing the boys to widen their eyes.

Ring ring!

Jin jumped slightly and pulled out his phone, freezing once he checked the caller ID. "What? Who is it?" Jimin asked desperately, watching as Jin looked at the boys with an utterly concerned face, "Y/N," he answered before picking up the call and putting it on speaker—-

"JIN! Thank god! Th-there's someone following me, I don't know what to do," you whisper-yelled from the other side.

"WHAT?!" Jungkook yelled in disbelief, "am-am I on speaker? Guys, please, someone come and get me.. I passed the apartment and I'm heading to th- FUCK!" You yelled in the end, "Y/N? Y/N?! What's wrong? What's going on?" Namjoon spoke up instantly, "I'm running! Shit I'm not fast enough, he's catching up to me! HELP!" You yelled, your breathing louder and more fast as you tried to speak as you ran. (A/N: oh myyYy, of course mr. stalker is catching up— y'all, cliché stuff helps with drama. Change my mind, I dare u)

Yoongi snatched the phone from Jin and sternly instructed, "Y/N, listen carefully. This guy now knows that you are aware of his stalking. Please, please, try and turn back towards home, we're all on our way." He finished.

"Crash! *You yell*—-" the call ends at that and the boys are left to sprint out in both fear and anger. "Fuck! We should've picked her up from there!" Jimin cursed as the boys took the stairs. The elevator was taking too long to reach and they couldn't afford to lose a second.


"Let go of me, creep!" You yelled as the unknown stalker grabbed onto your hand. Your phone had slipped out of your grip and crashed onto the rough ground beneath you. "Don't worry cutie, you're a lucky one to be chulmin's chosen girl," you gasped in shock, 'That Guy from the restaurant!' You recognised.

You furrowed your brows in frustration, "No," you refused instantly and took a move from one of your self defence; you stomped onto one of his foot with your heel and fortunately, the man let go of your arms to help ease his now, throbbing foot, "FUCK! You bitch!" The man cursed loudly. You took a run towards your apartment, your phone now useless to you as its broken to pieces from the impact of the fall.

Just as you neared a turn, a rough yet firm grip pulled you into an ally that situated right before the turn. You screamed at this, the man had caught up to you way too fast. You spun your head to look at the man- except this one was not him. A friend or companion perhaps? "Caught ya' bitch." He smirked. Your eyes widen in fear and your body fell frozen. 'What's are you doing?! Fight against this guy!' You screamed at yourself, still half limp in the man's grip.

You were aggressively dragged deeper into the ally that finished at a dead end, the previous man that you stomped on had reappeared. This time, with the intention to hurt you was clear with the furious expression that he held. "Let go of me!" You yelled, regaining the control of your frozen body and now wiggling in an attempt to free yourself.

You were ready to pull another one of your self-defence; hitting the guy where the sun doesn't shine.

Swiftly pulling your leg back for higher force, you shot your knee ahead. Surely he'd be caught off guard.


The man had reflexively spun you and pinned you towards the wall, back towards him. "Nice try. You may know karate, but I know taekwondo and Judo. You're defenceless," he smirked, locking your hands behind your back as he pressed you against the wall.

(A/N: the drawing is rushed, I would have made it better but I personally feel that imagining the entire story without the aid of a picture is more fun)

'Help, someone..' you felt helpless, frustrated. You neared your eyes to look ahead of the man to find the another of his 'leader' kind of man make his way towards you along with the first man you stomped on. You were panicking immensely. 'More?!'

'Shout. Now. Shout!!' You yelled at yourself innerly. Taking in a breath, you opened your mouth.

"HELP!!! HELP SOM-" you were quickly cut off by a hard slap. Your eyes teared up; It was so painful. It reminded you bits of your past and it scared you more. "SHUT UP!" The man snarled.

But you didn't let a slap stop you, "HELP- MMFH!" Your mouth was covered by the man, he muffled your yells for help. You struggled at his strong grip and cried painfully as he pulled at your locked hands with his other hand. By now you were trembling terribly. (A/N: I mean I could make her bite his hand but that's not fun (*''*))

"Let go of her, you bastards!" A familiar voice growled. You eyes widen and relief washed over you. Looking around desperately, you caught no sign of Yoongi. You grew worried that you began to hear things out of fear.

"The fuck- YAH!" The first man yelled. "HEY WHAT ARE-" the other man shouted. You couldn't make out what was happening beyond your eye vision as you faced the wall, but you clearly heard a very unsettling snap.. of a bone?

You shivered, your mouth was still shut by the first man's friend and you knew you couldn't get out of his strong grip.

You shut your eyes closed as you heard the most pain filled and blood-squirming scream followed by the snap. You were left to gasp soon after, when you were pulled away from the wall and held right behind a sharp pocket knife, "Don't come any close to me, or- or I'll kill her!" The man threatened, he kept your mouth shut as well as kept your hands locked behind your back.

Who is he talking to-—

"MMF!" You tried to yell but your cries for help were kept muffled. You haven't realised till now that tears were falling continuously down your cheeks, the little presence of wind on your face cooled your wet cheeks, giving you the confirmation of your tears sliding down your face.

You saw Yoongi, Jimin and Taehyung.

They all held expressions of absolute furiousness and a hint of relief. You noticed that the anger was held towards the man that kept a threat to your life. Even so, you couldn't help but feel scared of their dark eyes and powerful stance. You could imagine a terrifyingly dark aura surrounding them too.

"Don't make me repeat my words."


Oopsie daisies I'll end this chapter here huehue

Something new huh? I added piCtuRes! But! Please know, that I've only put it up for this specific chapter as I believe some scenes need better explanation that i can't give... (the Yoongi, chim And Tae part was at first just for fun but I added details... so like, sure! Why not?)

Please vote for my chapters if you've enjoyed reading this story as much as I've enjoyed writing them! It'll help motivate me further to regularly update!

Maybe double the update 👀

Love you guys!💕💕

~ bonnehh_

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