Chapter 28

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"Don't make me repeat my words." Yoongi snarled lowly, his face crunched into a furious frown.

You whimpered audibly as you felt the knife touch your skin ever so slightly, but not enough to slice through your skin. But where were the others? Did they split up to find you? Your eyes scanned the area but you couldn't find a glimpse of the others in the dark ally.

You flinched suddenly after when the man began to shake you back and forth roughly as he yelled, "What are you fuckers standing there for?! Get lost!" Jimin raised a brow bemusedly.

"Hand her over to us, and just maybe we'll consider." He gritted through his clenched jaw, subtly taking a step forwards. "Fuck off!" The man yelled, pulling you along with him as he backed up slightly towards the wall. 'pussy.'

'Okay, Y/N. Stop being ridiculously weak. You need to help yourself too,' you scolded yourself. (A/N: new album y'all, 'help yourself' ^~^) You looked over at Taehyung who stood to yoongi's right, noticing how he cautiously eyed the pocket knife next to your throat. You patiently waited till he looked up to make eye contact with you.

As if he felt your eyes gazing onto him, he looked at you and his eyes slightly widen in realisation when he noticed the look you gave him. He mouthed a 'what are you doing?' With an alerted stance.

(A/N: he doesn't look like Tae at all but plz pretend it's him lmao)

You stood still for a minute before lifting your foot, noticing how Taehyung's eyes grew wider. He shook his head disapprovingly at your course of action, watching as your leg instantly smashed back down.

Onto the man's foot. Heels are your secret weapon.

"AHG! FUCKNG BITCH!" The man yelled in pain, dropping his knife onto the floor as he went to help ease his throbbing foot. You shook your hands violently in an attempt to get rid of his grip that refused to free you, despite the pain that occurred on his foot. "Y/N!" Jimin yelled, immediately charging towards you to help as the knife was no longer threatening your life since it's fallen. All too slow to reach to you, the man instantly pinned you onto the cold ground, the knife on the floor right under your reach but your hands remained locked behind your back.

He swiftly snatched the pocket knife back into his grasp and pointed the tip right over your upper back, slightly below your neck. Jimin instantly froze on his step. The man laughed lowly at your figure and the three boys. "You bastards are going to die," he smirked. Your eyes widen in realisation and you instantly yelled, "You're out numbered! He has a whole gang of 5 g-Ugh!" You revealed but the man pulled at your hair, causing you to cry in pain, "FUCKING SHUT UP!"

Taehyung's jaw clenched, as well as his fist. His eyes visibly turned shades darker and his stance hinted that he was ready to kill. He let out a low growl.

That bastard had some nerves to hurt you under their eye vision.

Jimin clicked his fingers and you felt a gush of wind behind you, followed by a shout of surprise by the man that had pinned you. Your hands were free and the knife long fallen beside your head. You were quick to pull yourself up and spin around just in time to find Jungkook throwing a hard punch across the man's face, easily knocking him out cold. You could even make out bits of red that erupted due to the hit's impact.

(A/N: ohmygawwddd I put more effort on this one :D PS, I don't need to draw JK's face to show it's him :>)

You used the support of a wall to stand up but oddly, your legs gave out underneath your weight and you fell right back down. "H-Help," You stuttered, desperately. Jimin was quick to rush beside you, pulling you into his protective arms, causing a sigh of relief to fall out of your lips. You noticed him examining you up and down for injuries but thankfully, you were only bruised on the wrists of your hands.

Or so you thought.

You looked as one of his hands came closer towards your face, his thumb lightly grazing over the corner of your bottom lip, but he instantly pulled away when a hiss left your lips. You didn't even realise your lips were busted, 'probably because of the slap..' you absently thought but gave the concerned mochi a reassuring smile, "I'm fine, now.". He sighed, not believing you even a little.


You flinched at the sudden sound while Jimin brought you closer towards his body to shield you. You looked over him and noticed the guy's gang. your eyes widen, 'how many dudes are there in total?!'

"Which one of you bastards knocked out our... mate?" A buff guy spoke casually, a gun hanging loosely from his hands as he twirled it around playfully.

"Jimin..." you called for him in a soft whisper, earning his full attention, "yes? What is it? Are you okay?" He bombarded you with questions with a low volume. You softly shook your head before asking the one question that lingered in your head, "where are the others?" You asked in concern. He shook his head, dismissing your unanswered question, looking at the 5 new men that showed their presence. You cautiously followed his direction of view, instantly catching a glimpse of moving shadows that popped up over the shadow of the ally's wall and your eyes soon flew wide.

There they were. The remaining boys. They stood over the tall wall, their gaze fixated on the new comers. 'How did they..?'

Yoongi blankly eyed the gang, "he wouldn't be knocked out, if he wasn't a weak wimp."


You'd laugh out loud if it wasn't for the dangerous situation you believe you caused upon yourself, as well as your boys. You frowned slightly at the thought but quickly brushed the thought to the back of your mind, 'there are more severe things to think about,' you reminded yourself.

You watched intently as Yoongi lifted his right hand up in the air and clicked his fingers, causing you to instantly spin your head towards the boys on the wall who took the sound as a sign to charge. You recognised Namjoon's tall and lean figure swiftly move through the air and knocking one of the gang members from behind, catching the other men off guard as they spun around to the source before also being knocked down by Jin and Hoseok.

One one of them remained standing. Though, this one was the buff guy with a pistol. He seemed calmer than you'd expect before you gasped as he swiftly directed his gun towards Hoseok who sneakily made his way to catch the guy.

Hoseok stopped in his track with a blank, yet alert face, freezing in place. "Make one move, and your friend is dead."

(A/N: again, doesn't look like JHS but pls pretend it's him ;-;)

Your jaw clenched as you felt uneasy.

'How dare he?'

You may be unarmed and inexperienced with a man and a gun, but you won't stand still and helplessly watch one of your soulmates under the direction of a gun.

"Stop." You spoke, causing Jimin to look at you with wide eyes, "what do you think you're doing?!" He whisper-yelled. You looked at him for a fraction of a second before continuing,

"Why are you doing this?" You dared to ask, furrowing your brows as you received a small chuckle from the man, "why? Darling, you aren't like others." He smirked. Your eyes widen, "H-how?".

"I'm taking an obvious guess that these imbeciles are your soulmates,". You squinted your eyes disapprovingly, 'they aren't imbeciles.' You remained silent, "isn't that right?" He continued with a small tilt of the head, expression turning blank.

No response.

"Isn't, That right?" You flinched slightly as he raised his voice. 'You don't scare me.' You thought to yourself and pulled away from Jimin's protection, "Y/N-" he tried to call but you just gave him a side glance before making your way towards the buff man cautiously. "What do you plan to do?" You asked.

This guy oddly, ticked you off a lot. It may just be your soulmate instincts or what not, but you knew you couldn't stand still and watch your sunshine's life being threatened right under your nose. Even worse, all because of you. Who are these guys anyway? How do they know about you? Is he the same guy with that drunkard at the restaurant? Or did he disguise himself to play a part of their gang? One things for sure...

Few more steps...

He ignited a raging fire within you and you now felt abnormally armed. You don't have anything with you, yes.. but you sure felt you had everything in you that wasn't scared of him.

"Little girl, i'll shoot your guy," he warned as you continued to approach him. Hoseok hardened his gaze at the man.

He had the audacity to threaten one of your most precious people you've met over the fact that he wanted to do something with you. Why bring their lives under his threat? Because they are your soulmates? That's the excuse?

"Will You, now?" You questioned nonchalantly. "I will." He snarled.

One more step...

He doesn't know what he brought out of you.

You stopped walking and stood right under his stare, about 2 feet away.

"Well, you didnt."


Huehue you ain't weak ma dudes and y'all Finna know that the next chapterrrr, I'd take suggestions from y'all but the fact that I love writing this story I made, kinda gets me carried away and with a lot of ideas to help continue it for a long time. I write quite a few chapters in advance and that's one problem hehe.. no regrets though~

Love you💙💜 MWAH

~ bonnehh_

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